J I. Apis's Cure of Eneas, a Tranflation of Virgil, by Mr. Dryden, N. 572. Idle World, N. 624. Jeft, how it fhould be utter'd, N. 616. Initial Letters, the Ufe Party-Writers make of them, N. 567. An Instance of it, ibid. Criticisms upon it, 568. Integrity, great Care to be taken of it, N. 557. Intrepidity of a Juft Good Man taken from Horace, N. 615. John a Nokes and John a Stiles, their Petition, N. 577 Irish Gentlemen, Widow Hunters, N. 561. Ifadas the Spartan, his Valour, N. 564. Julian the Emperor, an excellent Paffage out of his. Cafars, relating to the Imitation of the Gods, N. 634. Jupiter, his firft Proclamation about Griefs and Calamities, N. 558. His fecond, ibid. His juft Diftri bution of them, 559. Juftice, the Spartans famous for it, N. 564. L. LADIES, not to mind Party, N. 607. Laughter indecent in any religious Affembly, N. 630. Lesbia's Letter to the Spectator, giving an Account how she was deluded by her Lover, N. 611. Letter from the Bantam Ambaffador to his Mafter about the English, N. 557. From the Dumb Conjurer to the Spectator, 560. From the Chit-Chat Club, ibid. From Oxford about his recovering his Speech, ibid. From Frank Townly, ibid. About the Widow's Club, 561. From Blank about his Family, 563. About an angry Husband, ibid. From Will. Warly, about Military Education, 566. From. an. an Half-pay Officer about a Widow, ibid. From Lover, an Account of the Life of one, N. 596. A croft M M. AHO METANS their Cleanliness, N. 631. Memoirs of a private Country Gentleman's Life, N. 6zz. Meffiah, the Jews mistaken Notions of his worldly Metaphors, when vicious, N. 595. An Instance of it, ibid. Military Education, a Letter about it, N. 566. Mischief, rather to be fuffered than an Inconvenience, Montagne's fond of fpeaking of himself, N. 562. Sca- Mufick, Church, recommended, N. 630. N. NEEDLEWORK, recommended to Ladies, N. 606. A Letter from Cleora against it, 609. News, the Pleasure of it, N. 625. Newton (Sir Ifaac) his noble way of confidering infinite Night, a clear one defcrib'd, N. 565. Whimfically de No, a Word of great Ufe to Women in Love Matters, Novelty, the Force of it, N. 626. O. OBSCURITY, often more illuftrious than Gran- deur, N. 622. Orator, what requifite to form one, N. 633. Ovid, Ovid, his Verfes on making Love at the Theatre, Pase them, N. 564. P ASSION'S, the Work of a Philofopher to fub- Patience, her Power, N. 559. Pedantick Humour, N. 617. Penelope's Web, the Story of it, N. 606. Perfon, the Word defin'd by Mr. Lock, N. 578. Phebe and Colin, an Original Poem, N. 603. Philofophers (Pagan) their Boaft of exalting Human Pittacus, a wife Saying of his about Riches, N. 574- Places, the Unreasonableness of Party Pretences to them, Planting recommended to Country Gentlemen, N. 583. Plato's Saying of Labour, N. 624. Play-Houfe, how improv'd in Storms, N. 592. Pufs, Speculations on an old and a young one, N. 626. Q. UERIES in Love anfwer'd, N. 625. QQueftion, a Curious one started by a Schoolman about the Choice of present and future Happiness and Quidnunc (Tho.) His Letter to the Spectator about News, N. 265. Quacks, Quacks, an Effay against them, N. 572. R. RAKE, a Character of one, N. 576. Rattling Club got into the Church, N. 630. Revelation, what Lights it gives into the Joys of Hea- Revenge of a Spanish Lady on a Man who boafted of Roficrufian, a pretended Discovery made by one, N. 574 S. T. Paul's Eloquence. N. 633. ST Satyr, whole Duty of Man turned into one, N. 568. Scriblers, the moft offenfive, N. 82. Self-Love the Narrownefs and Danger of it, N. Shakespear, his Excellence, N. 562. 588. Shalum the Chinese, his Letter to the Princess Hilpa Sight (Second) in Scotland, N. 604. Singularity, when a Virtue, N. 576. An Inftance of it Socrates, his Saying of Misfortunes, N. 558. Spartan Juftice, an Instance of it, N. 564. Spleen, |