Boys' LifeBoys' Life is the official youth magazine for the Boy Scouts of America. Published since 1911, it contains a proven mix of news, nature, sports, history, fiction, science, comics, and Scouting. |
Common terms and phrases
American Andrew Baby Ruth barracks BATTERIES bike Bob's Boy Scouts Brad Hogan Brad shouted Breakfast of Champions burro camp Captain Knight Cards Charles Goodyear Cinder Coca-Cola Company Doc Watson donkey Drue Eston explosion eyes fast feet fighting Filipinos fire fish flames FLASHLIGHT gasoline Goodyear grinned guard Ham Bohn hand head hiking hook Huck Burney Hunt Jamie Japanese Japs Jewish holiday Johnny ladder look LOU BOUDREAU Mike miles moved never nodded Old Cap Callahan Olin Industries Parker Pen Company Patrol Peeps Pete pipe plane table pool quick Quink revetment rubber sheep shook Shorty Shorty's sight ruler smoke soldier steer Steve Steve Blake Stewart-Warner suddenly sure swim Taxidermy telephone thing Thunder tired Tony tree Troop turned Unk Kern Unk's verbena waiting watch Wheaties Winchester wire