Thou too, hoar Mount! with thy sky-pointing peaks, Oft from whose feet the avalanche, unheard, Shoots downward, glittering through the pure serene Into the depth of clouds, that veil thy breast Thou too again, stupendous Mountain! thou That as I raise... The Friend: A Series of Essays - Σελίδα 174των Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1812 - 448 σελίδεςΠλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
| George Keate - 1790 - 388 σελίδες
...mountain storm ! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the elements ! Utter forth God ! and fill the hills with praise !...the avalanche, unheard, Shoots downward, glittering through the pure serene Into the depths of clouds that vail thy breast, Thou too, again, stupendous... | |
| 1803 - 508 σελίδες
...nest ! Ye eagles, playmates of the mountain blast ! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element, Utter forth, GOD ! and fill the hills with praise ! And thou, O silent Form, alone and bare, Whom, as 1 lift again my head bow'd low In adoration, I... | |
| 1803 - 502 σελίδες
...nest ! Ye eagles, playmates of the mountain blast ! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element, Utter forth, GOD ! and fill the hills with praise ! And thou, O silent Form, alone and bare, Whom, as I lift again my head bow'd low In adoration, I... | |
| 1803 - 520 σελίδες
...eagle's nest! Yc eagles, playmates of the mountain blast! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element, Utter forth, GOD ! and fill the hills with praise ! And thou, O silent Form, alone and bare, Whom, as I lift again my head bow'd low Jn adoration, I... | |
| 1834 - 922 σελίδες
...the clouds! Ye signs and wonders of the element ! Utter forth Ood, and fill the hills with praise I " Thou, too, hoar Mount! with thy sky-pointing peaks....the avalanche, unheard, Shoots downward, glittering through the pure serene Into the depth of clouds, that veil thy hreast— Thou too again, stupendous... | |
| Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1817 - 334 σελίδες
...nest ! Ye Eagles, play-mates of the Mountain-Storm ! Ye Lightnings, the dread arrows of the Clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element ! Utter forth GOD, and fill the Hills with Praise ! hoar Mount! with thy sky-pointing Peaks, Oft from whose feet the Avalanche, unheard, '• 168 Slow-travelling... | |
| Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1817 - 330 σελίδες
...Ye signs and wonders of the element ! Utter forth GOD, and fill the Hills with Praise ! Once more, hoar Mount! with thy sky-pointing Peaks, Oft from...the Avalanche, unheard, Shoots downward, glittering thro' the pure Serene, Into the depth of Clouds that veil thy breast — Thou too again, stupendous... | |
| 1817 - 494 σελίδες
...nest ! Ye eagles, playmates of the mountain storm ! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element ! Utter forth GOD, and fill the hills with praise 1 1 In this month, the flowers of the rosemary (rosma. ' Within a few paces of the Glaciers, the Gentiana... | |
| John Johnstone - 1827 - 596 σελίδες
...nest! Ye eagles, play-mates of the mountain-storm ! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element! Utter forth God, and fill the hills with praise ! Once more, hoar mount! with thy sky-pointing peaks, Oft from whose feet the Avalanche, unheard, Shoots... | |
| New elegant extracts - 1827 - 404 σελίδες
...nest ! Ye eagles, playmates of the mountain storm ! Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds ! Ye signs and wonders of the element ! Utter forth God, and fill the hills with praise ! Once more, hoar mount! with thy sky pointing peaks, Oft from whose feet the avalanche, unheard; Shoots... | |
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