Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

to be granted; and which on the part of the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, are to be paid, observed, and performed. Doth hereby for himself, his heirs, and assigns, covenant, promise, and agree with, and to the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, that be the said A. B. his heirs or assigns, shall and will when and so soon as the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall in a good and workmanlike manner have erected and covered in to the satisfaction of the surveyor of the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, the houses or buildings hereinafter covenanted and agreed to be built on the piece or parcel of ground hereinafter agreed to be demised, make, execute, and deliver, to him the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, a good and valid lease of ALL that piece or parcel of ground, situate, lying, and being in a certain court, or place now called —

side of
street, in the parish of
county of Middlesex, and lying behind two
tenements, belonging to the said A. B. in
aforesaid; and containing from east to west

on the

in the said messuages, or



of assize, little more or less, and from north to south feet of assize, little more or less; on part of which said piece of ground lately stood a messuage or tenement, belonging to the said A. B. together with the messuages, tenements, and buildings which shall be then erected and standing thereon, and which are to be feet clear from the back fronts of the said two messuages of the said A. B. for the term of sixty-one years, to be computed from the day of last, at and under the yearly rents following: (that is to say,) for the first year of the said term, a pepper corn only; and for and during the remainder of the said term, the net yearly rent of £ of lawful money, of Great Britain, to be payable quarterly to the said A. B.

his heirs, or assigns,* on the 25th day of March, the 24th day of June, the 29th day of September, and the 25th day of December, in every year, free and clear of and from the land tax, sewer rate, and all other taxes, charges, rates, assessments, and impositions,whatsoever, parliamentary, parochial, or otherwise, (except the landlords property tax) such indenture of lease to contain covenants for the due payment of the said rent of £, and also all taxes, charges, rates, assessments, and impositions, as aforesaid; and the usual proviso for re-entry on nonpayment of rent, or nonperformance of covenants. Also a covenant or covenants on the part of the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, for supporting, and repairing, as well the said messuages or tenements, erections, and buildings, hereinafter agreed to be erected and built, as all other edifices, erections, buildings, and improvements, which at any time during the term hereby agreed to be granted, shall be erected, built, or made on the said premises, or any part thereof, and for leaving the same in good and tenantable repair, at the expiration, or sooner determination, (if such should happen,) of the term by the said indenture of lease to be granted, as aforesaid; together with all the fixtures, and things which at the date, and execution of such lease, shall belong or be affixed to the same premises; and likewise such other fixtures and things as at any time during the last seven years of the said term shall be fixed or fastened thereto. AND the said intended lease to contain all such other provisos, clauses, and covenants, as well on the part of the lessor as of the lessee, as are usually inserted in leases of houses, in or near the cities of

Or if two lessors say, 'to be paid to the said A. B. and C. D their respective heirs, or assigns, in equal moieties.'

London and Westminster. Together with a special covenant on the part of the said C. D. his executor, administrators, and assigns, at his and their own costs and charges, to insure, and keep insured from loss or damage by fire, during the term thereby to be granted, the said messuages, or tenements, erections and buildings, so to be demised, and all other erections and buildings to be erected and built on the said piece or parcel of ground, at any time during the said term, to the full value thereof; such insurance to be effected in the joint names of the said A. B." his heirs, or assigns, and C. D. his executors, administrators, or as igns, and in such office as the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, shall approve of. And that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will at the request of the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, produce and shew the Policy of such insurance, and the receipt for the premium and duty, for every current year; and that when and so often as any accident by fire shall happen, to all or any part of the said premises, so to be insured as aforesaid; the insurance money, so far as the same will extend, shall be laid out and applied in or towards the repairing or rebuilding the said premises, as the case may require. And if the said insurance money shall not prove sufficient for such purpose, then that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will pay such sum and sums of money, as together, with the said insurance money, will be fully sufficient for the rebuilding or repairing the said premises, and reinstating the same, as before such fire happened; and also, that in case the said premises shall not be insured, and kept insured, during all the said term, then that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will, at his or their own proper costs, and charges, cause the said messuages, or tenements, erec

tions, buildings, and premises, or such part thereof as shall be so burnt, destroyed, or damaged, to be rebuilt or repaired, and made fit for habitation as soon as can be, after, and on such plan as before such fire happened. AND ALSO, a special covenant on the part of the said C. D. bis executors, administrators, and assigns, for painting at his or their own costs and charges, the outside of the said messuages or tenements, erections, buildings, and premises, twice in oil, once in every three years, during the term thereby to be granted. AND ALSO, that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall not, nor will at any time or times, during the continuance of the term hereby agreed to be granted, use or exercise, or suffer to be used or exercised, on the said premises, or any part thereof, any noisy noisome, dangerous, or offensive, trade or business, or do or suffer to be done, on the said premises, or any part thereof, any act, matter, or thing whatsoever, which shall or may be, or grow to the nuisance, prejudice, or annoyance, of the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, or his or their tenants or lessces. AND FURTHER, that the said intended lease shall contain, or have annexed thereto, such a schedule of fixtures and other things, in, upon, or belonging to the said premises, at the time of the execution of the said intended lease, as the surveyor of the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, shall think proper and require; and also power for the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, twice or oftener in every year, during the said term, at seasonable times, to enter into and upon the said premises so to be demised, to view the state of the repairs thereof, and to leave notice of any repairs that shall be wanting, which shall be done by the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, within three calendar months after such notice. And also, within the last seven years of the said term, to take an inventory of the

fixtures, and other things which shall then be affixed, or belong to the said premises. AND the said A. B. doth hereby agree that such part of the materials, of the said messuage or tenement, which so lately stood upon the said piece or parcel of ground, hereby agreed to be demised, as is now remaining on the same piece or parcel of ground, may be taken away by the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, and applied to his or their own use. AND the said C. D. in consideration of the premises, doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant, promise, and agree with, and to the said A. B. his heirs, and assigns, that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will take and accept such lease as aforesaid, and execute a counterpart thereof, and bear and pay a moiety or full half part of the expence of preparing, making, and executing, of two parts of this agreement, (with the proper stamp or stamps thereon, respectively,) and of such lease and counterpart; the same to be prepared by the solicitor of the said A. B. [or C. D. as the case may be] his heirs, or assigns. AND FURTHER, that until such lease shall be granted, he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will pay to the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, the rents agreed to be reserved, in and by such lease as aforesaid. AND that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will, by or before the


day of

next, in a good and workmanlike manner, erect and finish, or cause to be erected and finished, on the said piece or parcel of ground, hereby agreed to be demised, new messuages or tenements, not inferior to the fourth rate, or class of buildings; the elevations whereof respectively shall be uniform, and be approved of by the surveyor of the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns; and that the said mes«

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