last will and testament in writing, made or to be made; AND I do hereby ratify and confirm all and whatsoever my said attornies, or either of them, shall lawfully do in the premises by virtue hereof. IN WITNESS, &C. HAVE LETTER OF ATTORNEY, to hold Courts, &c. as Steward of a Manor, wiith power to appoint Deputy Stewards. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that I A. B. of &c. lord of the manor of in the county of made, ordained, constituted, nominated, and appointed, and by these presents Do make, ordain, constitute, nominate, and appoint C. D. of &c. my steward of the said manor; GIVING and hereby granting unto him the said C.D. and to his sufficient deputy or deputies in that behalf to be made, and to each and every of them, full power and authority to keep and hold courts leet, views of frankpledge, courts baron, and other courts within the jurisdiction of the same, and to do and execute all things belonging to the office of a steward; AND for the executing the said office, I the said A. B. do hereby give and grant unto the said C. D. all and every the fees, profits, and perquisites belonging to the said office of steward of the said courts of the said manor, or by reason thereof heretofore usually received and enjoyed by any other steward of the said manor. IN WITNESS, &C. LETTER OF ATTORNEY, to act in all things during a person's absence abroad, with power of substitution. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents, that I A. B. of &c. but about to depart to for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving, HAVE made, ordained, constituted, and appointed, and by these presenst Do make, ordain, constitute, and appoint, and in my place and stead put and depute C. D. of &c. and E. F. of &c. my true and lawful attornies and attorney, for me and in my name, place, and stead, or in the names of them the said C. D. and E. F. or otherwise, to ask, demand, suc for, recover, collect, get in, and receive of and from all and every person and persons whomsoever, resident and being within the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and to use, take, and pursue all legal and equitable means, courses, and expedients, by prosecuting or defending any action or actions, suit or suits, already commenced and now depending, or by commencing or prosecuting or defending any new or other action or actions, suit or suits, or otherwise howsoever, for recovering and receiving all and every debt and debts, sum or sums of money, goods, chattels, and effects whatsoever, belonging, due, and owing, or payable to or recoverable by me, or which I am interested in and intitled to within the said united kingdom, and which may hereafter belong to, or be due, owing or payable to me during my absence abroad; AND upon receipt thereof, or of any part or parts thereof respectively, to make, sign, and give proper and sufficient acknowledgements and receipts for, and releases, acquittances, and discharges from the same; AND ALSO to settle and adjust all accounts, and to compound and accept in part, lieu and satisfaction of the whole of any bad, desperate, or doubtful debt or debts, sum or sums of money, if they my said attornies or attorney shall think it expedient or adviseable so to do; AND ALSO to enter into and conclude, and sign, seal, and deliver such agreement or agreements, deed or deeds, and other instruments whatsoever, as they my said attornies or attorney shall think proper and adviseable on my behalf, with any person or persons being my debtor or debtors, or in any manner liable to me for any debt or debts, sum or sums of money due or payable to me, or that may become due and payable to me, touching or concerning any hereditaments, estates, property and effects comprised in or subject to any mortgages, or other security or securities for any such debt or debts, sum or sums of money respectively, and touching or concerning the possession and sale, and disposal of the said hereditaments and premises, or any of them, or any part thereof respectively, and the application of the money, gains, and profits to arise and be produced and received therefrom, and to make such allowances to any such debtor or debtors as they my said attornies and attorney shall judge proper: AND LIKEWISE for me and in my name to appear, and my person to represent in all or any court or courts, or before all or any magistrates, and ministers of law or equity, at any place within the said united kingdom; and to sue, arrest, imprison, and distrain, seize, and sequester, and again to release and discharge all persons, property, and things whatsoever, and of what nature or kind soever indebted to me, or which I am intitled unto, and could or might have or claim; and to appear and make defence to any action or actions, suit or suits, already commenced and now depending, or which may be commenced or prosecuted, touching or con. cerning the premises in any wise; and to contest all or any claim or claims whatsoever which may be made thereto, or to any part thereof: AND to submit to arbitration, compromisc, conclude, and agree, all suits, disputes, and differences whatsoever in any manner concerning the same, as they my said attornies or attorney shall think most for my benefit and advantage; and for that purpose for me and in my name to enter into, make, and execute such bonds of arbitration, releases, and discharges, as shall be necessary; AND GENERALLY to do and cause to be done all and every such further and other lawful act and acts, thing and things whatsoever, necessary to be done; and to take all lawful ways and means for the managing and transacting my affairs, and recovering and getting in the monies and effects aforesaid, and otherwise, for completely effectuating all and every the purposes aforesaid, in such manner as my said attornies or attorney shall think most fit and proper, and as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as I myself could or might do or take if personally present: AND ALSO from time to time to constitute and appoint one or more person or persons as their or his substitute or substitutes, with full power and authority to do, perform, and execute all or any of the powers, authorities, matters, and things herein before contained and mentioned; and such substitute or substitutes at their or his pleasure to displace and remove, and another or others in his or their stead to appoint, when and so often as my said attornies or attorney shall see occasion and think fit, I hereby delegating my whole power and authority therein to my said attornies and attorney, and their and his substitute or substitutes, and ratifying and confirming all and whatsoever they my said attornies or attorney, and their or his substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the premises under and by virtue of these presents.. IN WITNESS, &c. LETTERS OF LICENSE. LETTER OF LICENSE from Creditors to a Debtor for years, on payment by him of a weekly stipend towards discharging his Debts. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, A. B. of &c. and the several persons whose hands and seals are hereunto subscribed and set creditors of the said A. B. severally send greeting. WHEREAS the said A. B. stands justly and truly indebted to the several persons whose hands and seals are hereunto subscribed and set, in the several sums respectively set against their names, which at present he is unable to pay, and therefore they have severally agreed to allow the said A. B. the space or time of years from the date hereof, to settle his affairs and pay the said respective debts. Now KNOW YE, that the said several creditors of the said A. B. whose hands and seals are hereunto subscribed and set, and each and every of them, have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant unto the said A. B. full and free liberty, license, power, and authority to go about, attend, follow, pursue, and negociate any affairs, business, matters, or things whatsoever, to or at any place or places whatsoever, without any let, suit, trouble, arrest, attachment, or other impediment to be offered or done unto him the said A. B. or his goods or chattels, lands or tenements, or any or either of them, by them the said creditors or any of them, or by their or any of their acts, means, privity, consent, or procurement, to be sought, attempted, or procured to be done for and during the space of years from the day of the date of these presents, he the said A. B. paying into the hands of C. D. of &c. the sum of |