Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


MEMORIAL of an Assignment, by Indorsement, of Leasehold Premises; a former Assignment having been previously indorsed on the Lease, which Lease and Assignment had been registered; see the Assignment, ante, p. 121.

A MEMORIAL to be registered of a deed poll of assignment bearing date the

day of

day of


under the hand and seal of A. B. of &c. indorsed on an indenture of lease bearing date the in the year 18- made between E. F. of &c. of the one part, and G. H. of &c. and I. K. of &c. of the other part, by which deed poll the said A. B. did assign to C. D. of &C. ALL and singular the premises in the said indenture mentioned and contained, situate in the parish of and which are particularly set forth in a memorial of the said indenture registered on the -day of 18— B. — No -; TO HOLD unto the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the remainder of the term by the said indenture granted, subject to the rent and covenants therein reserved and contained, which premises were assigned by the said G. H. and I. K. to the said A. B. by a deed poll of assignment bearing date the day of 18- also indorsed on the abovementioned inder.ture of lease, and registered on the which said deed poll now required to be registered as to the sealing and delivery thereof by the said A. B. is witnessed by L. M. of &c. and is hereby required to be registered by the said A. B. AS WITNESS his hand and seal this

day of

18—, B.

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in the year of our Lord 18-.

day of

SIGNED AND SEALED (being first duly stamped) in the presence of

MEMORIAL of an appointment of two new Trustees, by the surviving Trustee, with the consent of the Cestui que Trust, and release of the Freehold Property to them, TO THE USE of the three Trustees, upon the trusts, &c.; and an Assignment of the Leasehold to another person, in order to be reassigned to the three Trustees.

days of

A MEMORIAL to be registered of INDENTURES of lease and release, and assignment, bearing date respectively the and in the year 18- the lease being for one year, and made between A. B. of &c. of the one part, and C. D. of &c. and E. F. of &c. of the other part, and the release and assignment made between the said A. B. of the first part, Ann Davis, wife of John Davis, of &c. late Ann Owen, spinster, the daughter, only child, and heiress at law of Tudor Owen, late of &c. deceased, of the second part, the said C. D. and E. F. of the third part, and G. H. of &c. of the fourth part; BY which said lease, in pursuance of the statute made for transferring uses into possession, and in consideration of five shillings, the said A. B. did bargain and sell unto the said C. D. and E, F. for one whole year, the freehold premises hereinafter particularly mentioned or referred to ; AND by which said release the said A. B. in pursuance and exercise of the power vested in him by the will of the said Tudor Owen, deceased, with the approbation of the said Ann Davis, testified as therein mentioned, did nominate and appoint the said C. D. and E. F. to be trustees for the several purposes in the will of the said Tudor Owen mentioned, or such of them as were then subsisting and capable of taking effect, jointly with him the said A. B. in the place or stead of I. K. and L. M. (two other trustees

18-, in book

named in the said will,) deceased; AND by which said release and assignment the said A. B. in further pursuance and exercise of the power aforesaid, and for the consideration therein expressed according to his estate and interest therein, did grant, bargain, sell, release, and confirm unto the said C. D. and E. F. their heirs and assigns, ALL and singular the freehold messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments in and by the said will of the said Tudor Owen devised upon trust as therein mentioned, (a memorial of which will was registered on the day of N° ——,) save and except such part thereof as had been sold; To hold the same unto the said C. D. and E. F. and their heirs, TO THE USE OF THE SAID A. B. C. D. AND E. F. THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS FOR EVER; upon the trusts nevertheless in the said will of the said Tudor Owen expressed or contained, or such of them as were then subsisting and capable of taking effect. AND by the said indenture of release and assignment, the said A. B. in further pursuance and exercise of the said power and authority in the said testator's will contained, and to the end that the leasehold premises thereinafter assigned might be and become, subsequently vested in them the said A. B. C. D. and E. F. upon the trusts of the said will, and for the consideration therein. expressed, did according to his estate and interest therein, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said


* It will be as well for the practitioner to notice this part. Where a surviving trustee releases to new trustees, the habendion is to the new trustees only and their heirs, but the use to the old and new trustees, their heirs and assigns for ever. By the first, the old trustee divests himself of the estate; and by the second, he invests himself and the others jointly with it.

G. H. ALL and singular the leasehold messuages, lands, and tenements, which the said testator Tudor Owen was at the time of his death possessed of or intitled to, or so much and such part or parts thereof as still remained unsold; TO HOLD the same unto the said G. H. his executors, administrators, and assigns, for all the residue of the several terms of years for which the same were respectively holden; Subject to the respective rents, reservations, covenants, and agreements in the respective leases or agreements under which the same were holden, reserved, and contained; UPON TRUST that he the said G. H. his executors or administrators, should with all convenient speed assign the same leasehold premises unto the said A. B. C. D. and E. F. their executors, administrators, and assigns, upon the trusts and for the purposes in the said will of the said Tudor Owen expressed or contained, or such of them as were then subsisting or capable of taking effect; WHICH said indenture of lease is witnessed by N. O. of &c. and P. Q. of &c. AND which said release and assignment as to the execution thereof by the said A. B. C. D. E. F. and G. H. is witnessed by the said N. O. and P. Q. and as to the execution thereof by the said Ann Davis, is witnessed by R. S. of &c. and T. U. of &c. and the same indentures are hereby required to be registered by the said A. B. AS WITNESS his hand and seal this in the year of our Lord 18-.


day of

MEMORIAL of the re-assignment from G. H. to A. B. C. D, and E. F. which re-assignment was by indorsement on the release and assignment above. mentioned.

A MEMORIAL to be registered of AN INDENTURE of assignment bearing date the day of in the

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year 18—, made between G. H. of &c. of the one part, and A. B, of &c. C. D. of &c. and E. F. of &c. of the other part, indorsed upon an indenture of release and assignment bearing date the day of 18, made between the said A. B. of the first part, Ann Davis, the wife of John Davis, of &c. late Ann Owen, spinster, the daughter, only child, and heiress at law of Tudor Owen, late of &c. deceased, of the second part, the said C. D. and E. F. of the third part, and the said G. H. of the fourth part, registered the day of 18- in book, N, BY which assignment so indorsed as aforesaid, and now required to be registered, the said G. H. did for the consideration therein expressed, and according to his estate and interest, and in pursuance and performance of the trusts reposed in him by the within-written indenture, assign to the said A. B. C. D. and E. F. ALL and singular the leasehold messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, by the within-written indenture assigned to him the said G. H. TO HOLD the same unto the said A. B. C. D. and E. F. their executors, administrators, and assigns, for all the residue of the several terms of years for which the same were respectively holden; Subject to the respective rents, reservations, covenants, and agreements, in and by the respective leases or agreements under which the same were holden, reserved, and contained, in trust nevertheless as thereinafter mentioned: AND it was thereby agreed and declared by and between the said parties, and particularly the said A. B. C. D. and E. F. did thereby declare that they and the survivor of them, and the executors and administrators of such survivor, would stand possessed of the said premises upon trusts and for the purposes in the will of the said Tudor Owen contained or expressed of or concerning the same, or such of them as were then subsisting and capable of taking effect; WHICH said indenture of assignment now required

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