The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; in Three Volumes. With Some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By Mr. Tickell

T. Walker, 1773

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Επιλεγμένες σελίδες

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 14 - Pompeys, Trajans, and the whole catalogue of heroes, who have many of them so distinguished themselves from the rest of mankind, that we almost look upon them as another species. It is an agreeable amusement to compare in our own thoughts the face of a great man with the character that authors have given us of him, and to try if we can find out in his looks and features, either the haughty, cruel, or merciful temper that discovers itself in the history of his actions.
Σελίδα 121 - Gauls' approach; th' approaching Gauls, Obscure in night, ascend, and seize the walls. The gold dissembled well their yellow hair, And golden chains on their white necks they wear. Gold are their vests; long Alpine spears they wield, And their left arm sustains a length of shield. Hard by, the leaping Salian priests advance; And naked thro' the streets the mad Luperci dance, In caps of wool; the targets dropp'd from heav'n.
Σελίδα 313 - Who' foever mall confefs me before men, him ' will I confefs alfo before my father which ' is in heaven: But whofoever fhall deny ' me before men, him will I alfo deny before ' my father which is in heaven.
Σελίδα 53 - When grown to manhood he begins his reign, And with stiff pinions can his flight sustain, He lightens of its load the tree that bore His father's royal sepulchre before, And his own cradle: This (with pious care) Plac'd on his back, he cuts the buxom air, Seeks the Sun's city, and his sacred church. And decently lays down his burden in the porch.
Σελίδα 85 - Then thus the founder of mankind replies (Unruffled was his front, serene his eyes) : "Can Saturn's issue, and heav'n's other heir, Such endless anger in her bosom bear? Be mistress, and your full desires obtain ; But quench the choler you foment in vain. From ancient blood th' Ausonian people sprung, Shall keep their name, their habit, and their tongue.
Σελίδα 6 - Now scantier limits the proud arch confine, And scarce are seen the prostrate Nile or Rhine; A small Euphrates through the piece is roll'd, And little eagles wave their wings in gold.
Σελίδα 7 - Then future ages with delight shall see, How Plato's, Bacon's, Newton's looks agree : Or in fair series laurel'd bards be shown, A Virgil there, and here an Addison...
Σελίδα 65 - How ! replies one, can any be more free ? Here's Dama, once a groom of low degree, Not worth a farthing, and a sot beside ; So true a rogue, for lying's sake he ly'd : But, with a turn, a freeman he became ; Now Marcus Dama is his worship's name.
Σελίδα 6 - Th' infcription value, but the ruft adore. This the blue varnifh, that the green endears, The facred ruft of twice ten hundred years ! To gain Pefcennius one employs his fehemes, One grafps a Cecrops in extatic dreams.
Σελίδα 7 - In aftion faithful, and in honour clear ; " Who broke no promife, ferv'd no private end, " Who gain'd no title, and who loft no friend ; 70 " Ennobled by himfelf, by all approv'd, " And prais'd, unenvy'd, by the Mufe he lov'd.

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