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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Twill never be too late To sue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why should Home fall a moment ere her time ! No, let us draw her term of freedom out In its full length, and spin it to the last, So shall we gain still one... "
The British Drama: Illustrated - Σελίδα 471
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Cato: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her ...

Joseph Addison - 1713 - 220 σελίδες
...young Prince'* Call. While there is Hope, do not dif. ult the Gods 5 But wait at leaft till Cafar's near approach Force us to yield. Twill never be too late To fuc for Chains, and own a Conqueror. Why fhould Rome fall a Moment ere her time ? No, let us draw her...

The Craftsman, Τόμος 7

Caleb D'Anvers - 1731 - 444 σελίδες
...avert it, as far as they are able, from all fucceeding Generations. Why fhould Rome fall a Moment e'er her Time ? No, let us draw her Term of Freedom out In its full Length, and fpin it to the laft. So fhall we gain ftill one Day's Liberty ; . And let me perifh, but, in Cato's...

The Craftsman, Τόμος 7

1731 - 440 σελίδες
...avert it, as far as they arc able, from all fuccceding Generations. Why fhould Rome fall a Moment e'er her Time ? No, let us draw her Term of Freedom out In its full Length, and Ipin it to the laft. So (hall we gain ftill one Day's Liberty i And let me perifh, but, in Giro's Judgment,...

The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph ...

Joseph Addison - 1773 - 364 σελίδες
...approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why ihould Rome fall a moment ere her time ? No, let us draw her term of freedom out. '- u ^.iMi, So fliall we gain ftill one day's liberty ; And let me perifli, but, in Goto' A judgment,...

The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, Τόμος 2

Joseph Addison - 1777 - 354 σελίδες
...approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why mould Rome fall a moment ere her time ? No, let us draw her term of freedom out In its full length, and fpin it to the laft, So So fhall we gain ftill one day's liberty ; And let me perifh, but, in Gate's...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Τόμοι 23-25

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 942 σελίδες
...approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue forthains, and own a conqueror. Why mould Rome fall a moment ere her time ? No, let us draw her term of freedom out In its full length, and fpin it to the lafh So ftall we gain ftill one day's liberty ; And let me peiifh, but in Cato's judgment,...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces Biographical and Critical

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 368 σελίδες
...approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why mould Rome fall a moment ere her time? No, let us draw her term cf freedom out In its full length, and fpin it to the lair. So (hall we gain ftill one day's liherty;...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Τόμος 23

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 402 σελίδες
...young prince's call. Whiift there is hope, do not diftruft the gods ; But wait atleaft.till Caclar's near approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why mould Rome fall a moment ere her time » No, let us draw her...

The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Τόμος 30

English poets - 1790 - 364 σελίδες
...young prince's call. Whilft there is hope, do not diftruft the gods ; But wait at leaft till Caefar's near approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why mould Rome fall a moment ere her tune' No, let us draw her...

A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Parnell. Garth. Rowe ...

1795 - 848 σελίδες
...young prince's call. Whilft there is hope, do not diftruft the gods; But wait at leaft till Czfar's near approach Force us to yield. 'Twill never be too late To fue for chains, and own a conqueror. Why (hould Rome fall a moment ere her tim^ No, let us draw her...

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