thereof, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the said E. R. his heirs and assigns for ever, To the only proper use and behoof of him the said E. R. his heirs and assigns for ever. And the said J. K. the elder, doth hereby grant for him and his heirs, that he the said J. K: and his heirs, the messuage, farm, lands, tenements, heredi taments, and premises, and all and singular other the premises hereby granted, or mentioned to be granted, and every part and parcel thereof, with all and singular their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, unto the said E. R. his heirs and assigns, against him the said J. K. and his heirs, and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents. And the said J. K. the elder, and J. K. the younger, do for themselves severally, and for their several heifs, executors, and administrators, and for every of them, covenant, &c. [Here follows covenants to levy a fine. That J. K. sen. the bargainor, is lawfully seised, and shall continue seised till an absolute estate be vested in the bargainee. That bargainor hath power to convey. For peaceable enjoyment. Free from incumbrances. Except, &c. For further assurance. Said assurances to be to the use of the bargainee, &c. Bargainor also covenants not to encumber the premises.] IN WIT- . NESS, &c. BARGAIN and Sale of Lands by the Mortgage and Mortgagor and his Wife; to make a Tenant to the præcipe, in order to the suffering a recovery to the use of the Purchaser and his Heirs. THIS INDENTURE, made, &c. between A. A. of i Esq. only son and heir of dame B. A. deceased, (late wife of Sir C. A. Bart. and the only daughter and heir of D. D. Esq, deceased,) and E. wife of the said A. A. of the 1st part, F. F. of Esq. of the 2nd part, G. G. of Lon don, Gent. of the 3rd part, and J. J. of L. L. of Esq. and of the 4th part. WHEREAS the said J. J. hath contracted with the said A. A. for the absolute purchase of the manor, messuages, lands, and hereditaments, herein after bargained and sold, with their appurte nances, for the sum of £ of lawful money of Great Britain Now this indenture witnesseth, That for and in consideration of the sum of £ Great Britain, (part of the said of lawful money of purchase money,) paid into the Bank of England by the said J. J. on the tlay of the date hereof, in the name of the said A. A. and with the privity and consent, and by the direction of him and the said F. F. and in pursuance of an order of the high court of Chancery, made the day of now last past, in a cause wherein the said A. A. and C. A. M. A. and N. A. infants, by the said A. A. their father and next friend, are plaintiffs, and the said O. O. and the said F. F. and others defendants, (being in full for all principal monies and interest now due on a mortgage in fee formerly made to P. P. Esq. since deceased) and the said F. F. of all the said purchased premises, in pursuance of a former order of the said court, made in the aforesaid cause, on the day of sum of £ 18- the payment of which said by the said J. J. in manner aforesaid, they the said A. A. and F. F. do hereby own and acknow ledge, and in consideration of the sum of £ money (residue of the said £ - of like purchase-money) unto the said A. A. in hand well and truly paid by the said J J at or before the execution of these presents, the receipt whereof he the said A. A. doth hereby acknowledge, which said several sums of £ together the said sum of £ and — make which is the same sum of £ mentioned to be the consideration money of one indenture of release of the said purchased premises, bearing even date herewith, between the same parties as are parties hereto, and therein mentioned to be paid by the said J. J. in the proportions and in manner aforesaid;. and in consideration of ten shillings of like money to the said A. A. and F. F. paid by the said G. G. at or before the execution of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; and for docking and barring all estatestail, and all reversions and remainders thereupon, expectant or depending of and in the said purchased manor, messuages, lands, and hereditaments, every or any part thereof (if any such there be now subsisting and not determined, barred, or destroyed,) and for conveying and limiting the same premises, with their appurtenances, in manner herein after mentioned, the said F. F. at the request and by the direction and appointment of the said A. A. (testified by his being a party to, and sealing and delivery of these presents) ath bargained and sold, and by these presents Doth bargain and sell, and the said A. A. and E. his wife, Have and each of them hath granted, bargained, sold, and confirmed, and by these presents Do and each of them Both grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said G. G. his heirs and assigns, ALL, &c. and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and of every part thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, trust, property, equity of redemption, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity, of them the said A. A. and E. his` wife, and F. F. and of each or any of them, of, in, to, or out of the same: To HAVE AND TO HOLD the said manor, messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and all and singular other the premises, with their appurtenances, unto the said G. G. his heirs and assigns, to the use and behoof of him the said G. G. and of his heirs and assigns, to the intent and purpose, that he the said G. G. may be and become perfect tenant of the freehold of the said manor, messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, to the end that one or more good and perfect common recovery or recoveries may be thereof had, suffered, and perfected, before the end of the next term, in the Court of Common Pleas, at Westminster, (at the equal costs and charges of the said A. A. and J. J.) in such manner and form, as in the said indenture of release bearing even date herewith is in that behalf mentioned, expressed, and agreed upon; And it is hereby declared and agreed by all the said parties hereto, that the said recovery or recoveries to be suffered as aforesaid, and these presents, after the said recovery or recoveries shall be perfected and executed, and all other common recoveries, fines, conveyances, and assurances in the law whatsoever, heretofore had, made, levied, suffered, or executed, or hereafter to be had, made, levied, suffered, or executed of the said manor, messunges, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, or any part thereof, by or between the said parties hereto, or any of them, or whereunto they or any of them are or shall be party or privies, shall be and enure, and shall be adjudged, deemed, construed, and taken, and so are and were meant and intended to be and enure, to the only use and behoof of the said J. J. and L. L. and of the heirs and assigns of the said L. L. for ever; In trust, as to the estate of the said L. L. and his heirs to and for the only benefit of the said J. J. his heirs and assigns for ever, and 10 and for no other use, trust, intent, or purpose whatsoever. IN WITNESS, &c. 1 BARGAIN AND SALE of a Mansion House, Cottage, and Land in the country, under the powers of the Land-tax Redemption Act. This precedent contains very full recitals of the different Acts of Parliament, under the authorities of which the present conveyance is made, and various other special, and rather un. usual, but very proper recitals. It is also drawn in a cautious manner, is very ample in its contents, and powerful in its operation, as will be shewn in the Notes subjoined. It is, upon the whole, the best Precedent of the kind I have ever met with, (Settled by several eminent Counsel.) THIS INDENTURE, made the day of year of the reign, &c. and in the year in of our the Lord 18- Between A. B. of &c. Esq. and C. his wife, (late C. D. spinster, eldest daughter of R. D. late of Esq, deceased, who was the nephew of E. F. late of Esq. deceased) of the 1st part, G. H. of &c. and I. K. of |