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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Straits, in the Years 1850 and 1851, performed by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under the command of Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing Crews of HM Ships Ereb-us and Terror, With Charts and Illustrations. "
Catalogue of the library - Σελίδα 410
των Edinburgh phil. inst - 1857
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Nautical Magazine: A Journal of Papers on Subjects Connected ..., Τόμος 21

1852 - 732 σελίδες
...and ex• 1. "Journal of a voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Straits in 1850-51, performed by HM S. Lady Franklin and Sophia, under the command of Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing crews of HM8. Erebus and Terror," By Peter C. Sutherland, MD, MHCSE, surgeon to the expedition. 2 vols. Longman's....

A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia ...

1856 - 1156 σελίδες
...voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow Straits in 1850 — 1851, by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under command of Mr. William Penny in search of the missing crews of H. M. ships Erebus and Terror. By Peter C. Sutherland, MD 2 vols. With maps and plates. London, 1852. , 7001, D. The flag ship ; or...

The Publishers' Circular and General Record of British and Foreign ..., Τόμος 15

1852 - 556 σελίδες
...SUTHERLAND (VC)— Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Straits, in the Years liOO and 1851, performed by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under...Penny, in Search of the missing Crews of HM Ships ErfbusanA Terror: with a Narrative of Sledge Excursions on the Ice of Wellington Channel; and Observations...

Egypt's Place in Universal History: An Historical Investigation in ..., Τόμος 1

Christian Karl Josias Freiherr von Bunsen - 1848 - 848 σελίδες
...Sutherland's Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Straits, in the Tears 1850 and 1851, performed by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under...missing Crews of HM Ships Erebus and Terror. With Charts and Illustrations. 2 vols. post 8vo. price 27s. Tate.— On the Strength of Materials; Containing...

Serapeum: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekwissenschaft ..., Τόμος 13

Robert Naumann - 1852 - 584 σελίδες
...Sutherland (PC) — Journal of a Voyage in Baflin's Bay and Barrow's Straits, in the Years 1850 and 1851 performed by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under...Penny, in Search of the missing Crews of HM Ships Frebus and Terror: with a Narrative of Sledge Excursions on the Ice of Wellington Channel ; and Observations...

The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist

1852 - 524 σελίδες
...a drawing-room * Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow Straits, in the Years 1850— 1851, performed by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under...Mr. William Penny, in search of the Missing Crews of Her Majesty's Ships Erebus and Terror: with a Narrative of Sledge Excursions on the Ice of Wellington...

Littell's Living Age, Τόμος 35

1852 - 654 σελίδες
...Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Straits in the Years 1850-51, performed by 11. M.'s Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under the command...William Penny, in Search of the Missing Crews of HM 's Ships Erebus and Terror; with a Narrative of Sledge Excursions on the Ice nf Wellington Channel...

New Monthly Magazine, and Universal Register, Τόμος 96

1852 - 390 σελίδες
...* Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow Straits, in the Years 1850 — 1851, performed.by HM Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under the Command...Mr. William Penny, in search of the Missing Crews of Her Majesty's Ships Erebus and Terror: with a Narrative of Sledge Excursions on the Ice of Wellington...

Eclectic Magazine: Foreign Literature, Τόμος 27

John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell, Henry T. Steele - 1852 - 610 σελίδες
...larger scale, than those by which his book is accompanied." Journal of a Voyage in the years 1850-1851, under the command of Mr. William Penny, in search...of the Missing Crews of HM Ships Erebus and Terror. By Peter 0. Sutherland, MD, Surgeon to the Expedition, Longman and Co. " Of the four expeditions,"...

Essays from the London Times: A Collection of Personal and ..., Τόμος 2

Samuel Phillips - 1852 - 268 σελίδες
...I. Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow" s Straits in 1850-51, performed by Her Majesty's ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under the command...Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing crews of Her Majesty's ships Erebus and Terror. By Peter C. Sutherland, MD, MRCSE, surgeon to the expedition....

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