The Edinburgh Annual Register, for 1808-26, Τόμος 2

J. Ballantyne and Company, 1811

Επιλεγμένες σελίδες

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 332 - The tax which each individual is bound to pay ought to be certain, and not arbitrary. The time of payment, the manner of payment, the quantity to be paid, ought all to be clear and plain to the contributor, and to every other person.
Σελίδα 85 - Up to our native seat : descent and fall To us is adverse. Who but felt of late, When the fierce foe hung on our broken rear Insulting, and pursued us through the deep, With what compulsion and laborious flight We sunk thus low ? The...
Σελίδα 417 - But I have it in express charge from the President to state that while he forbears to insist on the further punishment of the offending officer, he is not the less sensible of the justice and utility of such an example, nor the less persuaded that it would best comport with what is due from his Britannic Majesty to his own honor.
Σελίδα 223 - Nemesis visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation...
Σελίδα 151 - Master French must mind what he is about, or I shall cut up him and his levy too.
Σελίδα 416 - Upon receiving through you, on the part of the American Government, a distinct and official Recognition of the three above-mentioned Conditions, His Majesty will lose no time in sending to America a Minister fully empowered to consign them to a formal and regular Treaty.
Σελίδα 3 - Portugal, and the deliverance of the kingdom of his ally from the presence and oppressions of the French army, his Majesty most deeply regretted the termination of that campaign by an armistice and convention, of some of the articles of which his Majesty has felt himself obliged formally to declare his disapprobation...
Σελίδα 269 - ... generate a kind of expansive force, that will burst asunder even the best compacted governments. The abuses, too, serve to give a direction to the discontent and angry feeling produced in the first instance by the taxes. They stand in the place of the abstract rights of a few years ago, and are the last improvement made in the machine for overturning states, from which it is conceived to derive a much greater heft and purchase, than in its old form of
Σελίδα 173 - I do, in the most solemn manner, upon my honour as a prince, distinctly assert my innocence, not only by denying all corrupt participation in any of the infamous transactions which have appeared in evidence at the bar of the house of commons, or any connivance at their existence, but also the slightest knowledge or suspicion that they existed at all.
Σελίδα 793 - I am confident, in no respect contribute to this object, nor could it I think be considered in any other light than as a dereliction of public principle. This answer which I must have given to any such proposal, if made while...

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