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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Life of Andrew Melville. Containing Illustrations of the Ecclesiastical and Literary History of Scotland in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Crown 8vo, 6s. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. "
Catalogue of the library - Σελίδα 169
των Edinburgh phil. inst - 1857
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Port Folio

1819 - 550 σελίδες
...of the Expedition to Algiers. Mr. Thomas M'Crie, DD is engaged on a Life of Andrew Melville; conning illustrations of the ecclesiastical and literary history...the latter part of the sixteenth and beginning of seventeenth century. Mr. James Hackett, first lieutenant of irtillery brigade, is preparing a Narrative...

Blackwood's Magazine, Τόμος 6

1820 - 774 σελίδες
...Visit to Scotland. The Third Edition. With a Postscript Addresssed to ST Coleridge, Esq. £l : 11 : 6. Life of Andrew Melville. Containing Illustrations...latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century. With an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers; by Thomas M'Crie, DD Minister...

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Τόμος 3

1818 - 762 σελίδες
...Versification. EDINBURGH. We are happy to inform our readers, that Dr M'Crie has in the press " The Life of Andrew Melville, containing Illustrations...and Literary History of Scotland, during the latter pan of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century ; with an Appendix, consisting of Original...

The Edinburgh Monthly Review, Τόμος 3

1820 - 774 σελίδες
...Education and Nursery Discipline...., 154 IV. Ivanhoe ; a Romance. By " the Author of \Vaverley" 163 V. The Life of Andrew Melville, containing Illustrations...latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century ; with an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By THOMAS M-CiiiE, DD Minister...

Observations Introductory to a Work on English Etymology

John Thomson (M. A. S.) - 1818 - 80 σελίδες
...Negotiations with the Dey. Published by permission, and ornamented with a Portrait, and other Plates. 8vo. THE LIFE of ANDREW MELVILLE ; containing Illustrations...latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century. With an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By THOMAS M'CaiE, DD, Minister...

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Τόμος 3

1818 - 806 σελίδες
...Versification. EDINBURGH. We are happy to inform our readers, that Dr M'Crie has in the press " The Life of Andrew Melville, containing Illustrations...latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century ; with an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers." 2 vols 8vo. This work may be...

Narrative of the Expedition which Sailed from England in 1817, to Join the ...

James Hackett - 1818 - 172 σελίδες
...GEORGE CHALMERS, FRSSA Illustrated with ten Plates of Medals, Portraits, and Views. In 2 vols. 4to. the LIFE of ANDREW MELVILLE; containing Illustrations...latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century. With an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By THOMAS M'C'RiE, DD, Minister...

A Chronological History of Voyages Into the Arctic Regions: Undertaken ...

Sir John Barrow - 1818 - 454 σελίδες
...In2vols.4to. HISTORY of the late WAR in SPAIN and PORTUGAL. By ROBERT SOUTHEY, Esq., 3 vols. 4to. THE LIFE of ANDREW MELVILLE; containing Illustrations...latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century. With an Appendix, consisting of Original Papers. By THOMAS 51'CniE, DD, Minister...

The Gentleman's Magazine, Τόμος 88,Μέρος 2;Τόμος 124

1818 - 732 σελίδες
...WF.ST, Esq. PRA By R. SATCHWELL. Accompanied with biographical and historical Sketches. Imperial 4to. Life of ANDREW MELVILLE ; containing illustrations...latter part of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century. By THOMAS M'CKIE, Minister of the Gospel, Edinburgh. Letters from the North of...

Political and Literary Anecdotes of His Own Times

William King - 1818 - 284 σελίδες
...Critical Essay. By WILLIAM GIFFORD, Esq., uniformly with MASSINGER and BEN JONSON. 6 vols. 8vo. THE LIFE of ANDREW MELVILLE; containing Illustrations...the Ecclesiastical and Literary History of Scotland, daring the latter part of the Sixteenth and beginning of the Seventeenth Century. With an Appendix,...

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