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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" King defendeth that none from henceforth make any entry into any lands and tenements, but in case where entry is given by the law. and in such case not with strong hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in peaceable and easy manner. "
The Law of Landlord and Tenant: to which is Added an Appendix of Precedents - Σελίδα 852
των William Woodfall - 1829 - 968 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The New Virginia Justice, Comprising the Office and Authority of a Justice ...

William Waller Hening - 1810 - 710 σελίδες
...into any lands and tenements, or othev possessions whatsoever, bnt in case where entry is given by law ; and in such case not with strong hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in a peaceable and easy planner, and that none who shall have entered into the same in a peaceable manner,...

An Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Law of South-Carolina, Τόμος 1

South Carolina, Joseph Brevard - 1814 - 620 σελίδες
...king defendeth, That none from henceforth make any entry into any lands and tenements, but in case where entry is given by the law ; and in such case...strong hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in . * There is a remarkable carelessness and want of accuracy in the wording of this clause. First, there...

A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the Practice ..., Τόμος 3

Joseph Chitty - 1819 - 710 σελίδες
...2. c. 7. enacts " that none from henceforth make any entry into any lands and tenements but in case where entry is given by the law ; and in such case...of people, but only in peaceable and easy manner. And if any man from henceforth do to the contrary, and thereof be duly convict, he shall be punished...

A Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of England ..., Τόμος 1;Τόμος 659

Harold Nuttall Tomlins - 1819 - 582 σελίδες
...none from henceforth § i • make any Entry into any Lands and Tenements but in case ^g?' *45' wh^re Entry is given by the Law ; and in such case not with None shall com. strong hand nor with multitude of people, but only in peaceable "n'Lnds', fcc!""* and...

The Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer, Τόμος 2

Richard Burn - 1820 - 880 σελίδες
...possessions, 8 H. 6. c. 9. § 2.) but in cases where entry ts given by the law : and in such cases not with strong hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in peaceable and easy manner, on paiu of imprisonment and ransom at the king's will. Or other possessions.'] It seems clear that no...

A Practical Guide to the Quarter Sessions and Other Sessions of the Peace ...

William Dickinson - 1820 - 922 σελίδες
...2, or lands and tenements, or other possessions, 8 Hen. 6, c. 9, § 8,) but where entry is given by law, and in such case not with strong hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in lawful and easy manner." But by 8 Hen. 6. c. 9, " They which keep their possessions with force in lands...

A Treatise on Criminal Pleading: With Precedents of Indictments ..., Τόμος 2

Thomas Starkie - 1822 - 922 σελίδες
...king defendeth, that none, from henceforth, make " any entry into any lands and tenements, but ia case where entry is given by the law ; and in such case, not with strong hand, nor »ith multitude of people, but only in peaceable CO. For a forcible entry on tenant for years, under...

Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Constitutional Court, of the ..., Τόμος 2

South Carolina. Constitutional Court of Appeals - 1823 - 500 σελίδες
...Richard 2d. c. 8. forbids any person to enter into any lands, or tenements, except when entry is given, and in such case, not with strong hand, nor with multitude of people. So that where the entry is lawful it must not be done with multitude of people ; but where it is not...

The Statutes at Large;: Being a Collection of All the Laws of ..., Τόμος 13

Virginia, Virginia. General Assembly - 1823 - 652 σελίδες
...and tenements, tenements to or other possessions whatsoever, but in case where entry hoiJjJIn6"^°'' is given by the law; and in such case, not with strong force, hand, nor with multitude of people, but only in a peaceable and easy manner, and that none tvho...

A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown: Or, A System of the Principal ..., Τόμος 1

William Hawkins - 1824 - 838 σελίδες
...king defendeth, that none from " henceforth make any entry into any lands and tenements, but " in case where entry is given by the law ; and in such case...of people, but only in " peaceable and easy manner. And if any man from henceforth " do to the contrary, and thereof be duly convict, he shall be " punished...

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