Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

to be registered as to the execution thereof by all the said parties, is witnessed by N. O. of &c. and P. Q. of &c. and is required to be registered by the said A. B. AS WITNESS his hand and seal this - in the

year of our Lord 18—.


day of

A MEMORIAL or Statement in pursuance of an Act for the registering aud securing of Charitable Dona. tions.

WHEREBY it is declared by the undersigned A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. and L. M. that the real estate of Charity," consists of a messuage or tenement in the county of

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situate in the parish of

and the following pieces or parcels of ground, viz. [here state the particulars,] all which said premises contain together


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roods, and
aforesaid, and are now,

and are situate in
were, in the tenure or occupation of

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or late

his under

tenants or assigns; and the gross annual income arising therefrom amounts to the sum of £of lawful money

of Great Britain, and the objects of which charity are [here copy, verbatim, the words in the will or deed by which the mind and intention of the founder or donor is expressed,] and which charity was, according to the best of our knowledge and belief, founded by "N. O." formerly of in the county of, Gent. deceased, [here insert the name, description, and quality of the founder or donor ;]

* The whole of this article, with a few preliminary remarks, was communicated by me to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, and inserted in the number for July 1813.

and the deeds, wills, and other instruments are to the best of our knowledge and belief usually kept in the custody, possession, or controul of six persons resident inhabitants of the said parish, who are from time to time chosen by the vestry as trustees of the said charity, and are deposited in an iron chest in the vestry room of the church of the said parish, [or as the case may be,] we the undersigned being the present trustees of the said charity, AS WITNESS our hands this day of 18-.


A. B. G. H.

C. D. I. K.

E. F. L. M.

Trustees of the real estate of the charity hereby memorialized and registered.

Note. By a recent statute, (52 Geo. III. chap. 102,) entitled as at the head of the above memorial, all charities and charitable donations issuing out of and secured on lands, &c. or monies in the funds,* founded or endowed previous to the above act, are to be registered by the trustees of such charity from and after six calendar months after the passing of this act, with the clerk of the peace for the county or place where the poor who are to be benefited by such charity reside; and all charities, &c. founded after passing the act, are to be registered within twelve months after the decease of the founder or donor. It will be seen by the form of the memorial already given, that it is to be written on a plain piece of parchment, and merely signed.

No others need be registered under this act.

These are the words of the act, but it seems an oversight; for, by a subsequent part it appears to have been the intention of the legislature to have compelled the registry within six months, unless further time was applied for and granted by the quarter sessions.


MORTGAGE in Fee, and Covenant to levy a Fine ;very cautiously and well drawn.

THIS INDENTURE made, &c. between A. B. of &c. and M. B. his wife of the one part, and C. D. of &c. of the other part. WHEREAS A. B. the elder, late of &c. being seised in fee to him and his heirs of the messuage, land, and hereditaments hereinafter granted and released, did by his last will and testament bearing date the day of 18-devise ALL his freehold messuages, lands, and hereditaments, situate in aforesaid, or else

where within the kingdom of Great Britain, unto his wife S. B. and her assigns for her life, and after her decease he devised the same unto and to the use of his son I. B. and his heirs for ever. AND WHEREAS the said A. B. the elder died without having revoked or altered his said will, leaving the said S. B. his widow, and the said I. B. his son, him surviving: AND WHEREAS the said S. B. died some time ago, and the said I. B. is also dead, having left the said A. B. party hereto, his only son and heir at law, who thereupon became intitled to the freehold and inheritance of the messuage and hereditaments hereinafter granted and released. AND WHEREAS the said A. B. party hereto having occasion for the sum of £ hath applied to the said C. D. to lend him the same, which he hath agreed to do on having the said hereditaments and premises conveyed to him by way of security for the re-payment thereof with interest in manner hereinafter mentioned. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the sum of £ of lawful money of

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Great Britain to the said A. B. (party hereto) in hand at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, paid by the said C. D. (the receipt whereof he the said A. B,

doth hereby acknowledge,) and of and from the same and every part thereof doth acquit, release, and discharge the said C. D. his heirs, executors, and administrators, for ever by these presents; he the said A. B. party hereto, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, and released, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, and release unto the said C.D. (in his actual possession, now being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made by the said A. B. in consideration of five shillings, by indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of these presents, for one whole year, commencing from the day next before the day of the date of the same indenture of bargain and sale, and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into possession,) and to his heirs and assigns, ALL, &c. [here describe the premises very minutely,] TOGETHER with all outhouses, edifices, buildings, orchards, gardens, yards, trees, woods, underwoods, hedges, ditches, ways, easements, commons, profits, advantages, emoluments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage, land, and premises, or any part thereof belonging or appertaining; AND the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; AND all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, possession, property, claim, and demand whatsoever, at law and in equity of him the said A. B. party hereto, of, in, to, or out of the same, and every part thereof: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messuage, land, and premises hereinbefore granted and released, or intended so to be, with the appurtenances unto the said C. D. his heirs and assigns, To the only proper use and behoof of the said C. D. bis heirs and assigns for ever; Subject nepertheless to the proviso or condition for redemption thereof hereinafter mentioned, (that is to say,) PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is hereby agreed and declared between and by the said


parties to these presents, that if the said A. B. party hereto, his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, the sum of £ —

lawful money of Great Britain, with interest for the same after the rate of £5. a year for a hundred pounds, on the day of next, without any deduction or abatement whatsoever, then from and after such payment shall be made as aforesaid, the said C. D. his heirs or assigns shall and will upon the request and at the costs of the said A. B. party hereto, his heirs or assigns, re-convey and re-assure, or procure to be re-conveyed and re-assured unto the said A. B. his heirs and assigns, or to such person or persons as he or they shall direct and appoint, all and singular the said messuage, land, and hereditaments hereinbefore granted and released, with the appurtenances, free from all incumbrances, to be made, done, or committed by him the said C. D. his heirs or assigns, or any other person or persons claiming under him or them. And for the more effectually conveying the said hereditaments and premises, the said A. B. party hereto, for himself and for the said M. B. his wife, his and her heirs, executors, and administrators, doth hereby covenant and agree with the said C. D. his heirs and assigns, that they the said A. B. and M. B. his wife, shall term and will at the costs of the said A. B. as of — next, or some subsequent term, acknowledge and levy in duc form of law before his majesty's justices of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, to the said C. D. and his heirs, one fine sur conuzance de droit come ceo, &c. of the said messuage, land, and bereditaments, hereinbefore granted and released, with the appurtenances, by such description as shall be sufficient to comprise the same; which said fine so as aforesaid to be levied, it is hereby

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