LETTER OF ATTORNEY, to transfer shares in an Insu rance Office. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, A. B. of in the county of Esq. and C. D. of in the same county, Gent. send greeting. WHEREAS E. F. late of aforesaid, deceased, was in his lifetime, and at the time of his decease, possessed of or well intitled to ten fifty pounds shares of and in the capital stock of the company called the " rance Company," that is to say, one share dated the Insu 18- numbered one other share so on till you have described the whole;] AND WHEREAS the said E. F. departed this life on or about the day of in the year 18-, having first duly made and published his last will and testament in writing, bearing date the day of in the year 18- and thereof appointed. the said A. B. and C. D. executors, who have duly proved the said will in the prerogative court of the Archbishop of Canterbury: AND WHEREAS G. H. of in the county of Gent. hath contracted with the said A. B. and C. D. for the absolute purchase of the said ten shares; AND WHEREAS the said shares are now standing in the name of the said E. F. deceased, in the books belonging to the said company kept for the transfer of such shares; and it being necessary according to the rules, regulations, and articles of the same society, that the said shares so belonging to, and late the property of the said E. F. deceased, and now standing in his name in the books of the said company as aforesaid,,should be transferred by his executors into the name of the said G. H. before he can derive any benefit therefrom, or from his purchase thereof as hereinbefore mentioned: Now KNOW YE, that the said A. B. and C. D. have made, ordained, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents do make, ordain, constitute, and appoint I. K. of &c. their true and lawful attorney for them and in their names, place, and stead, and as their proper act to sign or execute any transfer or assignment, transfers or assignments of the said shares, and each and every of them, either in the book or books kept by the said society at their office in London, or elsewhere, for the transfer of shares in the said insurance, or any other transfer or assignments which may be required by the said company, or which may be requisite and necessary effectually to vest the same shares in the said G. H. his executors, administrators, and assigns, absolutely and as his own sole and exclusive property for ever, and so as to entitle him to the monies which shall from time to time become due and payable thereon respectively; GIVING and by these presents granting unto their said attorney full power and absolute authority to do, execute, and perform any act or acts, thing or things whatsoever, that shall be needful or necessary, touching or in anywise concerning the premises, or the transferring or assigning the same shares to the said G, H. his executors, administrators, or assigns, in as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes, as they the said A. B. and C. D. as such executors as aforesaid, might or could do if personally present; they the said A. B. and C. D. hereby ratifying and confirming all and whatsoever acts and deeds, matters and things, their said attorney shall lawfully do or execute, or cause to be done and executed in or about the premises, by virtue and according to the true intent and meaning of these presents. IN WITNESS, &c. LETTER OF ATTORNEY, to procure administration to an Intestate's Effects, and afterwards to receive Monies, &c. by virtue of such administration. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that I A. B. of &c. widow, the natural and lawful mother of W. B. late belonging to the West India merchant ship called the deceased, do for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto especially moving, hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint C. D. of &c. to be my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name to appear personally before the Right Hon. Sir E. F. Knight, doctor of laws, master, keeper, or commissary of the prerogative court of Canterbury, lawfully constituted his surrogate, or some other competent judge in this behalf, to pray and procure letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of the said W. B. my late son, deceased, to be committed and granted to me for my use and benefit; AND on obtaining such administration, for me and in my name, and for my use, to ask, demand, sue for, recover, and receive all and singular such sum and sums of money, goods or chattels, as shall be anywise due or owing to the said deceased W. B. and to give receipts and acquittances for the same; AND GENERALLY to do, perform, and execute all and every other lawful act and acts, thing and things, which shall be requisite or necessary for effecting the purposes aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning hereof; I hereby delegating my whole authority therein, and ratifying and confirming, and agreeing to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. IN WITNESS, &c. LETTER OF ATTORNEY, to surrender Copyhold Premises to a Purchaser. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I A. B. of &c. HAVE made, ordained, nominated, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents Do make, ordain, nominate, constitute, and appoint, and in my place and stead depute and put C. D. of &c. and E. F. of &c. my true and lawful attorney and attornies, jointly or seve rally for me and in my name and stead to appear at the next general or spécial court baron, or at any subsequent general or special court baron to be holden for the manor of in the county of or before the chief steward of the courts of the said manor, or his deputy, or otherwise, according to the custom of the said manor, and then and there for me and in my name and stead to sur render by the rod into the hands of the lord of the same manor, according to the custom thereof, ALL [here describe the premises from the last admission, with such additions as may be necessary to identify the same,] within and parcel of the said manor, and now or late in the occupation of; AND all ways, &c. [as in the former surrenders and admissions,] AND all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever of me the said A. B. of, in, to, or out of the same, and every part and parcel thereof, TO THE USE and behoof of G. H. of &c. his heirs and assigns for ever, according to the custom of the said manor; AND for me and in my name to do and perform all other acts and things which may be necessary for effectuating the purposes aforesaid; AND I do hereby ratify, allow, and confirm all and whatsoever my said attorney or attornies, or either of them, shall law fully do or cause to be done in and about the premises by virtue of these presents. IN WITNESS, &c. LETTER OF ATTORNEY, to surrender Copyhold Premises, so as to suffer a recovery of them; and, after such recovery had, to procure admission, and then to surrender the said Premises to the use of the Grantor's will. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I A. B. of &c. HAVE made, ordained, constituted, and appointed, and in my place and stead put, and by these presents Do make, ordain, constitute, and appoint, and in my place and stead put C. D. of &c. and E. F. of &c. jointly, or either of them separately, my true and lawful attornies and attorney, for me and in my name and behalf to appear at the next general or special court baron to be held for the manor of in the county of and there for me and in my name to surrender ALL and singular my copyhold tenements holden of the said manor, with the appurtenances, to such person or persons as shall be at that court named for the purpose, so as to make him a good tenant of the said premises according to the custom of that manor, in order that a recovery may be suffered, and to enter into warranty, and do all acts for effecting the said purpose; AND after such recovery had, to procure admission to the said copyhold tenements to me, my heirs and assigns, according to the custom of the said manor; AND after such last mentioned admission had, then for me and in my name to surrender the said premises to such uses and for such purposes as are or shall be declared by my |