Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Where every Meadow won with Toil and Blood,
From baughty Tyrants, and the raging Flood,
With Fruits and Flowers the careful Hind Supplies,
And cloaths the Marshes in a rich Difguife.

Such Wealth for frugal Hands doth Heaven decree,
And fuch thy Gifts, celeftial Liberty!

Through ftately Towns, and many a fertile Plain,
The Pomp advances to the neighbouring Main.
Whole Nations crowd around with joyful Cries,
And view the Hero with infatiate Eyes.

In Haga's Towers he waits, 'till Eaftern Gales
Propitious rife to favell the British Sails.
Hither the Fame of England's Monarch brings
The Vows and Friendships of the neighb'ring Kings ;
Mature in Wisdom, his extenfive Mind

Takes in the blended Int'refts of Mankind,

The World's great Patriot. Calm thy anxious Breaft,
Secure in him, O Europe, take thy Reft;
Henceforth thy Kingdoms fhall remain confin'd

By Rocks or Streams, the Mounds which Heav'n defign'd;
The Alps their new made Monarch shall reftrain,
Nor fhall thy Hills, Pirene, rife in vain.

But fee! to Britain's Ile the Squadrons ftand,
And leave the finking Towers, and leffening Land.
The Royal Bark bounds o'er the floating Plain,
Breaks thro' the Billows, and divides the Main.
O'er the vaft Deeep, Great Monarch, dart thine Eyes,
A watry Profpect bounded by the Skies:

Ten thousand Veffels, from ten thousand Shores,
Bring Gums and Gold, and either India's Stores:
Behold the Tributes haftening to thy Throne,
And fee the wide Horifon all thy own.

Still is it thine; tho' now the cheerful Crew
Hail Albion's Cliffs, juft whitening to the View.
Before the Wind with fwelling Sails they ride,
Till Thames receives them in his opening Tide.




No. 620.
The Monarch bears the thundering Peals around,
From trembling Woods and echoing Hills rebound,
Nor miffes yet, amid the deafening Train,
The Roarings of the hoarse-refounding Main.

As in the Flood he fails, from either Side
He views his Kingdom in its Rural Pride;
A various Scene the wide-fpread Landskip yields:
O'er rich Enclosures and luxuriant Fields:
A loving Herd each fertile Paflure fills,

And diftant Flocks ftray o'er a thousand Ilills.
Fair Greenwich hid in Woods with new Delight,
(Shade above Shade) now rises to the Sight:
His Woods ordain'd to vifit every Shore,
And guard the land which they grac'd before.

The Sun now rowling down the Western Way,
A Blaze of Fires renews the fading Day;
Unnumber'd Barks the Regal Barge unfold,
Brightening the Twilight with its beamy Gold;
Lefs thick the finny Shoals, a countless Fry,
Before the Whale or kingly Dolphin fly.
In one vaft Shout he feeks the crowded Strand,
And in a Peal of Thunder gains the Land.

Welcome, great Stranger, to our longing Eyes,
Oh! King defir'd, adopted Albion cries.
For thee the Eaft breath'd out a profp'rous Breeze,
Bright were the Suns, and gently fwell'd the Seas.
Thy Prefence did each doubtful Heart compofe,
And Factions wonder'd that they once were Foes;
That joyful Day they loft each hoftile Name,
The fame their Afpect and their Voice the fame.

So to fair Twins, whofe Features were defign'd
At one foft Moment in the Mother's Mind,
Shew each the other with reflected Grace,
And the fame Beauties bloom in either Face;
The puzzled Strangers which is which enquire:
Delufion grateful to the Smiling Sire.


From that fair* Hill, where hoary Sages boaft
To name the Stars, and count the heavenly Hoft,
By the next Dawn doth great Augusta rise,
Proud Town! the nobleft Scene beneath the Skies.
O'er Thames her thousand Spires their Luftre fhed,
And a vaft Navy hides his ample Bed,

A floating Foreft. From the diftant Strand
A Line of golden Carrs ftrikes o'er the Land:
Britannia's Peers in Pomp and rich Array,
Before their King, triumphant, led the Way,
Far as the Eye can reach, the gawdy Train,
A bright Proceffion, fhines along the Plain.

So haply through the Heav'n's wide pathless Ways
A Comet draws a long-extended Blaze;
From Eaft to Weft burns through th' ethereal Frame,
And half Heav'n's Convex glitters thro' the Flame.

Now to the Regal Towers fecurely brought,
He plans Britannia's Glories in his Thought;
Refumes the delegated Pow'r he gave,

Rewards the Faithful, and reftores the Brave,
Whom fhall the Mufe from out the Shining Throng
Select, to heighten and adorn her Song?
Thee, Halifax. To thy capacious Mind,
O Man approv'd, is Britain's Wealth confign'd.
Her Coin (while Naffau fought) debas'd and rude,
By thee in Beauty and in Truth renew'd,
An arduous Work! again thy Charge we fee,
And thy own Care once more returns to thee.
O! form'd in every Scene to awe and please,
Mix Wit with Pomp, and Dignity with Eafe:
Tho' call'd to fhine aloft, thou wilt not scorn
To fmile on Arts thy felf did once adorn:
For this thy Name fucceeding Time shall praife,
And envy lefs thy Garter, than thy Bays.

* Mr. Flamfted's House.



The Mule, if fir'd with the enlivening Beams,
Perhaps all aim at more exalted Themes,
Record our Monarch in a nobler Strain,
And fing the opening Wonders of bis Reign;
Bright CAROLINA's heavenly Beauties trace,
Her valiant CoNSORT, and his blooming Race.
A Train of Kings their fruitful Love supplies,
A glorious Scene to Albion's ravijb'd Eves ;

Whofes by BRUNSWICK's Hand ber Sceptre fway'd,
And through bis Line from Age to Age convey'd.



Wednesday, November 17.

Poftquam fe lumine puro

Implevit, fellafque vagas miratur & Aftra
Fixa Polis, vidit quanta fub nocte jaceret
Noftra dies, rifitque fui ludibria.–


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HE following Letter having in it fome Obfervations out of the common Road, I shall make it the Entertainment of this Day.



HE common Topicks against the Pride of Man which are laboured by florid and declamatory • Writers,are taken from the Bafenets of his Original, the Imperfections of his Nature, or the fhort Duration of thole Goods in which he makes his Boaft. Though it be true that we can have nothing in us that ought to raise our Vanity, yet a Confcioufnefs of our own Merit may be fometimes laudable. The Folly there'fore lies here: We are apt to pride our felves in worthlefs, or perhaps fhameful Things; and, on the other hand, count that difgraceful which is our truest Glory.

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HENCE it is, that the Lovers of Praife take wrong Measures to attain it. Would a vain Man confult his own Heart, he would find, that if others knew his • Weakneffes as well as he himself doth, he could not have the Impudence to expect the publick Efteem. Pride therefore flows from want of Reflection, and Ignorance of our felves. Knowledge and Humility come upon us together.

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THE proper way to make an Eftimate of our felves, is to confider feriously what it is we value or despise in others. A Man who boasts of the Goods of Fortune, a gay Drefs or a new Title, is generally the Mark of • Ridicule. We ought therefore not to admire in our • felves, what we are fo ready to laugh at in other Men. 'MUCH lefs can we with Reafon pride our felves in thofe Things which at fome Time of our Life we fhall certainly defpife. And yet, if we will give our felves the Trouble of looking backward and forward on the feveral Changes, which we have already undergone and hereafter muft try, we fhall find that the greater Degrees of our Knowledge and Wisdom, ferve only to fhew us our own Imperfections.

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As we rife from Childhood to Youth, we look with Contempt on the Toys and Trifles which our Hearts • have hitherto been fet upon. When we advance to • Manhood we are held wife in proportion to our Shame and regret for the Rafhnefs and Extravagance of Youth. Old Age fills us with mortifying Reflections · upon á Life mil-fpent in the Pursuit of anxious Wealth or uncertain Honour. Agreeable to this Gradation of Thought in this Life, it may be reasonably fuppofed, that in a future State, the Wisdom, the Experience, and the Maxims of old Age, will be looked upon by a ⚫ feparate Spirit in much the fame Light, as an antient • Man now fees the little Follies and ioyings of Infants. The Pomps, the Honours, the Policies, and Arts of mortal Men, will be thought as trifling as HobbyHoríes, Mock Battles, or any other Sports that now employ all the Cunning, and Strength, and Ambition ⚫ of rational Beings from four Years old to nine or ten.

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