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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" NO man shall teach either in public school, or private house, but such as shall be allowed by the Bishop of the diocese, or Ordinary of the place, under his hand and seal, being found meet as well for his learning and dexterity in teaching, as for sober... "
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at ... - Σελίδα 202
των Great Britain Ecclesiastical Courts, Joseph Phillimore - 1822
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Sermons Or Homilies, Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen ...

1802 - 628 σελίδες
...as mall be allowed by the Bifhop of the dioccfe, or Ordinary of the place, under his hand and féal, being found meet as well for his learning and dexterity in teaching, as for fober and honeft converlation, and alfo for right underftanding of God's true religion ; and alfo except...

The Clergyman's Assistant, Or A Collection of Acts of Parliament, Forms and ...

Church of England - 1808 - 354 σελίδες
...as (hall be allowed by the Bi(hop of the diocefe, or Ordinary of the place, under his hand and feal, being found meet as well for his learning and dexterity in teaching, as for fober and honeft converfation, and alfo for right underftanding of God's true religion ; and alfo except...

The Ecclesiastical Law, Τόμος 4

Richard Burn - 1824 - 608 σελίδες
...Sf Walk. 325.] 2. By Can. 77. No man shall teach either in public school Licence. or private house, but such as shall be allowed by the bishop of the...also for right understanding of God's true religion ; and also except he first subscribe simply to the first and third articles in the 36th canon, concerning...

The Congregational magazine [formerly The London Christian instructor]., Τόμος 6

1842 - 982 σελίδες
...circular. The 77th is as follows : " tfo men ihatt teach, either in public school or private house, but such as shall be allowed by the Bishop of the...diocese or ordinary of the place, under his hand and teal, being found meet as well for his learning and dexterity in teaching, as for sober and honest...

The clergyman's assistant, or A collection of acts of parliament, forms and ...

Parliament acts - 1828 - 748 σελίδες
...None to teach School without Licence. NO man shall teach either in public school, or private house, but such as shall be allowed by the Bishop of the...also for right understanding of God's true religion ; and also except he shall first subscribe to the first and third Articles aforementioned simply, and...

Reform, not Subversion! A proposed Book of Common Prayer ... Also, an ...

Montagu Robert MELVILLE - 1834 - 142 σελίδες
...None to teach School without Licence. No man shall teach either in public school, or private house, but such as shall be allowed by the Bishop of the...also for right understanding of God's true religion, and also except he shall first subscribe to the first and third Articles before-mentioned simply, and...

The History of Wisbech: With an Historical Sketch of the Fens

1834 - 332 σελίδες
...particular directions ' that no man shall teach either in public schools or private houses, but should be. allowed by the bishop of the diocese or ordinary...also for right understanding of God's true religion.' These canons, which were confirmed in the reign of James I. and were incidentally acknowledged by parliament...

Edward VI. Mary. Elizabeth. Appendix

Charles Dodd - 1839 - 580 σελίδες
...Item, That no man shall take upon him to teach, hut such as shall lie allowed by the ordinary, and found meet, as well for his learning and dexterity...also for right understanding of God's true religion. Item, That all teachers of children shall stir and move them to love and do reverence to God's true...

Review of the session, speech on August 23, 1839

John Singleton Copley (1st baron Lyndhurst.) - 1839 - 150 σελίδες
...Diocese — as " being found meet (according to the language of the seventy-seventh canon) as well for learning and dexterity in teaching, as for sober and...also for right understanding of God's true religion." The character of the education to be given at the central schools is a wide and important subject,...

Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England: Being a ..., Τόμος 1

Church of England, Edward Cardwell - 1839 - 478 σελίδες
...XL. Item, That no man shall take upon him to teach, but such as shall be allowed by the ordinary, and found meet as well for his learning and dexterity...teaching, as for sober and honest conversation, and also s for right understanding of God's true religion. XLI. Item, That all teachers of children shall stir...

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