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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" And if any commissary for faculties, vicars general, or other the said ordinaries, shall offend in the premises, or any part thereof, he shall, for every time so offending, be suspended from the execution of his office for the space of six months... "
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at ... - Σελίδα 441
των Great Britain Ecclesiastical Courts, Joseph Phillimore - 1822
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Canons of the Holy Apostles: The Greek Text as Orginally Printed in 1540 ...

1675 - 314 σελίδες
...Process to such intent, before that the said ten days be expired, shall for the first offence herein be suspended from the execution of his Office for the space of three months; and for the second offence in this kind, be and stand excommunicated, ipso facto, not to be restored...

The principles and law of tithing

Francis Plowden - 1806 - 648 σελίδες
...hands of the register of the Court, or his deputy, tendering him his fee. And if any judge or register shall either procure or permit any inhibition to be...execution of his office, for the space of three months: and if any proctor, or other person whatever by his appointment, shall offend in any of the premises,...

A memoir of Gabriel Goodman, with some account of Ruthin school, also of ...

Richard Newcome - 1825 - 254 σελίδες
...or Process to such intent, before the said ten days be expired," shall for the first offence herein be suspended from the execution of his Office for the space of three months ; and for the second offence in this kind, be and stand* excommunicated, ipso facto, not to be restored...

The clergyman's assistant, or A collection of acts of parliament, forms and ...

Parliament acts - 1828 - 748 σελίδες
...aggrieved, and from which he appealeth ; or shall take a corporal oath, that he hath performed his diligence and true endeavour for the obtaining of the same,...suspended from the execution of his office for the sj>ace of three months : if any Proctor, or other person whatsoever by his appointment, shall offend...

Reform, not Subversion! A proposed Book of Common Prayer ... Also, an ...

Montagu Robert MELVILLE - 1834 - 142 σελίδες
...Ordinaries shall offend in the premises, or any part thereof, he shall for every time so offending, be suspended from the execution of his office for the space of six months ; and every such licence or dispensation shall be held void to all effects and purposes,...

A Practical Arrangement of Ecclesiastical Law

Francis James Newman Rogers - 1840 - 1136 σελίδες
...aggrieved ; and from which he appealeth or shall take a corporal oath, that he hath performed his diligence and true endeavour for the obtaining of the same,...execution of his office for the space of three months ; and if any proctor, or any person whatsoever, by his appointment, shall offend in any of the premises,...

Certain Sermons Or Homilies: Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of ...

Church of England - 1840 - 660 σελίδες
...ordinaries, shall offend in the premises, or any part thereof, he shall, for every time so offending, be suspended from the execution of his office for the space of six months ; and every such licence or dispensation shall be held void to all effects and purposes,...

The Ecclesiastical Law, Τόμος 1

Richard Burn - 1842 - 898 σελίδες
...of the register in the country, or his deputy, tendering him his fee. And if any judge or register shall either procure or permit any inhibition to be...execution of his office for the space of three months ; and if any proctor, or other person whatsoever by his appointment, shall offend in any of the premises,...

The Ecclesiastical Law, Τόμος 3

Richard Burn - 1842 - 816 σελίδες
...of the register in the country, or his deputy, tendering him his fee. And if any judge or register shall either procure or permit any inhibition to be...specified, let him be suspended from the execution of hie office for the space of three months ; and if any proctor, or other person whatsoever by his appointment,...

Synodalia: A Collection of Articles of Religion, Canons ..., Τόμος 1

Church of England - 1842 - 468 σελίδες
...ordinaries, shall offend in the premises, or any part thereof, he shall, for every time so offending, be suspended from the execution of his office for the space of six months; and every such licence or dispensation 30 shall be held void to all effects and purposes,...

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