Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


mages or tenements, and buildings, shall be faced with seconds, and no samile or place bricks, used in any part thereof, nor any rubbish mixed with the lime, to be used in or about any of the said messuages or tenements and buildings, so to be erected as aforesaid. And that the timbers to be used in the said buildings, shall be the best of their several sorts, and the scantlings of the same shall be determined by the surveyor of the said A. B. his heirs, or as◄ signs, who shall at all times have liberty to enter upon said premises, to inspect the said erections and buildings, and the materials used, and applied, or intended to be used, and applied, in, upon, or about such erections and buildings. And in case the said materials, or any part thereof, shall appear to such surveyor improper to be used in and about such erections and buildings, then the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will immediately after notice thereof, to be given or left for him of them, at his or their counting house, or usual place of abode, remove all such materials as shall be so disapproved of, from off the said premises; and in case he or they shall neglect or refuse so to do, then that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, or his or their surveyor, workmen, or servants to remove or convey such disapproved of materials from off the said premises; and in that case he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will repay to the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, all such costs, charges, and expences, as he or they shall be put to in and about the same; and that he the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, shall conform in all things to such directions as the surveyor, aforesaid, shall give. AND FURTHER, that the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, shall give to the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, or his surveyor, notice from

time to time, when the foundation of each of the said mes suages or buildings shall be laid. AND FURTHER, it is hereby mutually agreed by, and between the said parties hereto, that in case the said A. B. his heirs, or assigns, shall redeem the land tax, charged, or to be charged, on the said piece of ground, and premises, hereby agreed to be demised, before the said lease is granted, then the amount of such land tax so redeemed, shall be added to the rent aforesaid, and the total amount thereof be the rent reserved, and made payable by the said lease in manner aforesaid. AND LASTLY, for the true performance of all and every the articles and agreements, matters, and things, herein contained, on the part and behalf of the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, to be paid, kept, done, and performed; he the said C. D. doth hereby bind himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, unto the said A. B. his executors, and administrators, in the penal sum of £ of lawful money, of Great Britain, firmly by these presents. IN WITNESS Whereof, the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

AGREEMENT between Father and Son, for relinquish ing Business in favor of the latter, in consideration of a yearly sum, to be paid to the former.


day of


BETWEEN A. B. of, &c. of the first part, A. B. Junior, of the same place, (son of the said A. B. senior,) of the second part, and C. D. of, &c. of the third part, as follows: WHEREAS the said A. B. sen. in consideration of the natural love, and affection which he hath, and beareth towards his sad son, A. B. jun. and in consideration of the

yearly sum to be paid him the said A. B. sen, as hereinafter mentioned, bath agreed to relinquish and give up his house and business, fixtures and utensils in trade, stock, debts, securities for money, household furniture, and all other his personal estate, unto his said son; but in regard hi, said son is not of age he hath agreed to assign the same to the said C. D. upon the trusts, and for the benefit of the said A. B. jun. in manner hereinafter mentioned. Now THEREFORE THESE PRESENTS WITNESS, and the said A. B. the elder, doth hereby for the considerations hereinbefore mentioned, agree to relinquish and give up; and doth accordingly relinquish and give up to the said C. D. his executors, and administrators, ALL that the house in which his business is now carried on, with the benefit of the deed of covenant for a lease thereof, and all his trade or business, and the income thereof, and all his stock, fixtures, and utensils in trade, and all his household furniture, plate, linen, china, book and other debts, bonds, bills, notes, and all other securities for money, and personal estate whatsoever. Upon trust to manage, and carry on the said business, and pay the rent and taxes, and all other incidental expences. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST, to pay the said A. B. sen. the yearly sum of - pounds, of lawful money, of Great Britain. AND UPON FURTHER TRUST to pay the residue of the profits which shall arise on the said business to his said son, A. B. jun. during his minority; and when and so soon as he shall come of age to permit him to carry on the same business without any control, and receive the profits thereof to his own, use, SUBJECT ONLY to the payment of the said sum of pounds, per year, to his father, the said A. B. sen. AND the said C. D. for himself, his executors, and administrators, doth agree to superintend and carry on such business, for, and during the mi


nority of the said A. B. jun; and to pay the said A. B. sen. the said sum of pounds, yearly, out of the profits thereof. AND the said A. B. jun. doth hereby agree to take such business, and from the time that he shall come of age to pay his said father the said sum of pounds, per

annum, during the term of his natural life. AND the said A. B. sen. doth further agree to continue with his family in the said house, and assist in carrying on the business for the term of one year from the date hereof, on being found all necessaries in housekeeping, for himself, and wife, and children, over and above the said sum of £— which will be due for that year. AND it is hereby mutually agreed between all the parties hereto that they will at any time hereafter sign or execute any other instrument or deed that may be found necessary for fully carrying into execution the intention of the parties, as hereinbefore expressed, and for accomplishing the purposes aforesaid. AND FURTHER, that in case the said sum of £per annum, shall not

be paid to the said A. B. sen. within ten days after, the same shall from time to time become due, this agreement and every article, clause, matter, and thing, herein contai ned, shall from thenceforth cease, determine, and be absoAutely null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever. AS WITNESS the hands of the parties the day and year first above written.

AGREEMENT, upon separation, between a Man and his


ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, indented, made, concluded, and agreed upon, this▬▬▬▬▬ day of

year of our Lord

in the

BETWEEN A. B. of, &c. of the one

part and C. D. of, &c. of the other part. WHEREAS by



certain articles of agreement, bearing date the — of and made between E. F. of, &c. of the first part, the said A. B. of the second part, G. H. of, &c. and the said C. D. and J. K. of, &c. of the third part, therein reciting or taking notice of a marriage, then intended to be had and solemnized between the said E. F. and the said A. B. and also, that the said E. F. was possessed of the sum of three per cent. reduced bank annuities; and £that the same had been in consideration of the said intended marriage (with the privity and approbation of the said A. B.) transferred into the names of the said G. H. C. D. and J. K upon the trusts therein and hereinafter expressed: (that is to say,) to the use of the said E. F. her executors, administrators, and assigns, until the said marriage should be solemnized; and from and after the solemnization thereof upon trust, to lay out the same in the purchase of freehold or leasehold messuages, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, which when purchased should be settled to, and upon, such, and the like uses as are hereinafter declared, touching or concerning the same, and in the mean time to pay the interest and dividends thereof to the said A. B. and his assigns, for the term of his natural life, and from and after his decease to the said E. F. for her natural life; and from and after the decease of the survivor of them, upon trust, for all the children of the said intended marriage, in such shares as the survivor of them, the said A. B. and E. F. his then intended wife, should by will, duly executed, direct; and for want of such will in trust, for all such children, equally between them, if more than one; and if but one, then to such only child; and if there should be no child of such marriage, or all such children should die in the life time of the said A. B. and E. F. then in trust, to pay and transfer such principal sum of £ unto the survivor of them

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »