THE INDEX TO THE EIGHTH VOLUME A. CTIONS, Principles of, two in Man. N. Adulterers, how punish'd by the Primitive Chriftians, N. 579: Aglaus, his Story told by Cowley, N. 610. Ambition, various kinds of it, 613. N. 570. Laudable, Anacharfis, the Corinthian Drunkard, a Saying of his, Ancestry, how far Honour is to be pay'd to it, N.. Anfwers to feveral Letters at once, N. 581, and 619. Anxieties, unneceffary, the Evil of them, and the Va- Applause and Cenfure, fhould not mislead us. N. 610. Arafpas Arafpas and Panthea, their Story out of Xenophon, N. Ariftippus, his Saying of Content, N. 574. Auguftus, his Saying of Mourning for the Dead, N. B. Acon Flitch, at Wichenover in Staffordshire, who Bantam, Ambaffador of, his Letter to his Mafter about Baxter, what a Bleffing he had, N. 598. Benevolence treated of, N. 601. Beneficence, the Pleasure of it, N. 588. A Difcourfe Bion, his Saying of a greedy Search after Happiness,. N. 574. Blank, his Letter to the Spectator about his Family, Bonofus, the Drunken Briton, a Saying of him after he Burlefque Authors the Delight of Ordinary Readers,. Burlesque Humour, N. 616.. Bufie World, N. 624. C. Acoethes, or Itch of Writing, an Epidemical Di Calamities, whimfical ones, N. 558. Calumny, the great Offence of it, N. 594. Rules a Cafes in Love answer'd, N. 614. Cato, an Inftance of his Probity, N. 557.1 Cave of Trophonius, feveral People put into it to be mended, N. 599. Cenfure and Applaufe should not mislead us, N. 610. Chastity Chastity, how priz'd by the Heathens, N. 579. Clergymen, the Vanity of fome in wearing Scarfs, N. Coach, Stage, its Company, N. 631. Content, how deferibed by a Roficrucian, N. 574. The Country Gentlemen, Advice to them about fpending 622. Crazy, a Man thought fo by reading Milton aloud, N, Criticks, Modern ones, fome Errors of theirs about. Cyrus, how he try'd a young Lord's Virtue, N. 564.. D.. D Ifcretion abfolutely neceffary in a good Husband,N.. Distempers, difficult to change them for the better, N. Divine Nature, our narrow Conceptions of it, N. 565. Dreams, a Difcourfe of them, N. and 599. Drunkenness, the ill Effects of it, N. 569. What Seneca Dryden, Mr. his Tranflation of Japis's Cure of Eneas turn'd turn'd to Goddeffes, 589. His Cock's Speech to Dumb Conjurer's Letter to the Spectator, N. 560. E.. Dgar, King, an Amour of his, N. 605. E' Egotifm the vanity of it condemn'd, N. 562. A young Fellow very guilty of it, ibid. Egyptians tormented with the Plague of Darknefs, N. Eloquence of Beggars, N. 613. English, a Character of them by a great Preacher, Epiftolary Poetry, the two kinds of Styles, N. 618. Eternity, an Effay upon it, N. 590. Part is to come, FAC F: ACES, every Man fhould be pleafed with his own, Fadlallah, his Story out of the Perfian Tales, N. 578. Fancy, her Character, N..558. Her Calamities, ibid. Fellow of a College, a wife Saying of one about Pofte- Flattery, how grateful, N. 621. Fontenelle, his Saying of the Ambitious and Covetous, . Free-thinkers put into Trophonius's Cave, N. 599, Funnel, Will, the Toper, his Character, N. 569. Futu Faturity, the ftrong Inclination Man has to know it, N. 604. A Weakness, ibid. The Mifery of knowing it, ibid. G. Enealogy, a Letter about it, N. 612. G God, a Contemplation of his Omniprefence and Omnifcience, N. 565. He cannot be absent from us, ibid. Confiderations on his Ubiquity, 571. Grotto, Verses on one, N. 632. Gyges and Aglais, their Story, N. 610. H.. HAmadryads, the Fable of them to the Honour of Trees, N. 589. Happiness of Souls in Heaven treated of, N. 600. An Heaven, its Glory, N. 580. Defcribed by Mr. Cowley, 590. The Notion feveral Nations have of it, 600. What Dr. Tillot fon fays of it, ibid. Hermit, his Saying to a lewd young Fellow, N. 575. Heroifm, an Effay upon it, N. 601. Hilpa, the Chinese Antediluvian Princess, her Story, N. 584. Her Letter to Shalum, 585. Hiftory, Secret, an odd way of Writing one, N. 619. Hobbes's Notions debafe Human Nature, N. 588. Humour, the two Extreams, N. 617. Burlesque, 616. Pedantick, 617. Hunting reprov'd, N. 583. Husbands: Rules for marrying them by the Widow Club, N. 561. Qualities neceffary to make good ones, 607. Fapis's |