To warm and win the coldest heart,
In fecret mine possest.
The morning bud that faireft blows, The vernal oak that ftraighteft grows, His face and shape exprest.
In moving founds he told his tale, Soft as the fighings of the gale,
That wakes the flowery year.
What wonder he could charm with ease, Whom happy Nature taught to please, Whom Honour made fincere.
At morn he left me-fought-and fell! The fatal evening heard his knell, And faw the tears I fhed: Tears that must ever, ever fall; For ah! no fighs the past recall,
No cries awake the dead!
INVOCATION, addreffed to Fancy. Subject pro- pofed; a fhort excurfive furvey of the Earth and Heavens. The poem opens with a description of the face of Nature in the different scenes of morning, fun-rise, noon, with a thunder-storm, evening, night, and a particular night-piece, with the character of a friend deceased.
With the return of morning Fancy continues her ex- curfion, first northward-A view of the arctic conti- nent and the deferts of Tartary-From thence fouth- ward a general profpect of the globe, followed by another of the mid-land part of Europe, suppose Italy. A city there upon the point of being fwal- lowed up by an earthquake: figns that usher it in: defcribed in its caufes and effects at length-Erup- tion of a burning mountain, happening at the fame time and from the fame causes, likewise described.
OMPANION of the Muse, creative power, Imagination! at whose great command
Arise unnumber'd images of things,
Thy hourly offspring: thou, who can'ft at will People with air-born shapes the filent wood, And folitary vale, thy own domain,
Where Contemplation haunts; Oh come, invok'd, To waft me on thy many-tinctur'd wing,
O'er Earth's extended fpace: and thence, on high, Spread to fuperior Worlds thy bolder flight, Excurfive, unconfin'd. Hence from the haunts Of vice and folly, vanity and man—
To yon expanfe of plains, where Truth delights, Simple of heart; and, hand in hand with her, Where blameless Virtue walks. Now parting Spring, Parent of beauty and of fong, has left
His mantle, flower-embroider'd on the ground. While Summer laughing comes, and bids the Months Crown his prime season with their choiceft ftores;
Fresh rofes opening to the folar ray, And fruits flow-fwelling on the loaded bough. Here let me frequent roam, preventing morn, Attentive to the cock, whofe early throat,
Heard from the distant village in the vale,
Crows chearly out, far-founding through the gloom. Night hears from where, wide-hovering in mid-sky, She rules the fable hour: and calls her train Of vifionary fears; the shrouded ghost, The dream distressful, and th' encumbent hag, That rife to Fancy's eye in horrid forms, While Reafon flumbering lies. At once they fly, As fhadows pafs, nor is their path beheld.
And now, pale-glimmering on the verge of heaven, From east to north in doubtful twilight feen, A whitening luftre fhoots its tender beam; While fhade and filence yet involve the ball. Now facred Morn, ascending, smiles ferene A dewy radiance, brightening o'er the world. Gay daughter of the air, for ever young, For ever pleafing! lo, fhe onward comes, In fluid gold and azure loose-array'd, Sun-tinctur'd, changeful hues. At her approach, The western grey of yonder breaking clouds Slow-reddens into flame: the rifing mifts, From off the mountain's brow, roll blue away In curling fpires; and open all his woods, High waving in the sky: th' uncolour'd ftream, Beneath her glowing ray, translucent shines. Glad Nature feels her through her boundless realms Of life and fenfe: and calls forth all her fweets, Fragrance and fong. From each unfolding flower Transpires the balm of life, that Zephyr wafts, Delicious, on his rofy wing: each bird,
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