The British drama; a collection of the most esteemed tragedies, comedies, operas, and farces, in the English language, Τόμος 11824 |
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Aladin arms art thou Arvida Belvidera better bless Capt Castalio Cato Cham Char Clarinda colonel COVENT GARDEN curse dare dear death devil door dost thou Eger Enter Euph Exeunt Exit eyes father Faulkland fear fellow Flora fortune gentleman give ha'e hand happy hear heart Heaven honour hope Juba Kitty Lady Lady L leave live look lord Lucy Madam Malaprop marriage marry master MIRABEL Miss H mistress ne'er never night Nysa o'er passion Pertinax Philotas Phocion pity poor Pr'ythee pray Rackett Rand Re-enter Sackbut SCENE Scru Selim servant Sir G Snacks soul speak Stuke sure sword Syphax tears tell thee there's thing thou art thou hast thought Timoleon Tony twas villain virtue what's wife wish woman wont wretch young Zounds