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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion derived from the Literal Fulfilment of Prophecy, particularly as Illustrated by the History of the Jews, and the Discoveries of Recent Travellers. "
Catalogue of the library - Σελίδα 382
των Edinburgh phil. inst - 1857
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Catalogue of Standard English Authors: Also a Collection of Books Relating ...

Dawson, William, & Sons, of London - 1809 - 344 σελίδες
...cloth, 18s. 6d. another Copy, hf. calf gilt, £1. Is. (pub. £1. 16s.) scarce. 3323 KEITH'S Evidence to the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, plate*, sm. 8vo. bds. 2s. 1837 3324 KEITH'S Signs of the Times, idenoted by the Fulfilment of Historical...

Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, Τόμος 16

1838 - 716 σελίδες
...the valley,' while little Mary was the ' sweet violet emitting fragrance under a thorn just by." " EVIDENCE of the TRUTH of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, derived...the literal fulfilment of Prophecy ; particularly a* illustrated by the History of the Jews, and the Discoveries of recent Traveller*. By ALEXANDER KEITH,...

The Christian remembrancer; or, The Churchman's Biblical ..., Τόμος 10

1828 - 818 σελίδες
...of this life, but amidst the infinitely more awful terrors of the day of judgment. — Pp. 284,235. Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal Fulfilment of Propltecy ; particularly as illustrated by the Hislory of t/te Jew*, and the Discorerict of Modern...

The Edinburgh Literary Journal: Or, Weekly Register of Criticism ..., Τόμος 2

1829 - 518 σελίδες
...of all the fine genius of Wilk'u-, and all the admirable tact and finish of Hulls. Evidence of tht Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the...Jews, and by the Discoveries of recent Travellers. By the Rev. Alexander Keith, Minister of the Parish of St Cyrus. Fourth Edition. Edinburgh. Waugh and...

The Athenaeum and Literary Chronicle, Τόμος 3

1828 - 442 σελίδες
...boards, tpVlDENCES of the TRUTH of the CHRISIJ T1AN RELIGION, derived from the literal fulfilment ot Prophecy ; particularly as illustrated by the History...Jews, and by the Discoveries of recent Travellers. By the Rev. ALEXANDER KEITH. 4 It comprises a fund of interesting information, and deserves our warmest...

The Edinburgh Literary Journal: Or, Weekly Register of Criticism ..., Τόμος 2

1829 - 518 σελίδες
...redolent of all the fine genius of Wilkie, and all the admirable tact and finish of Rolls. Evidence of Ike Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the...of Prophecy ¡ particularly as illustrated by the Hiituri/ of the Jtu-x. ami by the L>isaiptrifs of receñí Travellers. By the Rer. Alexander Keith,...

The Christian Student: Designed to Assist Christians in General in Acquiring ...

Edward Bickersteth - 1829 - 738 σελίδες
...doubts may be entertained of the justness of the interpretation of the particular Prophecy. KEITH (A). Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy. 12mo. 1828. A very pleasing, satisfactory, and able work, calculated to do much good. [3] Treatises...

The Edinburgh literary journal; or, Weekly register of criticism ..., Τόμος 2

1829 - 514 σελίδες
...redolent of all the fine genius of Wilkie, and all the »dmirable tact and finish of Rolls. Eriaaux of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy ; particular!;/ as illiairated by the History of the Jews, and by the Disrmeries of recent Travellers....

The Edinburgh Literary Journal: Or, Weekly Register of Criticism ..., Τόμος 2

1829 - 642 σελίδες
...Edinburgh; LONGMAN & Co. London. Just published, Fourth Edition, In l-'m >, price 6s. boards, I7VIDENCE of the Truth of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, derived from the literal fulfilment of PROPHECV ; Particularly as Illustrated by the History of the Jews, and the Discoveries of recent Travellers,...

The Evidence of Prophecy

Alexander Keith - 1830 - 176 σελίδες
...FARTI.T SELECTED AND ABRIDGED, WITH ADDITIONAL HEFI.ECTIONS, 7ROM A WORK, O, C. BY THE REV. A. KEITH, 1 Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived...Jews, and by the Discoveries of recent Travellers," Published by Waugh and Innes, Edinburgh; J, Duncan, Longman and Co., J. Hatchard and Son, and J. Nisbet,...

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