of any action or actions, suit or suits, which shall or may be brought or prosecuted in the name of the said E. F. his executors, or administrators, for the recovery of the premi ses hereby assigned, or any part thereof, or otherwise howsoever in relation thereto, except such costs, charges, dama ges, losses, and expences, as shall or may happen by or through the wilful default or neglect of him the said E, F. his executors, or administrators, IN WITNESS, &c. ASSIGNMENT of an Absolute Reversion of a Mo iety of 1. four per cent Bank annuities, from a Vendor to a Purchaser: the former en titled thereto under his father's Will; the dividends of the whole stock being payable to the Testator's Wife during her life. THIS INDENTURE made, &c. BETWEEN A. B. of, &c. of the one part, and C. D. of, &c. of the other part. WHEREAS A. B. late of - in the county of butcher, deceased, in and by his last will and testament in writing, bearing date the year day of in th four' gave and bequeathed unto his wife M. ' the interest, dividends, and produce of £cent. Bank annuities, for and during the term of her r ral life. AND from and after the decease of his said.fe, he gave and bequeathed the said sum of £fo per cent. Bank annuities, unto and equally, between and song, all and every his child and children, share and sha alike, with benefit of survivorship in case of the death either of them under the age of twenty one year L any or without lawful issue. AND the said testator appointed E. F. of, &c. and G. H. of, &c. executors of his said will. AND WHEREAS the said testator departed this life without revoking or altering his said will, leaving his said wife and two children only, namely J. B. and the said A. B. (party hereto) him surviving. AND WHEREAS the said will was duly proved in the prerogative court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the in the year day of the executors named therein. by both AND WHEREAS the said E. F. one of the said executors, is since dead, and the said £ stock is now standing in the name of the said testor, or of his said executors, or surviving executor in the books kept at the Bank of England for the investment and transfer of such stock. AND WHEREAS the said M. B. the widow of the said testor, is still living and in the receipt of the dividends of the said stock so given and bequeathed to her for her life as aforesaid. AND WHEREAS the said A. B. (party hereto) is intitled, as one of the two only children, of the said testor, who were living at his decease, to an absolute reversion of a moiety of the said sum of £—— four per cent. Bank annuities, certain to be received on the death of the said testors, widow M. B. who is now of the age of years or thereabouts. AND WHEREAS he said A. B. (party hereto) on the day of t caused his said reversion or reversionary interst of and uch moiety as aforesaid, to be put up to sale by public alon by Mr. at his great room No.-— High Horn and at such sale the said C. D. was declared the best dder for and purchaser of the same absolute reversion, ahe price or sum of £— and thereupon paid the sum of to the said Mr. as a deposit on, and in art payment of the said sum of £- NOW THIS INENTURE WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the sum of (making with the said £ sum of £- so paid as aforesaid the sum of £-) of lawful money of Great Britain, to the said A. B. (party hereto) in hand, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, well and truly paid by the said C. D. as and for the absolute purchase of the said reversionary moiety of the said stock, the receipt whereof he the said A. £ B. doth hereby acknowledge, and of and from the same and every part thereof, doth acquit, release, and discharge, the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, for ever by these presents. He the said A. B. hath granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over; and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, ALL that the said absolute reversion or reversionary interest of him the said A. B. (party hereto) of, in, and to a moiety or half part (the whole into two equal parts to be divided) of, and in the said sum of £— four per cent. Bank annuities, so bequeathed by the will of the said testor A. B. deceased, as aforesaid, and to which the said A. B. (party hereto) is intitled in manner aforesaid, or which he, his executors, or administrators, shall or may become; or if these presents had not been made, would or might have become intited to or interested in, upon the decease of the said M. B. or otherwise howsoever: together with the dividends or interest which may become due on the said moiety, or half part of the said sum of £▬▬▬▬ stock, so hereby assigned or intended so to be from the time of the decease of the said M. B. to the time of the transfer of such moiety to the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns. AND all the estate, right title, reversionary, and other interest, benelit, property, legal and equita ble claim and demand whatsoever, of him the said A. B. (party hereto) of, in, and to the said moiety, or half part of the said sum of £- four per cent. Bank annuities, by force and virtue of the said hereinbefore in part recited will, or otherwise howsoever. TO HAVE, HOLD, RECEIVE, TAKE, AND ENJOY, the said absolute reversion, or reversionary interest, moiety or half part of the said stock dividends; and all and singular other the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned and expressed, to be hereby granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over unto the said C. D. his executors, administrators and assigns, from henceforth, or immediately from and after and expectant upon the decease, or other determination of the estate for life of the said M. B. to and for his and their own proper and absolute use and benefit for ever. AND for the better enabling the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, to receive and recover the said moiety of the said stock, dividends, hereditaments, an premises hereby assig. el. He the said A. B. (party hereto) hath made, ordained, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents doth make, ordain, constitute, and appoint, the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, his true and lawful attorney and attorneys for and on the behalf, and in the name of him the said A. B. (party hereto) his executors, or administrators, or otherwise, but for the sole use and benefit of himself the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, to ask for, demand, and receive the said moiety of the said stock, dividends, and all and singular other the hereditaments, and premises hereby expressed to be assigned of and from the said G. H. (the surviving executor of the will of the said A. B. deceased) his executors, or administrators, or such other person or persons, as shall be liable in law to be called upon for transfer and payment thereof respectively; and to give receipts and other proper and effectual discharges for the same; and to use, take, and prosecute every or any lawful or equitable means, course, or expedient for the recovering and receiving the same, in as full, ample, and beneficial a manner, to all intents and purposes, as he the said A. B. (party hereto) his executors, or administrators, could or might have done if these pre-ents had not been made; and also to substitute and appoint, under him or them, or on his or their behalf, any other person or persons from time to time for the same purposes. AND the said A. B. (party hereto) doth hereby expressly authorize, empower, direct, and require him the said G. H. as such surviving executor, as aforesaid, his executors, or administrators, or such other person or persons, as shall be liable to transfer and pay the same, to assign, transfer, and pay the said moiety of the said stock and div idends unto the said C. D. his executors, administrators, or assigns, accordlingly. AND the said A. B. (party hereto) for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, doth covenant, promise, declare, and agree with, and to the said C. D. his executors, administrators, and assigns, by these presents in manner following: that is to say, That he the said A. B. (party hereto) hath not at any time heretofore signed, sealed, or executed, any grant, release, assignment, agreement, writing, or assurance, or made, done, comitted, omitted, or suffered, or been party, or privy to any other act, deed, matter, or thing whatsoever, whereby, or by means whereof, the said reversionary interest in, or moiety of the said £ stock and divi dends hereby assigned, or any part thereof, is, shail, or may be released, extinguished, impeached, charged, assigned, incumbered, or otherwise prejudicially affected in |