Whose daring revels shock the sight, When vice and infamy combine, When drunkenness and dice invite, As every sense is steep'd in wine.
Not so the methodistic crew, Who plans of reformation lay: In humble attitude they sue, And for the sins of others pray:
Forgetting that their pride of spirit, Their exultation in their trial, Detracts most largely from the merit Of all their boasted self-denial.
'Tis morn :-from these I turn my sight. What scene is this which meets the eye? A numerous crowd, array'd in white, Across the green in numbers fly.
Loud rings in air the chapel bell :
"Tis hush'd-what sounds are these I hear? The organ's soft celestial swell Rolls deeply on the list'ning ear.
To this is join'd the sacred song, The royal minstrel's hallow'd strain; Though he who hears the music long Will never wish to hear again.
Our choir would scarcely be excused, Even as a band of raw beginners; All mercy now must be refused
To such a set of croaking sinners.
If David, when his toils were ended, Had heard these blockheads sing before him, To us his psalms had ne'er descended, - In furious mood he would have tore 'em.
The luckless Israelites when taken By some inhuman tyrant's order, Were ask'd to sing, by joy forsaken, On Babylonian river's border.
Oh! had they sung in notes like these, Inspired by stratagem or fear, They might have set their hearts at ease, The devil a soul had stay'd to hear.
But if I scribble longer now,
The deuce a soul will stay to read; My pen is blunt, my ink is low; 'Tis almost time to stop, indeed.
Therefore, farewell, old Granta's spires: No more, like Cleofas, I fly; No more thy theme my muse inspires : The reader 's tired, and so am I.
"O! mihi præteritos referat si Jupiter annos."-VIRGIL.
YE scenes of my childhood, whose loved recollection Embitters the present, compared with the past; Where science first dawn'd on the powers of reflection, And friendships were form'd, too romantic to last;
Where fancy yet joys to trace the resemblance
Of comrades, in friendship and mischief allied; How welcome to me your ne'er-fading remembrance, Which rests in the bosom, though hope is denied!
Again I revisit the hills where we sported,
The streams where we swam, and the fields where we fought; The school, where, loud warn'd by the bell, we resorted, To pore o'er the precepts by pedagogues taught.
Again I behold where for hours I have ponder'd, As reclining, at eve, on yon tombstone I lay; Or round the steep brow of the churchyard I wander'd, To catch the last gleam of the sun's setting ray.
I once more view the room, with spectators surrounded, Where, as Zanga, I trod on Alonzo o'erthrown; While, to swell my young pride, such applauses resounded, I fancied that Mossop himself was outshone.*
Or, as Lear, I pour'd forth the deep imprecation, By my daughters, of kingdom and reason deprived; Till, fired by loud plaudits and self-adulation, I regarded myself as a Garrick revived.
Ye dreams of my boyhood, how much I regret you! Unfaded your memory dwells in my breast; Though sad and deserted, I ne'er can forget you: Your pleasures may still be in fancy possess'd.
To Ida full oft may remembrance restore me,
While fate shall the shades of the future unroll! Since darkness o'ershadows the prospect before me, More dear is the beam of the past to my soul.
But if, through the course of the years which await me, Some new scene of pleasure should open to view, I will say, while with rapture the thought shall elate me "Oh! such were the days which my infancy knew!"
• A contemporary of Garrick, famous for his performance of Zanga,
OH! did those eyes, instead of fire, With bright but mild ffection shine, Though they might kindle less desire, Love more than mortal would be thins.
For thou art form'd so heavenly fair, Howe'er those orbs may wildly beam, We must admire, but still despair; That fatal glance forbids esteem.
When Nature stamp'd thy beauteous birth, So much perfection in thee shone, She fear'd that, too divine for earth,
The skies might claim thee for their own;
Therefore, to guard her dearest work, Lest angels might dispute the prize, She bade a secret lightning lurk Within those once celestial eyes. These might the boldest sylph appal, When gleaming with meridian blaze; Thy beauty must enrapture all;
But who can dare thine ardent gaze? 'Tis said that Berenice's hair
In stars adorns the vault of heaven; But they would ne'er permit thee there, Thou wouldst so far outshine the seven.
For did those eyes as planets roll, Thy sister-lights would scarce appear: E'en suns, which systems now control, Would twinkle dimly through their sphere.*
WOMAN! experience might have told me, That all must love thee who behold thee: Surely experience might have taught Thy firmest promises are nought: But, placed in all thy charms before me, All I forget, but to adore thee. O memory! thou choicest blessing, When join'd with hope, when still possessing; But how much cursed by every lover When hope is fled, and passion 's over.
"Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return."--SHAKS PEAR
Woman, that fair and fond deceiver, How prompt are striplings to believe her ! How throbs the pulse when first we view The eye that rolls in glossy blue, Or sparkles black, or mildly throws A beam from under hazel brows! How quick we credit every oath, And hear her plight the willing troth: Fondly we hope 'twill last for aye, - When lo! she changes in a day. This record will for ever stand,
"Woman! thy vows are traced in sand."*
WHEN I dream that you love me, you'll surely forgive; Extend not your anger to sleep;
For in visions alone your affection can live,
I rise, and it leaves me to weep.
Then, Morpheus! envelop my faculties fast, Shed o'er me your languor benign;
Should the dream of to-night but resemble the last, What rapture celestial is mine!
They tell us that slumber, the sister of death, Mortality's emblem is given :
To fate how I long to resign my frail breath, If this be a foretaste of heaven!
Ah! frown not, sweet lady, unbend your soft brow, Nor deem me too happy in this; If I sin in my dream, I atone for it now, Thus doom'd but to gaze upon bliss.
Though in visions, sweet lady, perhaps you may smile, Oh! think not my penance deficient! When dreams of your presence my slumbers beguile, To awake will be torture sufficient.
THIS faint resemblance of thy charms, Though strong as mortal art could givo, My constant heart of fear disarms, Revives my hopes, and bids me live.
• This line is almost a literal translation from a Saanial proverb,
Here I can trace the locks of gold
Which round thy snowy forehead wave, The cheeks which sprung from beauty's mould, The lips which made me beauty's slave.
Here I can trace-ah, no! that eye,
Whose azure floats in liquid fire,
Must all the painter's art defy,
And bid him from the task retire.
Here I behold its beauteous hue; But where's the beam so sweetly straying, Which gave a lustre to its blue, Like Luna o'er the ocean playing?
Sweet copy! far more dear to me, Lifeless, unfeeling as thou art, Than all the living forms could be,
Save her who placed thee next my heart.
She placed it, sad, with needless fear,
Lest time might shake my wavering soul,
Unconscious that her image there Held every sense in fast control.
Through hours, through years, through time, 'twill cheer;
My hope, in gloomy moments raise; In life's last conflict 'twill appear,
And meet my fond expiring gaze.
LESBIA! since far from you I've ranged, Our souls with fond affection glow not; You say 'tis I, not you, have changed;
I'd tell you why, but yet I know not. Your polish'd brow no cares have cross'd; And, Lesbia! we are not much older Since, trembling, first my heart I lost, Or told my love, with hope grown bolder. Sixteen was then our utmost age,
Two years have lingering past away, love! And now new thoughts our minds engage, At least I feel disponed to stray, love!
'Tis I that am alone to blame,
I, that am guilty of love's treason; Since your sweet breast is still the same, Caprice must be my only reason. 1 do not, love! suspect your truth, With jealous doubt my bosom heaves not; Warm was the passion of my youth, One trace of dark deceit it leaves not.
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