British Theatre Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, from the Most Classic Writers, with Biography, Critical Account and Explanatory Notes: Complete in One Volume

Fleischer, 1831 - 908 σελίδες

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 99 - They told me, by the sentence of the law, They had commission to seize all thy fortune ; Nay more, Priuli's cruel hand had sign'd it. Here stood a ruffian with a horrid face, Lording it o'er a pile of massy plate, Tumbled into a heap for public sale. There was another making villanous jests At thy undoing. He had ta'en possession Of all thy ancient most domestic ornaments : Rich hangings intermix'd and wrought with gold...
Σελίδα 4 - Coarse are his meals, the fortune of the chase, amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst, toils all the day, and at the approach of night on the first friendly bank he throws him down, or rests his head upon a rock till morn: then rises fresh, pursues his wonted game, and if the following day he chance to find a new repast, or an untasted spring, blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury.
Σελίδα 293 - Weary of her, I am and shall be. No, there's no end of that. No, no, that were too much to hope. Thus far concerning my repose. Now for my reputation. As to my own, I married not for it, so that's out of the question, and as to my part in my wife's Why, she had parted with hers before, so bringing none to me, she can take none from me.
Σελίδα 100 - Ohy woman! lovely woman! nature made thee .To temper man : we had been brutes without you. Angels are painted fair, to look like you : There's in you all that we believe of Heaven, Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love.
Σελίδα 294 - I'll give the first impression on a couch. — I won't lie neither, but loll and lean upon one elbow: with one foot a little dangling off, jogging in a thoughtful way — yes — and then as soon as he appears, start, ay, start and be surprised, and rise to meet him in a pretty disorder — yes — O, nothing is more alluring than a levee from a couch, in some confusion: — it shows the foot to advantage, and furnishes with blushes, and recomposing airs beyond comparison.
Σελίδα 389 - And am I to blame? The poor boy. was always too sickly to do any good. A school would be his death. When he comes to be a little stronger, who knows what a year or two's Latin may do for him ? HARD. Latin for him ! A cat and fiddle.
Σελίδα 302 - I have offered to so good a lady, with a sincere remorse, and a hearty contrition, can but obtain the least glance of compassion, I am too happy. — Ah, madam, there was a time! — but let it be forgotten — I confess I have deservedly forfeited the high place I once held of sighing at your feet. Nay, kill me not, by turning from me in disdain.
Σελίδα 155 - Favours to none, to all she smiles extends ; Oft she rejects, but never once offends. Bright as the sun, her eyes the gazers strike, And, like the sun, they shine on all alike.
Σελίδα 288 - No, I'll give you your revenge another time, when you are not so indifferent ; you are thinking of something else now, and play too negligently; the coldness of a losing gamester lessens the pleasure of the winner. I'd no more play with a man that slighted his ill fortune, than I'd make love to a woman who undervalued the loss of her reputation.
Σελίδα 300 - I would retire to deserts and solitudes, and feed harmless sheep by groves and purling streams. Dear Marwood, let us leave the world, and retire by ourselves and be shepherdesses.

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