| John Stevens - 1725 - 418 σελίδες
...Coal-Mines, qr faleable Underwoods, in the Parifh, in fuch competent Sum and Sums of Money as they fhall think fit) a convenient Stock of Flax, Hemp, Wool, Thread, Iron, and other Ware and Stuf£ to fee the Poor on work ; and alfo competent Sums of Money for and towards the necefl'ary... | |
 | Joseph Shaw - 1753 - 472 σελίδες
...weekly, or otherwrfe (by Taxation of every Inhabitant of the Pan'/h, &c. in fuch Sums as they fl.all think fit) a convenient Stock of Flax, Hemp, Wool, Thread, Iron, and other Ware and Stuff, to fet the Poor on work. 2. One Juftice of Peace may give his Confent to the Churchwardens... | |
 | Joseph Shaw - 1753 - 438 σελίδες
...weekly, or otherwife (by 7'axation of every Inhabitant of the Parifil, fcff. in fuch Sums as they (hall think fit) a convenient Stock of Flax, Hemp, Wool, Thread, Iron, and other Ware, and Stuff to fet the Poor on work. 2. One Juftice of Peace may give his Confent to tie , Churchwardens... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1819 - 822 σελίδες
...proportions of tithes, coalmines, or saleable underwoods in the said parish, in such competent sum and sums of money as they shall think fit,' a convenient stock of flax, &c. to set the poor on work ; and also competent sums for and towards the relief of the lame, impotent,... | |
 | Thomas Robert Malthus - 1809 - 566 σελίδες
...occupier of lands in the said parish, (in such " competent sums as they shall think fit) a conve" nient stock of flax, hemp, wool, thread, iron, " and other necessary ware and stuff, to set the " poor to work." What is this but saying that the funds for the maintenance of labor in this country may be... | |
 | Thomas Robert Malthus - 1809 - 570 σελίδες
...occupier of lands in the. said parish, (in such " competent sums as they shall think fit) a conve" nient stock of flax, hemp, wool, thread, iron, " and other necessary ware and stuff, to set the " poor to work." What is this but saying that the funds for the maintenance of labor in this country may be... | |
 | Great Britain - 1811 - 898 σελίδες
...Mines or faleable Underwoods in the faid Parifh, in fuch competent Sum and Sums of Money as they fhall think fit) a convenient Stock of Flax, Hemp, Wool, Thread, Iron and other necefTary Ware and Stuff, to fet the Poor on work, and alfo competent Sums of Money for and towards... | |
 | Joseph Gabbett - 1812 - 700 σελίδες
...tithes impropriate, propriations of tithes, coal-mines, or saleable underwoods, in the said parish, a convenient stock of flax, hemp, wool, thread, iron,...ware and stuff, to set the poor on work, and also a competent sum for the necessary relief of the lame, impotent, old, and blind, and such others as... | |
 | Louis Simond - 1815 - 408 σελίδες
...taxation of every inhabitant, and every occupier oflands in the said parish, (in such competent sums as they shall think fit) a convenient stock of flax,...and other necessary ware and stuff, to set the poor to work."* The legislators of that period imagined that labour of any sort was sure to command subsistence... | |
 | Louis Simond - 1815 - 436 σελίδες
...general prosperity, it would be necessary to see what passes in these abodes of the labouring class. fit) a convenient stock of flax, hemp, wool, thread,...and other necessary ware and stuff, to set the poor to work." * The legislators of that period imagined that labour of any sort was sure to command subsistence... | |
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