A P P EN DI X. PART I. CONCISE PASSAGES, EXEMPLIFYING CERTAIN PARTICULARS, ON THE PROPER EXPRESSION OF WHICH THE MODULATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE VOICE IN READ ING AND SPEAKING PRINCIPALLY DEPEND. I. Examples of ANTITHESIS; or the Oppofition of Words 1. THE or Sentiments. HE manner of speaking is as important as the matter. 2. Cowards die many times; the valiant never tasle of death but once. Shakespeare. 3. Temperance, by fortifying the mind and body, leads to happinefs: intemperance, by enervating the mind and body, ends generally in mifery. Art of Thinking. 4. Title and ancestry render a good man more illuftrious; but an ill one more contemptible. Vice is infamous, though in a prince; and virtue honourable, though in a peafant. Spectator. 5. Almost every object that attracts our notice, has its bright and its dark fide. He who habituates himself to look at the difpleafing fide, will four his difpofition, and, confequently, impair bis happinefs; while he who conftantly beholds it on the bright fide, infenfibly meliorates his temper, and, in confequence of it, improves his own happinefs, and the happiness of all around him. World. 6. A wife man endeavours to fhine in himself; a fool to outthine others. The former is humbled by the sense of of his own infirmities; the latter is lifted up by the difcevery of those which he observes in others. The wife man confiders what he wants; and the fool what he abounds in. The wife man is happy, when he gains his own ap probation; and the fool, when he recommends himself to the applaufe of thofe about him. Spaltator. 7. Where opportunities of exercife are wanting, temperance may in a great measure fupply its place. If exercife throws off all fuperfluities, temperance prevents them; if exercise clears the veffels, temperance neither fatiates nor overftrains them; if exercile raifes proper ferments in the humours, and promotes the eirculation of the blood, temperance gives nature her full play, and enables her to exert herself in all her force and vigour ;~/ if exercife diffipates a growing diftemper, temperance ftarves it. Spectator. 8. I have always preferred cheerfulnefs to mirth. The latter I confider as an act, the former as a habit of the mind. Mirth is fhort and tranfient, cheerfulness fixed and permanent. Thofe are often raised into the greatest tranfports of mirth, who are fubject to the greatest depreffions of melancholy on the contrary, cheerfulness, though it does not give the mind fuch an exquifite glad nefs, prevents us from falling into any depths of forrow. Mirth is like a flash of lightning, that breaks through a gloom of clouds, and glitters for a moment; cheerfulnefs keeps up a kind of day-light in the mind, and fills it with a fteady and perpetual ferenity. Spectator. 9. At the fame time that I think difcretion the moft ufeful talent a man can be mafter of, I look upon cunning to be the accomplishment of little, mean, ungene. rous minds. Difcretion points out the nobleft ends to us, and pursues the most proper and laudable methods of attaining them; cunning has only private felfish aims, and flicks at nothing which may make them fucceed: difcretion has large and extended views, and, like a well-formed eye, commands a whole horizon; cunning is a kind of fhort-fightedne fs, that difcovers the minutelt objects which are near at hand, but is not able to dif cern things at a distance. Spectator. 10. Nothing: 10. Nothing is more amiable than true modefty, and nothing more contemptible than the falfe. The one guards virtue; the other betrays it. True modesty is afhamed to do any thing that is repugnant to the rules of right reafon; falfe modefty is afhamed to do any thing that is oppofite to the humour of the company. True modefty avoids every thing that is criminal; false modefty, every thing that is unfafhionable. The latter is only a general undetermined inftin&; the former is that inftinct, limited and circumfcribed by the rules of prudence and religion. Spectator. 11. How different is the view of paft life, in the man who is grown old in knowledge and wifdom, from that of him who is grown old in ignorance and folly! The latter is like the owner of a barren country, that fills his eye with the prospect of naked hills and plains, which produce nothing either profitable or ornamental: the former, beholds a beautiful and fpacious landscape, divided into delightful gardens, green meadows, fruitful fields; and can scarce caft his eye on a single spot of his poffeffions, that is not covered with fome beautiful plant or flower. Spectator. 12. As there is a worldly happiness, which God perceives to be no other than difguised mifery; as there are worldly honours, which, in his eftimation, are reproach: fo there is a worldly wildom, which, in his fight, is fool. ishness. Of this worldly wifdom the characters are given in the fcriptures, and placed in contraft with those of the wifdom which is from above. The one, is the wisdom of the crafty; the other, that of the upright: the one, terminates in felfishnefs; the other, in charity: the one is full of ftrife and bitter envying; the other, of mercy and good fruits. Blair. 13. True honour, though it be a different principle from religion, is that which produces the fame effects. The lines of action, though drawn from different parts, terminate in the fame point. Religion embraces virtue, as it is enjoined by the laws of God; honour, as it is graceful and ornamental to human nature. The religious man fears, the man of honour scorns, to do an ill action. action. The latter confiders vice as fomething that is beneath him; the former, as fomething that is offenfive to the Divine Being: the one, as what is unbecoming; the other, as what is forbidden. Guardian. 14. Where is the man that poffeffes, or indeed can be required to poffefs, greater abilities in war than Pompey? One who has fought more pitched battles than others have maintained perfonal difputes! carried on more wars than others have acquired knowledge of by reading! reduced more provinces than others have afpired to even in thought! whose youth was trained to the profeffion of arms, not by precepts derived from others, but by the higheft offices of command; not by personal miftakes in war, but by a train of important victories; not by a series of campaigns, but by a fucceffion of triumphs! Cicero. 15. Two principles in human nature reign, 16. In point of fermons, 'tis confeft Pope. Byram. 17. Know, Nature's children all divide her care: The fur that warms a monarch, warm'd a bear. While man exclaims, "See all things for my ufe !" "See man for mine !" replies a pamper'd goose: And just as fhort of reason he must fall, Who thinks all made for one, not one for all. Pope. 18. O thou goddess, Thou divine Nature! how thyself thou blazon'st Not wagging his sweet head; and yet as rough (Their royal blood enchaf'd) as the rud'st wind That by the top doth take the mountain-pine And make him ftoop to the vale. Shakespeare. 19. True eafe, in writing, comes from art, not chance As thofe move eafieft who have learn'd to dance. 'Tis not enough no harfhness gives offence; The found must seem an echo to the fenfe. Soft is the ftrain, when zephyr gently blows, And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows: But when loud furges lafh the founding fhore, The hoarfe rough verfe fhould like the torrent roar. When Ajax ftrives fome rock's vaft weight to throw, The line, too, labours, and the words move flow: Not fo when swift Camilla fcours the plain,: Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and fkims along the main. o. Good name, in man and woman, Is the immediate jewel of their fouls. Pope. Who fteals my purfe, fteals trafh: 'tis fomething, no thing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been flave to thousands. But he that filches from me my good name, Robs me of that, which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed. Shakespeare. II. Examples of ENUMERATION; or the mentioning of Particulars. F. I CONSIDER a human foul without education like marble in the quarry; which shows none of its inherent beauties, till the fkill of the polifher fetches out the colours, makes the furface fhine, and difcovers every ornamental cloud, fpot, and vein, that runs through the body of it. Spectator.. 2. The fubject of a difcourfe being opened, explain ed, and confirmed; that is to fay, the speaker, having gained the attention and judgment of his audience; he muft proceed to complete his conqueft over the paffions; fuch as, imagination, admiration, furprife, hope, joy, love, fear, grief, anger. Now, he muft begin to exert himfelf: here it is, that a fine genius may difplay itself, in the ufe of amplification, enumeration, interrogation, metaphor, Hh |