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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" PAYING therefor during the said term hereby granted the yearly rent of £ , by four equal quarterly payments, on the day of , the day of , the day of , and the day of , in every year... "
A Supplement to Barton's Precedents in Conveyancing - Σελίδα 276
των Charles Barton, Samuel Francis Thomas Wilde - 1826
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Laws Relating to Landlords and Tenants; Or, Every Landlord and Tenant ...

John Paul - 1791 - 230 σελίδες
...lawful money, &c. at the four uftial times of payment of rent in the year, to wit, on the day of , the day of , the day of , the day of • •, and the day of , by even and equal portions : By virtue of which faid demife, the faid AB entered into the faid meffuage...

A Complete Body of Conveyancing: In Theory and Practice, Τόμος 6

Edward Wood - 1793 - 794 σελίδες
...or upon the four moft ufual feaft days or times for payment of rent in the year, (that is to fay,) the — day of the day of the day of and the — — day of by even and equal portions; the rait payment thereof to begin, and be made on fuch of the f.iid days...

Pamphlets on English Public Works and Engineering

1800 - 798 σελίδες
...the natural " Life of or during the natural " Lives of and " and the Life of the Survivor of them, on the " Day of the " Day of the Day of " and the Day of " in every Year, during the natural " Life or Lives of him, her, or them, the said " at the the first " Payment thereof,...

Original Precedents in Conveyancing: Selected from the Manuscript ..., Τόμος 6

John Joseph Powell - 1802 - 512 σελίδες
...four equal quarterly payments, on or at the days and times hereinafter mentioned, (that is to fay), the — day of - -, the — day of -- , the — day..., and the — day of — — , in every year, and the firft of the faid quarterly payments to be made on fuch of the faid days as fhall happen next after...

Original Precedents in Conveyancing: Selected from the Manuscript ..., Τόμος 4

John Joseph Powell - 1802 - 472 σελίδες
...of , of &c. on the four moft ufual feafts or days of payment of rent in the year, (that is to fay) on the day of , the day of , the day of , and the day of , by four equal portions, the firft payment thereof to be made on the -. day of , now next 'enfuing...

Original Precedents in Conveyancing, Selected from the Manuscript ..., Τόμος 2

John Joseph Powell - 1810 - 516 σελίδες
...clear yearly fum of , of lawful money of Great BrU , tain, by four even and equal quarterly payments, on the — day of , the — day of , the ^ day of , and the — day of , from henceforth in each and every year for and during the term of the natural life of him the faid...

Original Precedents in Conveyancing, Selected from the Manuscript ..., Τόμος 3

John Joseph Powell - 1810 - 692 σελίδες
...rent or fum of , of lawful money of Great Britain, by even and equal quarterly payments, at or upon the — day of , the — day of , the — day of , and the — day pt , clear of any deductions for any rates, taxes, or impofitions ; the firft payment thereof to be...

A Reprint of Sheppard's Precedent of Precedents: Without His Old and ...

William Sheppard - 1813 - 186 σελίδες
...of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great lîritain and Ireland, by e<]iial quarterly payments, on the day of , the day of ,the day of , and the day of , in every year, fire and clearof and from all manner of parliamentary, parochi.il, and other taxes, rates, assessments,...

Acts ... relating to the parish of St. George, Hanover square; with ...

Parliament acts - 1813 - 172 σελίδες
...during the na^ tu^al Life of or * during the natural Lives of * and and the Life of the * Survivor, upon the Day of ? the Day of ' the Day of and * the Day of in every * Year, during the natural Life or Lives of him, * her, or them the faid at the ' the firft Quarterly Payment...

A Supplement to Mr. Barton's Modern Precedents in Conveyancing: With a ...

James Barry Bird - 1815 - 586 σελίδες
...ball of Lincoln's Inn in the county of Middlesex, on the days and times following, (that is to say) on the day of , the day of , the day of , and the day of j by even and equal quarterly payments, the first payment thereof to be made on the day of next, together...

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