IN CONVEYANCING. THAT the said I. B. was also in the same ship at the time of and assisted in the attack on the coast of by Lord and he was also at the taking of THAT Admiral in consequence of the length of time the fleet had served with scarcely any intermission, (near years,) promised to get the crews of the different ships discharged, but the crew of the had attained so good a character, that they have all been drafted into other ships, without being permitted to visit their friends. THAT during the great length of time the said I. B. has been in the service, he has not been permitted to visit his friends but once, and then only for days: That he has received a hurt in his side, and has always been afflicted with weak eyes: That he is now placed in a very small gun brig, so that the sea is continually washing over him, and he has not known what it is to have dry clothes on since he has been on board it: and that these concomitant circumstances have so impaired his health, that he expects death will be the consequence if he is not speedily released from it. THAT your petitioner has received letters from his said. son stating the lastmentioned circumstances, and requesting your petitioner to get him discharged if possible; but his modesty has not permitted him to say any thing in his letters respecting the noble exploit he performed under Lord as hereinbefore stated, your petitioner having learned that circumstance from an officer on board the same ship. THAT your petitioner being ignorant to whom else to apply to get his said son discharged from the navy, and being your Grace's tenant, humbly hopes you will not be offended at his applying to you, wishing as he does from the workings of paternal affection towards his said child, to procure him the favour he desires. YOUR PETITIONER therefore most humbly prays your Grace, that you will be pleased to take the case of the said I. B. into consideration, and on account of the length and nature of his service, and of his ill state of health, which is rendered every day worse by his present situation, that you will condescend to use your influence (which must be effectual) to get him discharged from the navy. AND your petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. PETITION to the Lord Mayor, from a Person committed to Bridewell for taking illegal insurances. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY OF LONDON. THE HUMBLE PETITION of A. B. late of, but now a prisoner in Bridewell. Humbly Sheweth, last, was THAT your petitioner some time in unfortunately prevailed upon by a person who kept a lottery insurance office, to become his clerk, and your petitioner being in want of employ, and being ignorant of the statutes made concerning such illegal transactions, entered into the service of such person. THAT your petitioner was taken into custody for acting as clerk in such lottery insurance office, and has since been committed to Bridewell, to remain there for months. That your petitioner and his family are in a most lamentable situation, not having wherewithal to support themselves, and they expect by this event to be totally reduced to want and beggary. That your petitioner was heretofore a person of good character, and until this unfortunate circumstance, was well respected amongst his neighbours and friends. YOUR PETITIONER therefore most humbly prays your Lordship to take his case into your consideration, AND that you will be pleased to order him to be discharged out of confinement on giving bail for his future good behaviour; or that your Lordship will be pleased to lessen the duration of his imprisonment, or afford him such other relief as to your Lordship shall seem meet. AND your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c. PETITION to the Bishop of London, to Register a TO THE RIGHT REV. FATHER IN GOD, BEILBY, WE whose names are hereunto subscribed, being general Baptists, [or as the case may be,] DO HUMBLY CERTIFY to your Lordship, that a certain messuage, situate and being No in street, in the parish of in the county of Middlesex, in the possession of P. Q. is intended to be set apart for public worship, AND HUMBLY PRAY that the same may be registered in your Lordship's registry, pursuant to an Act of Parliament in that case made and provided. DATED this A. B. Minister. day of 18. N. B. You leave the above with the Deputy Registrar at Doctors Commons, pay him one shilling, and in a few days you may have it back, with the following certificate underwritten : THIS is to certify whom it may concern, that the above certificate was on the -day day of 18- brought into the registry of the Lord Bishop of London and there registered. JOSEPH WALKER, Deputy Registrar. PETITION to the Committee of the Naval Charitable TO THE NOBLEMEN AND Gentlemen of the THE HUMBLE petition of M. B. Widow of the Most humbly sheweth, THAT your petitioner's late husband entered the Royal Navy at an early age, and after serving several years with credit, during which time he was in various engagements, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant from his Majesty's ship THAT in the year 18 your petitioner's said late husband went to sea with and served under Captain and since then he has been under the command of Captains and other commanders, in the , and other vessels, and he was in 18-commander of his Majesty's gun brig THAT the nature of the service in which your petitioner's said late husband was engaged, deprived him of his health, years so that he was more or less an invalid during the immediately preceding his decease, by which event your petitioner was reduced to a state of great pecuniary embarrassment, and left without any other means of support for herself and children, (the eldest not old) than the pension the death of her husband gave her claim to. 1 years THAT your petitioner buried her husband and a child within a year, and that her remaining children are not only of very tender age, (as is before humbly shewn,) but are very much afflicted, so that she has hitherto been obliged to expend a considerable part of her small income for medical advice, medicines, &c. YOUR PETITIONER therefore most humbly begs that you will be pleased to take her case into consideration, (together with the services of her said late husband, who was many years in actual service with the constant approbation of his superior officers, and the greater part of that time on a foreign station,) and grant her such relief as you may think proper. AND your petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever be thankful. RELEASES. RELEASE AND APPOINTMENT of Freehold Premises, from a Vendor and the Heir at Law of his Trustee, to a Purchaser and his Trustee, so as to bar Dower. THIS INDENTURE, made, &c. between A. B. of &c. of the first part, C. D. of &c. eldest son and heir at law of *See another form, under the head of "Appointments," ante, p. 138. |