Her lover sinks-she sheds no ill-timed tear; "Childe Harold," canto i POEMS. BY LORD BYRON. "Like an archangel exiled for dark crimes, His songs were then remembrances of Heaven, In which he seem'd constrain'd to live. Yet even The fire of genius, and, unconscious, bow To the bright halo which it cast around him."-ANON. With Eight Illustrations, BY BIRKET FOSTER, JOHN GILBERT, ETC. LONDON: UTLEDGE, WARNE, & ROUTLEDGE, FARRINGDON STREET; NEW YORK: 56, WALKER STREET. 1860. ADVERTISEMENT INSTEAD of an excuse, the Publishers have to offer a congratulan to the Public upon being enabled, by the lapse of copyrights, » add most of the Poetical Works of Byron to their cheap, but rant series of our most esteemed poets. This volume contains Lord Byron's Poems of which the copyright is free, with the xption of Don Juan, from which extraordinary work, as it is r wish that their books should be welcomed in every family le, they have only presented carefully-selected beautiful sages, with which English readers are so well acquainted, that ey would naturally look for them. |