Marlow. We so laugh'd - You must know, with scarce sense enough to keep your mouth madam- this way a little, for he must not shut, were you too joined against me? But hear us. [They confer. I'll defeat all your plots in a moment. As for Tony. [Still gazing] A damn'd cramp piece you, madam, since you have got a pair of of penmanship as ever I saw in my life. I fresh horses ready, it would be cruel to discan read your print-hand very well. But here appoint them. So, if you please, instead of there are such handles, and shanks, and dashes, running away with your spark, prepare, this that one can scarce tell the head from the very moment, to run off with me. Your old tail. To Anthony Lumpkin, Esq. It's very aunt Pedigree will keep you secure, I'll warodd, I can read the outside of my letters, rant me. You too, sir, may mount your horse, where my own name is, well enough. But and guard us upon the way. Here, Thomas, when I come to open it, it is all--buz. That's Roger, Diggory; I'll show you, that I wish hard, very hard: for the inside of the letter is you better than you do yourselves. [Exil always the cream of the correspondence. Mrs. H. Ha! ha! ha! Very well, very well. And so my son was too hard for the philosopher. Miss N. Yes, the rest, madam. he may hear us. him again. Miss N. So now I'm completely ruined. Miss N. What better could be expected from being connected with such a stupid fool, madam; but you must hear and after all the nods and signs I made him? A little more this way, or Tony. By the laws, miss, it was your own You'll hear how he puzzled cleverness, and not my stupidity, that did your business. You were so nice and so busy with Mrs. H. He seems strangely puzzled now your Shake-bags and Goose-greens, that I himself, methinks. thought you could never be making believe. Enter HASTINGS, Tony. [Still gazing] A damn'd up and down hand, as if it was disguised in liquor. [Reading] Dear sir. Ay, that's that. Then Hast. So, sir, I find by my servant, that there's an M, and a T, and an S, but whether you have shown my letter, and betray'd us. the next be an izzard 1) or an R, confound Was this well done, young gentleman? me, I cannot tell. Tony. Here's another. Ask miss there who Mrs. H. What's that, my dear? Can I give betray'd you. Ecod, it was her doing, not mine. you any assistance? Miss N. Pray, aunt, let me read it. Nobody reads a cramp hand better than I. [Twitching the Letter from her] Do you know who it is from? Tony. Can't tell, except from Dick Ginger, the feeder. Miss N. Ay, so it is, [Pretending to read] Dear squire, hoping that you're in health, as I am at this present. The gentlemen of the Shake-bag club has cut the gentlemen of the Goose-green quite out of feather. The odds -um-old battle-um-long fighting-umhere, here, it's all about cocks, and fighting; it's of no consequence, here, put it up, put it up. [Thrusting the crumpled Letter upon him. Tony. But I tell you, miss, it's of all the consequence in the world. I would not lose the rest of it for a guinea. Here, mother, do you make it out. Of no consequence. Enter MARLOW. [Giving Mrs. Hardcastle the_Letter. Mar. As for him, he's below resentment. Mrs. H. How's this? [Reads. But your conduct, Mr. Hastings, requires an Dear Squire,-I'm now waiting for Miss explanation. You knew of my mistakes, yet Neville, with a post chaise and pair, at the would not undeceive me. bottom of the garden; but I find my horses Hast. Tortured as I am with my own disyet unable to perform the journey. I expect appointments, is this a time for explanations? you'll assist us with a pair of fresh horses, It is not friendly, Mr. Marlow. as you promised. Dispatch is necessary, Mar. But, sir as the hag (ay, the hag), your mother, will Miss N. Mr. Marlow, we never kept on otherwise suspect us. Yours, HASTINGS. your mistake, till it was too late to undeceive Grant me patience. I shall run distracted. you. Be pacified, My rage chokes me. Enter Servant, Sero. My mistress desires you'll get ready Miss N. I hope, madam, you'll suspend your resentment for a few moments, and not impute to me any impertinence, or sinister design immediately, madam. The horses are putting that belongs to another. to, Your hat and things are in the next room. Mrs. H. Courteseying very low] Fine spoken, We are to go thirty miles before morning. madam, you are most miraculously polite and [Exit. engaging, and quite the very pink of courtesy Miss N. I come. O, Mr. Marlow! if you and circumspection, madam. [Changing her knew what a scene of constraint and ill nature Tone] And you, you great ill-fashioned oaf, lies before me, I'm sure it would convert your resentment into pity, 1) An s surd, Z. Mrs. H. [Within] Miss Neville. Constance; don't think, sir, that my impudence has been passed upon all the rest of the family. why, Constance, I say. Miss N. I'm coming. Well, constancy. Remember, constancy is the word. [Exit. Hard. Impudence. No, I don't say thatNot quite impudence.-Girls like to be played Hast. My heart, how can I support this? with, and rumpled too sometimes. But she To be so near happiness, and such happiness! has told no tales, I assure you. Mar. [To Tony] You see now, young genMar. May I die, sir, if I evertleman, the effects of your folly. What might Hard. I tell you, she don't dislike you; and be amusement to you, is here disappointment, as I'm sure you like her.— and even distress. Mar. Dear sir, I protest, sir Tony. [From a Reverie] Ecod, I have hit Hard. I see no reason why you should not it. It's here. Your hands. Yours and yours, be joined as fast as the parson can tie you. my poor Sulky. Meet me two hours hence Mar. But why won't you hear me? By all at the bottom of the garden; and if you don't that's just and true, I never gave miss Hardfind Tony Lumpkin a more good natur'd fel- castle the slightest mark of my attachment, low than you thought for, I'll give you leave or even the most distant hint to suspect me to take my best horse, and Bet Bouncer into of affection. We had but one interview, and the bargain. Come along. [Exeunt. that was formal, modest, and uninteresting. Hard. This fellow's formal, modest impudence is beyond bearing. ACT V. SCENE I.—An old-fashioned House. Enter SIR CHARLES MARLOW and HARDCAstle. [Aside. Sir C. And you never grasp'd her hand, or made any protestations? Mar. As heaven is my witness, I came down Hard. Ha! ha! ba! The peremptory tone in obedience to your commands. I saw the in which he sent forth his sublime commands. lady without emotion, and parted without reSir C. And the reserve with which I sup-luctance. I hope you'll exact no further proofs pose he treated all your advances. of my duty, nor prevent me from leaving a house in which I suffer so many mortifications. Hard. And yet he might have seen something in me above a common innkeeper, too. Sir C. Yes, Dick, but he mistook you for an uncommon innkeeper, ha! ha! ha! Hard. Well, I'm in too good spirits to think of any thing but joy. Yes, my dear -friend, this union of our families will make our personal friendships hereditary; and though my daughter's fortune is but small [Exit. Sir C. I'm astonish'd at the air of sincerity with which he parted. Hard. And I'm astonish'd at the deliberate intrepidity of his assurance. Sir C. I dare pledge my life and honour upon his truth. Hard. Here comes my daughter, and I would Sir C. Why, Dick, will you talk of fortune stake my happiness upon her veracity. to me? My son is possessed of more than a competence already, and can want nothing Enter Miss HARDCASTLE. but a good and virtuous girl to share his hap- Kate, come hither, child. Answer me sincerely, piness, aud increase it. If they like each other, and without reserve; has Mr. Marlow made as you say they doyou any professions of love and affection? Miss H. The question is very abrupt, sir: but since you require unreserved sincerity, think he has. Hard. If, man. I tell you they do like each other. My daughter as good as told me so. Sir C. But girls are apt to flatter them-I selves, you know. Hard. I saw him grasp her hand in the warmest manner myself; and here he comes to put you out of your ifs, I warrant him. Enter MARLOW. Mar. I come, sir, once more, to ask pardon for my strange conduct. I can scarce reflect on my insolence without confusion. Hard. Tut, boy, a trifle. You take it too gravely. An hour or two's laughing with my daughter will set all to rights again. She'll never like you the worse for it. Mar. Sir, I shall be always proud of her approbation. Hard. Approbation is but a cold word, Mr. Marlow; if I am not deceived, you have some thing more than approbation thereabouts. You take me. Hard. [To Sir C.] You see. Sir C. And pray, madam, have you and my son had more than one interview? Miss H. Yes, sir, several. Hard. [To Sir C.] You see. Sir C. But did he profess any attachment? Sir C. Did he talk of love? Sir C. Amazing! and all this formally? Hard. Now, my friend, I hope you are satisfied. Sir C. And how did he behave, madam? Miss H. As most professed admirers do. Said some civil things of my face, talked much of his want of merit, and the greatness of mine: mentioned his heart, gave a short tragedy speech, and ended with pretended rapture. Mar. Really, sir, I have not that happiness. Sir C. Now I'm perfectly convinced, indeed. Hard. Come, boy, I'm an old fellow, and I know his conversation among women to be know what's what, as well as you that are modest and submissive. This forward, canting, younger. I know what has passed between ranting manner by no means describes him, you; but mum. and I'm confident he never sat for the picture. Mar. Sure, sir, nothing has passed between Miss H. Then what, sir, if I should conus but the most profound respect on my side, vince you to your face of my sincerity? If and the most distant reserve on her's. You you and my papa, in about half an hour, will place yourselves behind that screen, you shall I say. After we take a knock in this part of hear him declare his passion to me in person. the country, we shake hands and be friends. Sir C. Agreed. And if I find him what you But if you had run me through the guts, then describe, all my happiness in him must have I should be dead, and you might go shake [Exit. hands with the hangman. an end. Miss H. And if you don't find him what I Hast. The rebuke is just. But I must hasten describe-I fear my happiness must never have to relieve miss Neville! if you keep the old a beginning. [Exeunt. lady employed, I promise to take care of the [Exit. Tony. Never fear me. Here she comes. Vanish! She's got into the pond, and is draggled up to the waist like a mermaid. Enter Ms. HARDCASTLE. Mrs. H. Oh, Tony, I'm kill'd! Shook! Battered to death! I shall never survive it. That last jolt that laid us against the quickset-hedge has done my business. Tony. Alack, mamma, it was all your own Enter TONY, booted and spattered. My honest squire! I now find you a man of fault. You would be for running away by your word. This looks like friendship. night, without knowing one inch of the way. Tony. Ay, I'm your friend, and the best Mrs. H. I wish we were at home again. friend you have in the world, if you knew I never met so many accidents in so short a but all. This riding by night, by-the-by, is journey. Drench'd in the mud, overturn'd in cursedly tiresome. It has shook me worse a ditch, stuck fast in a slough, jolted to a jelly, than the basket of a stage coach. and at last to lose our way. Whereabouts Hast. But how? Where did you leave your do you think we are, Tony? fellow travellers? Are they in safety? Are Tony. By my guess we should be upon they housed? Crackskull-common, about forty miles from Tony. Five and twenty miles in two hours home. and a half, is no such bad driving. The poor beasts have smoked for it. Rabbit me, but I'd rather ride forty miles after fox, than ten with such varment 1). Hast. Well, but where have you left the ladies? I die with impatience. Tony. Left them! Why, where should leave them, but where I found them? Hast. This is a riddle. Tony. Riddle me this, then. What's that goes round the house, and round the house, and never touches the house? Hast. I'm still astray. Tony. Why, that's it, mon. I have led them astray. By jingo, there's not a pond or slough within five miles of the place, but they can tell the taste of. Mrs. H. O lud! O lud! the most notorious spot in all the country. We only want a robbery to make a complete night on't. Tony. Don't be afraid, mamma, don't be afraid. Two of the five that kept here are hanged, and the other three may not find us. Don't be afraid. Is that a man that's galloping behind us? No; its only a tree. Don't be afraid. Mrs. H. The fright will certainly kill me. Tony. Do you see any thing like a black hat moving behind the thicket? Mrs. H. O death! Tony. No, it's only a cow. Don't be afraid, mamma! don't be afraid. Mrs. H. As I'm alive, Tony, I see a man coming towards us. Ah! I'm sure on't. If he Hast. Ha! ha! ha! I understand; you took perceives us, we are undone. them in a round, while they supposed them- Tony. Father-in-law, by all that's unlucky, selves going forward. And so you have at come to take one of his night walks. [Aside] last brought them home again. Ah, its a highwayman with pistols as long as my arm. A damn'd ill-looking fellow. Mrs. H. Good heaven defend us! he ap Tony. You shall hear. I first took them down Feather-bed-lane, where we stuck fast in the mud. I then rattled them crack over proaches. the stones of Up-and-down-hill-I then intro- Tony. Do you hide yourself in that thicket, duced them to the gibbet on Heavy-tree-heath, and leave me to manage him. If there be any and from that, with a circumnbendibus, I danger I'll cough and cry hem. When 1 fairly lodg'd them in the horsepond at the cough be sure to keep close. bottom of the garden. Hast. But no accident, I hope. Tony. No, no. Only mother is confoundedly frightened. She thinks herself forty miles off. She's sick of the journey, and the cattle can scarce crawl. So if your own horses be ready, you may whip off with cousin, and I'll be bound that no soul here can budge a foot to follow you. Hast. My dear friend, how can I be grateful? Tony. Ay, now it's dear friend, noble squire. Just now, it was all idiot, cub, and run me through the guts. Damn your way of fighting, 1) Vermin. I [Mrs. H. hides behind a Tree you. Hard. I'm mistaken, or I heard voices of people in want of help. O, Tony, is that did not expect you so soon back. Are your mother and her charge in safety? Tony. Very safe, sir, at my aunt Pedigree's. Hem. Mrs. H. [From behind] Ah, death! I find there's danger. Hard. Forty miles in three hours; sure, that's too much, my youngster. Tony. Stout horses and willing minds make come once more to take leave; nor did I, till short journeys, as they say. Hem. this moment, know the pain I feel in the Mrs. H. [From behind] Sure, he'll do the separation. dear boy no harm. Miss H. [In her own natural Manner] Hard. But I heard a voice here; I should I believe these sufferings cannot be very great, be glad to know from whence it came? sir, which you can so easily remove. A day Tony. It was I, sir, talking to myself, sir. or two longer, perhaps, might lessen your I was saying that forty miles in three hours uneasiness, by showing the little value of what was very good going. Hem. As to be sure you now think proper to regret. it was. Hem. I have got a sort of cold by Mar. This girl every moment improves upon being out in the air. We'll go in, if you me. [Aside] It must not be, madam. I have please. Hem. already trifled too long with my heart, and Hard. But if you talked to yourself, you nothing can restore me to myself, but this did not answer yourself. I am certain I heard painful effort of resolution. two voices, and am resolved [Raising his Miss H. Then go, sir. I'll urge nothing Voice] to find the other out. more to detain you. Though my family be Mrs. H. [Running forward from behind] as good as her's you came down to visit, and O lud, he'll murder my poor boy, my darling. my education I hope not inferior, what are Here, good gentleman, whet your rage upon these advantages without equal affluence? I me. Take my money, my life, but spare that must remain contented with the slight appro young gentleman, spare my child, if you have bation of imputed merit; I must have only the mockery of your addresses, while all your serious aims are fix'd on fortune. any mercy. Hard. My wife! as I am a Christian. From whence can she come, or what does she mean! Mrs. H. [Kneeling] Take compassion on us, good Mr. Highwayman. Take our money, our watches, all we have, but spare our lives. We will never bring you to justice, indeed we won't, good Mr. Highwayman. Enter HARDCASTLE and SIR CHARLES MARLOW from behind. Mar. By heavens, madam, fortune was ever my smallest consideration. Your beauty at first caught my eye; for who could see that withHard. I believe the woman's out of her out emotion. But every moment that I consenses. What, Dorothy, don't you know me? verse with you, steals in some new grace, Mrs. H. Mr. Hardcastle, as I'm alive! My heightens the picture, and gives it stronger fears blinded me. But who, my dear, could expression. What at first seemed rustic plainhave expected to meet you here, in this fright-ness, now appears refined simplicity. What ful place, so far from home? What has seemed forward assurance, now strikes me as brought you to follow us? the result of courageous innocence, and con -- Hard. Sure, Dorothy, you have not lost scious virtue. I am now determined to stay, your wits. So far from home, when you are madam, and I have too good an opinion of within forty yards of your own door. [To my father's discernment, when he sees you, Tony] This is one of your old tricks, you to doubt his approbation. graceless rogue you. [To Mrs. H.] Don't Miss H. Sir, I must entreat you'd desist you know the gate and the mulberry-tree; As our acquaintance began, so let it end, in and don't you remember the horsepond, my indifference. I might have given an hour or dear? two to levity, but seriously, Mr. Marlow, do Mrs. H. Yes, I shall remember the horse- you think I could ever submit to a connexion pond as long as I live; I have caught my death where I must appear mercenary, and you it. [To Tony] And is it to you, you grace-imprudent? Do you think I could ever catch less varlet, I owe all this. I'll teach you to at the confident addresses of a secure admirer? abuse your mother, I will. Mar. [Kneeling] Does this look like se Tony. Ecod, mother, all the parish says you curity? Does this look like confidence? No, have spoiled me, and so you may take the madam, every moment that shows me your fruits on't. merit, only serves to increase my diffidence and confusion. Here let me continue Mrs. H. I'll spoil you, I will. Hard. Ha! ha! ha! SCENE III.-A Parlour. Enter SIR CHARLES MARLOW and MISS HARD- Sir C. I can hold it no longer. [Coming forward] Charles, Charles, how hast thou deceived me. Is this your indifference, your uninteresting conversation? Hard. Your cold contempt; your formal interview? What have you to say now? Mar. That I'm all amazement! What can it mean? Sir C. What a situation am I in! If what you say appears, I shall then find a guilty son. If what he says be true, I shall then lose one Hard. It means that you can say and unsay that, of all others, I most wished for a daughter. things at pleasure. That you can address Miss H. I am proud of your approbation, lady in private, and deny it in public; that and to show I merit it, if you place your you have one story for and another for selves as I directed, you shall hear his explicit my daughter. declaration. But he comes. Sir C. I'll to your father, and keep him to the appointment. Enter MARLOW. [Exit. us, Mar. Daughter!-this lady your daughter? Hurd. Yes, sir, my only daughter, my Kate. Whose else should she be? Mar. Oh, the devil. Miss H. Yes, sir, that very identical, tall, Mar. Though prepared for setting out, I squinting lady you were pleased to take me for. [Courtesying] She that you addressed give up my fortune to secure my choice. as the mild, modest, sentimental man of gra- But I'm now recovered from the delusion, vity, and the bold, forward, agreeable Rattle aud hope from your tenderness what is deof the ladies' club, ha! ha! ha! nied me from a nearer connexion. Mar. Zounds! there's no bearing this. Hard. Be it what it will. I'm glad they are Miss H. In which of your characters, sir, come back to reclaim their due. Come hither, will you give us leave to address you? As Tony, boy. Do you refuse this lady's the faltering gentleman, with looks on the band whom I now offer you? ground, that speaks just to be heard, and hates hypocrisy; or the loud, confident creature, that keeps it up with Mrs. Mantrap, and old Mrs. Biddy Buckskin, till three in the morning, ha! ha! ha! Mar. O, curse on my noisy head! I never attempted to be impudent yet, that I was not taken down. I must be gone. Hard. By the band of my body, but you shall not. I see it was all a mistake, and I am rejoiced to find it. You shall not, sir, I tell you. I know she'll forgive you. Won't you forgive him, Kate? We'll all forgive you. Take courage, man. [They retire, she tormenting him, Enter MRS. HARDCASTLE and TONY. Mrs. H. So, so, they're gone off. Let them go, I care not. Hard. Who's gone? Mrs. H. My dutiful niece and her gentleman, Mr. Hastings, from town; he who came down with our modest visitor here. Sir C. Who, my honest George Hastings. As worthy a fellow as lives, and the girl could not have made a more prudent choice. Hard. Then by the hand of my body, I'm proud of the connexion, Tony. What signifies my refusing? You know I can't refuse her till I'm of age, father. Hard, While I thought concealing your age, boy, was likely to conduce to your improvement, I concurred with your mother's desire to keep it secret. But since I find she turns it to a wrong use, I must now declare you have been of age these three months. Tony. Of age! Am I of age, father? Hard. Above three months. Tony. Then you'll see the first use I'll make of my liberty. [Taking Miss Neville's Hand] Witness all men by these presents, that I, Anthony Lumpkin, esquire, of Blankplace, refuse you, Constantia Neville, spinster, of no place at all, for my true and lawful wife. So, Constantia Neville may marry whom she pleases, and Tony Lumpkin is his own man again. Sir C. O brave squire! Mrs. H. My undutiful offspring! Mar. Joy, my dear George, I give you joy sincerely. And could I prevail upon my little tyrant here to be less arbitrary, I should be the happiest man alive, if you would return me the favour. ma Hast. [To Miss Hardcastle] Come, dam, you are now driven to the very last scene of all your contrivances. I know you like him, I'm sure he loves you, and you must and shall have him. Enter HASTINGS and MISS NEVILLE. Mrs. H. What, returned so soon, I begin not to like it. [Aside. Hard. [Joining their Hands] And I say Hast. [To Hardcastle] For my late at- so too. And Mr. Marlow, if she makes as tempt to fly off with your niece, let my pre- good a wife as she has a daughter, I don't sent confusion be my punishment. We are believe you'll ever repent your bargain. So now come back, to appeal from your justice now to supper. To-morrow we shall gather to your humanity. By her father's consent I all the poor of the parish about us, and the first paid her my addresses, and our passions mistakes of the night shall be crowned with were first founded in duty. a merry morning; so, boy, take her and as Miss N. Since his death, I have been obliged you have been mistaken in the mistress, my to stoop to dissimulation to avoid oppression. wish is, that you may never be mistaken in In an hour of levity, I was ready even to the wifc. BENJAMIN JONSON, one of the most considerable dramatic poets of the seventeenth century, whether we consider the number or the merit of his productions, was born at Westminster June 11, 1574, and was educated at the public school there, under the great Camden. He was descended from a Scots family; and his father, who lost his estate under Queen Mary, dying before our poet was born, and his mother marrying a bricklayer for her second husband, Ben was taken from school to work at his father-in-laws trade. Not being captivated with this employment, he went into the Low Countries, and distinguished himself in a military capacity. On his return to England he entered himself at St. John's College, Cambridge; but how long he continued there we are not informed. On his quitting the university he applied to the stage for a maintenance, and became a member of an obscure company, which performed at the Curtain in Shoreditch. At the same time he turned his thoughts to composition; but is generally supposed to have been unsuccessful in his first attempts. His performances as an actor met with little more applause; and, to complete his misery, he had the misfortune in a duel to kill his opponent, for which he was committed to prison; but how long he remained there, or by what methods he obtained his liberty, we have no account, It was, however, while in custody for this offence that he was made a convert to the church of Rome, in whose communion he steadily persisted for twelve years. It is supposed, that about this time he became acquainted with Shakspeare; who, according to tradition, assisted him in some of his dramatic attempts, and considerably promoted his interest, though he could not by means of it secure himself from the virulence of our author's pen. For many years from this period Ben produced some piece annually, for the |