BONDS. BOND for payment of an Annuity to Obligee, during the life of Obligor. Know all MEN by these presents, that I A. B. of &c. am held and firmly bound to C. D. of &c. in the penal sum of of lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the said C. D. or his certain attorney, executors, administrators, or assigns, for which payment to be well and faithfully made I bind myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators firmly by these presents, SEALED with my seal, dated this in the year of our Lord 18-. day of WHEREAS the said A. B. is indebted to the said C. D. in the sum of £ principal money remaining due to him on security of the estates of the said A. B. and it has been agreed between them, that the same should be turned into a security by way of annuity, and the said A. E. having occasion for a further sum, the said C. D. has agreed to lend him so as to make up in the whole and to accept an annuity of in con£ sideration of and in discharge of the said principal sum of AND WHEREAS the said C. D. has paid to the said A. B. the said sum of £ in notes of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and in silver lawful money of Great Britain, the receipt of which said sum of £ he the said A. B. doth hereby admit and acknowledge: Now THE CONDITION of the above-written obligation is such, that if the above bounden A. B. his heirs, executors, or administrators, do and shall punctually pay or cause to be paid unto the said C. D. his £ executors, administrators, or assigns for and during the natural life of him the said A. B. one annuity or clear yearly sum of £ of lawful money of Great Britain, free from all deductions or abatements whatsoever, by four equal quarterly payments on the day of, the the day of day of day of and the in each such year, the first quarterly day of payment thereof to be made on the next, ensuing the date of the above-written obligation: and if the heirs, executors, or administrators of the above bounden A. B. do and shall pay to the above named C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, a proportional part of the said annuity or clear yearly sum of £ immediately on the decease of the said A. B. in respect of the accruing quarter, in which he may happen to die, to be calculated up to the day of the death of the above bounden A. B. and also do and shall pay all such costs, charges, and expenses as the above-named C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns may sustain, or be subject unto by means of any default in payment of the said annuity or otherwise in relation thereto; THEN the above written obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. BOND to submit all matters to Arbitration. KNOW ALL Men, &c. WHEREAS Various differences and disputes have arisen between the said A. B. and C. D. touching and concerning divers matters; and whereas the said A. B. and C. D. have agreed to leave and submit the adjustment and settling of all such disputes to E. F. of &c. G. H. of &c. and J. K of &c. Now THE CONDITION of the above-written obligation is such, that if the above bounden A. B. bis heirs, executors, and administrators, shall and do in all things well and truly stand to, obey, abide, observe, perform, fulfil, and keep the award, order, arbitration, final end, and determination of the said E. F. G. H. and 1. K. or any two of them, arbitrators indifferently elected, chosen, and named as well by and on the behalf of the said A. B. as of the said C. D. to arbitrate, award, order, judge, determine of and conclude all and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of actions, suits, bills, bonds, specialties, covenants, contracts, promises, accounts, reckonings, sums of money, judgments, executions, extents, quarrels, controversies, trespasses, damages, and demands whatsoever at any time heretofore had, made, moved, brought, commenced, sued, prosecuted, done, suffered, committed, or depending by or between the said A. B. and C. D. (the award of the said arbitrators or any two of them to be made and set down in writing, indented under their or any two of their hands and seals, ready to be delivered to the said parties in difference on or before the day of ;) then the above-written obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. BOND of Arbitration as to the amount of Delapida tions; the costs of an Action previously brought to be paid by the Obligor, but the amount to be settled by the Arbitrators: the present Bond to be made a rule of Court. KNOW ALL MEN, &e. WHEREAS disputes have arisen between the above bounden A. B. and the said C. D. touching the sum to be paid on account of delapidatious of the parsonage house and buildings at in the county of and a suit has been instituted in the ecclesiastical court by the said C. D. against the said A. B. to recover a compensation for the same; AND WHEREAS the said parties have mutually agreed to leave the amount to be paid in respect of such delapidations to the award, arbitrament, and final determination of E. F. of &c. G. H. of &c. and J. K. of &c. or any two of them, provided such award shall be made in writing, ready to be delivered to either party on or before the day of next; AND it has also been agreed that the said A. B. shall pay to the said C. D. his costs incurred in the said suit, and also the costs of the said arbitration, the amount of which shall be settled by the said arbitrators. Now THE CONDITION of the above-written obligation is such, that if the above bounden A. B. his heirs, executors, or administrators shall and do well and truly pay such sum and sums of money, and abide by, perform, and keep all such things as shall be required by the award of the said E. F. G. H. and J. K. or any two of them, to be paid, performed, and done by such person strictly according to the terms of the said award, provided the said award be made in writing by the said arbitrators, or any two of them, ready to be delivered on or before the day of next; THEN this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. AND it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the said parties, that the submission hereby entered into shall be made a rule of his Majesty's court of King's Bench, if the court shall so please, pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided. BOND of Arbitration as to a Right of Way: the costs of a depending action, and also of the present reference, to abide the event thereof. KNOW ALL MEN, &C. WHEREAS an aetion hath been brought and is now depending in his Majesty's court of King's Bench by the above-named C. D. against the above bounden A. B. for obstructing a way or passage claimed by the said C. D. for himself and servants, horses, teams, carts, and carriages from a certain messuage, farm, and lands in the parish of in the county of belonging to E. F. Esq. now in the occupation of the said C. D. cut through and over certain lands of the said A. B. now in his occupation, in the parish of in the said county of which action is now depending; AND WHEREAS it hath been proposed and agreed to leave the matter so in dispute to arbitration, and that the costs already incurred, and the costs of such arbitration shall abide the event of the award: Now THE CONDITION of the above-written obligation is such, |