THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, IN VERSE and PROSE, Of the Right Honourable JOSEPH ADDISON, Esq; With fome Account of the LIFE and By Mr. TICKEL L. VOLUME the THIRD. DUBLIN: Printed for T. WALKER, at Cicero's-Head, M.DCC.LXXIII. ADVERTISEMENT. These Three Volumes, with the Tatlers, Spectators, Guardians, Freeholder, and Remarks on several Parts of Italy, complete Mr. Addison's Works in Twelves. BOOL LIBR. UPON THE USEFULNESS OF ANCIENT MEDALS. Especially in relation to the Latin and Greek Poets. quoniam hæc Ratio plerumque videtur Triftior effe, quibus non eft tractata, retroque Si tibi forte animum tali ratione tenerem. LUCRETIUS, |