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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Wheeling unshaken through the void immense ; And speak, O man ! does this capacious scene With half that kindling majesty dilate Thy strong conception, as when Brutus rose Refulgent from the stroke of Caesar's fate, Amid the crowd of patriots ; and his... "
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres - Σελίδα 66
των Hugh Blair - 1787
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Letters Concerning Taste: To which are Added, Essays on Similar and Other ...

John Gilbert Cooper - 1757 - 420 σελίδες
...ftroke of Casfar's fate, Amid the croud of patriots ; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove 495 When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and fhook his crimfon fteel, And bade the father of his country, hail ! For lo ! the tyrant proftrate on the duft, And Rome...

The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer, Τόμος 14

1745 - 700 σελίδες
...conception, as when Bntris TO': Refulgent from the ftroke oiCafir's fat;. Amid the croud of patriots, end tU arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove, When, guilt brings down the thunder, caS'd aloud filed. On 7i///y's name, and (hook his crimdn And bade the father of his country, hail!...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Τόμος 55

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 404 σελίδες
...The human bofom, as when Brutus rofe Refulgent from the ftrokc of Cicfar's fate 365 Amid the croud of patriots ; and, his arm Aloft extending like eternal...Jove When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud OnTuHy's name, and ihook the crimfon iword Of juftice in his rapt aftcnilh'd eye, 370 And ba !e the...

The Works of the English Poets: Akenside

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 388 σελίδες
...as when Brutus rofe Refulgent from the ftroke of Crefar.'s fate 565, Amid the croud of patriots 5, and,. his arm Aloft extending like eternal Jove When guilt brings down ths thunder, oall'd aloud OnTully's name, and, fhook the crimion fword Of juftice in his rapt aftonim'd...

The Pleasures of Imagination: A Poem in Three Books

Mark Akenside - 1744 - 124 σελίδες
...of Caefaijs fate, Amid the crowd of patriots i and his ai m Aloft extending, like eternal Jove 435 When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and fhook his crimfon fteel, And bade the father of his country hail ! For lo ! the tyrant proftrate on the duft, And Rome...

Essays on rhetoric: abridged chiefly from dr. Blair's lectures on that science

Hugh Blair - 1784 - 412 σελίδες
...ftrong concegtifln, as when Brutes ro 5.efulgent from the ftrolce of Cspfar's fate, Amid the croud of Patriots \ and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove, When guilt brings down the thunder, call'daloiid Oh Tully?s name, and fhook his crimfon ncd, And bade the father of hi? cov;ntry hail !...

The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Τόμος 63

English poets - 1790 - 404 σελίδες
...of Caefar's fate, Amid the croud of partriots ; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove 40, y When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and fhook his crimfon fteel, And bade the father of his country hail ! For lo ! the tyrant proftrate on the duft, And Rome...

The Pleasures of Imagination

Mark Akenside - 1794 - 218 σελίδες
...fpheres Wheeling unfhaken through the void immenfe ; And fpeak, O man ! does this capacious fcene 490 With half that kindling majefty dilate Thy ftrong...patriots ; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove 493 When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and fhook his crimfon fteel,...

The Tribune: A Periodical Publication, Consisting Chiefly of the ..., Τεύχη 1-29

John Thelwall - 1795 - 704 σελίδες
...majcfty dilate Thy flrong conception, as when Brutus rofe Refulgent from the ftroke of Cafar's fdte Amid the crowd of patriots, and his arm Aloft extending,...down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and (hook his crimfon fteel, And bad the father of his country Hail! For lo ! the tyrant proftrate on the...

Medical Extracts: On the Nature of Health, with Practical ..., Τόμος 4

1797 - 332 σελίδες
...kindling roajefty dilate thy ftrong conception, as when BRUTUS rofe refulgent from the ftroke of CJESAR'S fate, amid the crowd of patriots ; and his arm aloft...when guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud on Tuily's name, and Ihook his crimfon fteel, and bade the father of his country hail ! For lo ! — the...

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