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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

'three years than an IMMORTALITY of Don Juan!” The truth is that it is TOO TRUE, and the women ' hate many things which strip off the tinsel of senti'ment; and they are right, as it would rob them of 'their weapons. I never knew a woman who did not ' hate De Grammont's Memoirs for the same reason: ́ even Lady ** used to abuse them.

Rose's work I never received. It was seized at Venice. Such is the liberality of the Huns, with 'their two hundred thousand men, that they dare not 'let such a volume as his circulate.'



'Ravenna, 8bre 16°, 1820.

The Abbot has just arrived; many thanks; as also 'for the Monastery-when you send it!!!

The Abbot will have a more than ordinary interest 'for me, for an ancestor of mine by the mother's side, 'Sir J. Gordon of Gight, the handsomest of his day, 'died on a scaffold at Aberdeen for his loyalty to 'Mary, of whom he was an imputed paramour as well ' as her relation. His fate was much commented on ' in the Chronicles of the times. If I mistake not, ' he had something to do with her escape from Loch 'Leven, or with her captivity there. But this you 'will know better than I.

I recollect Loch Leven as it were but yesterday. 'I saw it in my way to England in 1798, being then 'ten years of age. My mother, who was as haughty 'as Lucifer with her descent from the Stuarts, and 'her right line from the old Gordons, not the Seyton Gordons, as she disdainfully termed the ducal 'branch, told me the story, always reminding me how superior her Gordons were to the southern Byrons,

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' notwithstanding our Norman, and always masculine descent, which has never lapsed into a female, as my mother's Gordons had done in her own person.

'I have written to you so often lately, that the brevity of this will be welcome. Yours, &c.'


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'Ravenna, 8bre 17°, 1820.

Enclosed is the Dedication of Marino Faliero to Goethe. Query,-is his title Baron or not? I think yes. Let me know your opinion, and so forth.

'P.S. Let me know what Mr. Hobhouse and you 'have decided about the two prose letters and their 'publication.

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' I enclose you 'an Italian abstract of the German 'translator of Manfred's Appendix, in which you will perceive quoted what Goethe says of the whole body ' of English poetry (and not of me in particular). On this the Dedication is founded, as you will perceive, though I had thought of it before, for I look upon 'him as a great man.'

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The very singular Dedication transmitted with this letter has never before been published, nor, as far as I can learn, ever reached the hands of the illustrious German. It is written in the poet's most whimsical and mocking mood; and the unmeasured severity poured out in it upon the two favourite objects of his wrath and ridicule compels me to deprive the reader of some of its most amusing passages.


'Sir,-In the Appendix to an English work lately translated into German and published at Leipsic, a

'judgment of yours upon English poetry is quoted as follows: "That in English poetry, great genius, 'universal power, a feeling of profundity, with sufficient tenderness and force, are to be found; but that altogether these do not constitute poets," &c. &c.

I regret to see a great man falling into a great 'mistake. This opinion of yours only proves that the "Dictionary of ten thousand living English 'Authors" has not been translated into German. You ' will have read, in your friend Schlegel's version, the 'dialogue in Macbeth

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'Now, of these "ten thousand authors," there are ' actually nineteen hundred and eighty-seven poets, 'all alive at this moment, whatever their works may be, as their booksellers well know; and amongst 'these there are several who possess a far greater reputation than mine, although considerably less than 'yours. It is owing to this neglect on the part of your German translators that you are not aware of 'the works of


There is also another, named

'I mention these poets by way of sample to enlighten you. They form but two bricks of our Babel (WINDSOR bricks, by the way), but may serve 'for a specimen of the building.

'It is, moreover, asserted that "the predominant 'character of the whole body of the present English 'poetry is a disgust and contempt for life." But I ra'ther suspect that, by one single work of prose, you 'yourself have excited a greater contempt for life than 'all the English volumes of poesy that ever were

'written. Madame de Staël says, that "Werther has 'occasioned more suicides than the most beautiful

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woman;" and I really believe that he has put more 'individuals out of this world than Napoleon himself, except in the way of his profession. Perhaps, Illustrious Sir, the acrimonious judgment passed by a 'celebrated northern journal upon you in particular, and the Germans in general, has rather indisposed you towards English poetry as well as criticism. 'But you must not regard our critics, who are at 'bottom good-natured fellows, considering their two ' professions,-taking up the law in court, and laying it down out of it. No one can more lament their ' hasty and unfair judgment, in your particular, than 'I do; and I so expressed myself to your friend 'Schlegel, in 1816, at Coppet.

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In behalf of my " ten thousand" living brethren, and of myself, I have thus far taken notice of an opinion expressed with regard to "English poetry " in general, and which merited notice, because it was


My principal object in addressing you was to testify my sincere respect and admiration of a man, who, for half a century, has led the literature of a great nation, and will go down to posterity as the 'first literary character of his age.

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You have been fortunate, Sir, not only in the 'writings which have illustrated your name, but in 'the name itself, as being sufficiently musical for the 'articulation of posterity. In this you have the advantage of some of your countrymen, whose names would perhaps be immortal also-if any body could pronounce them.

It may, perhaps, be supposed, by this apparent

'tone of levity, that I am wanting in intentional respect towards you; but this will be a mistake: I am always flippant in prose. Considering you, ' as I really and warmly do, in common with all your ' own, and with most other nations, to be by far the 'first literary character which has existed in Europe 'since the death of Voltaire, I felt, and feel, desirous 'to inscribe to you the following work,-not as being ' either a tragedy or a poem (for I cannot pronounce upon its pretensions to be either one or the other, or both, or neither), but as a mark of esteem and ad'miration from a foreigner to the man who has been ' hailed in Germany "THE GREAT GOETHE." 'I have the honour to be,


with the truest respect,

your most obedient and
' very humble servant,


'Ravenna, 8bre 14°, 1820.

'P.S. I perceive that in Germany, as well as in 'Italy, there is a great struggle about what they call Classical" and "Romantic,"-terms which were not subjects of classification in England, at least when I ' left it four or five years ago. Some of the English 'scribblers, it is true, abused Pope and Swift, but the 'reason was that they themselves did not know how 'to write either prose or verse; but nobody thought 'them worth making a sect of. Perhaps there may be 'something of the kind sprung up lately, but I have

'not heard much about it, and it would be such bad taste that I shall be very sorry to believe it.'

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