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"Dear Madam,

"Newstead Abbey, Notts. October 7, 1808.

" I have no beds for the H ** s or any body else at present. The H** s sleep at Mansfield. I do not know that I resemble Jean Jacques Rousseau. I have no ambition to be like so illustrious a madman-but this I know, that I shall live in my own manner, and as much alone as possible. When my rooms are ready I shall be glad to see you: at present it would be improper, and uncomfortable to both parties. You can hardly object to my rendering my mansion habitable, notwithstanding my departure for Persia in March (or May at farthest), since you will be tenant till my return; and in case of any accident (for I have already arranged my will to be drawn up the moment I am twenty-one), I have taken care you shall have the house and manor for life, besides a sufficient income. So you see my improvements are not entirely selfish. As I have a friend here, we will go to the Infirmary Ball on the 12th; we will drink tea with Mrs. Byron at eight o'clock, and expect to see you at the ball. If that lady will allow us a couple of rooms to dress in, we shall be highly obliged: if we are at the ball by ten or eleven it will be time enough, and we shall return to Newstead about three or four. Adieu. "Believe me yours very truly,


The idea, entertained by Mrs. Byron, of a resemblance between her son and Rousseau was founded chiefly, we may suppose, on those habits of solitariness, in which he had even already shown a disposition to follow that self-contemplative philosopher, and which, manifesting themselves thus early, gained strength as he advanced in life. In one of his Journals, to which I frequently have occasion to refer,† he thus, in questioning the justice of this comparison between himself and Rousseau, gives, -as usual, vividly, some touches of his own disposition and habitudes :

"My mother, before I was twenty, would have it that I was like Rousseau, and Madame de Staël used to say so too in 1813, and the Edinburgh Review has something of the sort in its critique on the fourth Canto of Childe Harold. I can't see any point of resemblance:-he wrote prose, I verse: he was of the people; I of the aristocracy: § he was a philosopher; I am none: he published his first work at forty; I mine at eighteen: his first essay brought him universal applause; mine the contrary: he married his housekeeper; I could not keep house with my wife: he thought all the world in a plot against him; my little world seems to think me in a plot against it, if I may judge by their

* Thus addressed always by Lord Byron, but without any right to the distinction: + The Journal entitled by himself " Detached Thoughts."

§ Few philosophers, however, have been so indulgent to the pride of birth as Rousseau.-" S'il est un orgueil pardonnable (he says) après celui qui se tire du mérite personnel, c'est celui qui se tire de la naissance."-Confess.


abuse in print and coterie: he liked botany; I like flowers, herbs, and trees, but know nothing of their pedigrees: he wrote music; I limit my knowledge of it to what I catch by ear-I never could learn any thing by study, not even a language-it was all by rote, and ear, and memory; he had a bad memory; I had, at least, an excellent one (ask Hodgson the poet-a good judge, for he has an astonishing one): he wrote with hesitation and care; I with rapidity, and rarely with pains; he could never ride, nor swim, nor' was cunning of fence': I am an excellent swimmer, a decent, though not at all a dashing, rider (having staved in a rib at eighteen, in the course of scampering), and was sufficient of fence, particularly of the Highland broad-sword, not a bad boxer, when I could keep my temper, which was difficult, but which I strove to do ever since I knocked down Mr. Purling, and put his kneepan out) with the gloves on), in Angelo and Jackson's rooms in 1806, during the sparring, -and I was besides, a very fair cricketer, one of the Harrow eleven, when we played against Eton in 1805. Besides, Rousseau's way of life, his country, his manners, his whole character, were so very different, that I am at a loss to conceive how such a comparison could have arisen, as it has done three several times, and all in rather a remarkable manner. I forgot to say that he was also short-sighted, and that hitherto my eyes have been the contrary, to such a degree that, in the largest theatre of Bologna, I distinguished and read some busts and inscriptions, painted near the stage, from a box so distant and so darkly lighted, that none of the company (composed of young and very bright-eyed people, some of them in the same box), could make out a letter, and thought it was a trick, though I had never been in that theatre before.

"Altogether, I think myself justified in thinking the comparison not well founded. I don't say this out of pique, for Rousseau was a great man; and the thing, if true, were flattering enough;-but I have no idea of being pleased with the chimera."

In another letter to his mother, dated some weeks after the preceding one, he explains further his plans both with respect to Newstead and his projected travels.



"Dear Mother,

"Newstead Abbey, November 2, 1808.

"If you please, we will forget the things you mention. I have no desire to remember them. When my rooms are finished, I shall be happy to see you; as I tell but the truth, you will not suspect me of evasion. I am furnishing the house more for you than myself, and I shall establish you in it before I sail for India, which I expect to do in March, if nothing particularly obstructive occurs. I am now fitting up the green drawingroom; the red for a bed-room, and the rooms over as sleeping-rooms. They will be soon completed:-at least I hope so.

"I wish you would enquire of Major Watson (who is an old Indian) what things will be necessary to provide for my voyage. I have already

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