| 1821 - 526 σελίδες
...the ingenuous boast, " That not in fancy's maze he wandered long, But atoop'd to truth, and moralized his song." He should have written " rose to truth."...hands except Milton's and Dante's, and even Dante's Eowers are involved in his delineation of human passions, though i supernatural circumstances. What... | |
| 1821 - 510 σελίδες
...the ingenuous boast, That not in Fancy's maze he wanier'd long, But stooped to Truth, and moraliz'd his song. He should have written ' rose to truth.'...human hands except Milton's and Dante's, and even Dante'* powers are involved in his delineation of human passions, though in supernatural circumstances.... | |
| Fabius (pseud.) - 1821 - 44 σελίδες
...insensibly led your Lordship to calumniate Virgil, Milton, Cowper, and Poetry, I must transcribe: " In my mind, the highest of all poetry is ethical poetry,...highest of all earthly objects must be moral truth." — " In my mind, the ethical is the highest of all poetry, because it does that in verse* which the... | |
| Abraham John Valpy - 1821 - 582 σελίδες
...insensibly led your Lordship to calumniate Virgil, Milton, Cowper, and Poetry, I must transcribe : " In my mind, the highest of all poetry is ethical poetry,...highest of all earthly objects must be moral truth." — « In my mind, the ethical is the highest of all poetry, because it does that in. verse, which... | |
| 1821 - 522 σελίδες
...arbitrarily and sophistically. That not in Fancy's maze he wander'd long, But stooped to Truth, and moraliz'd his song. He should have written ' rose to truth.' In my mind the highest *»f all poetry is ethical poetry, as the highest of aH earthly objects must be moral truth. Religion... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 600 σελίδες
...the ingenuous boast, " That not in fancy's maze he wandered long, But stoop'd to truth, and moralized his song." He should have written " rose to truth."...earthly objects must be moral truth. Religion does notmake a part of my subject ; it is something beyond human powers, and has failed in all human hands... | |
| 1822 - 136 σελίδες
...the ingenuous boast, " That not in fancy's maze he wandered long, But atoop'd to truth, and moralized his song." He should have written " rose to truth."...highest of all earthly objects must be moral truth. Keligion does not make a part of my subject ; it is something beyond human powers, and has failed in... | |
| sir Samuel Egerton Brydges (bart.) - 1822 - 180 σελίδες
...LORD OXFORD ! — It is in vain , that this Critic attempts to dispute Lord Byron's position , that « the highest of all poetry is ethical poetry, as the highest of all eaithly objects must be moral truth (i). This position stands on a rock : perhaps Lord B.'s illustrations... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1825 - 546 σελίδες
...ingenuous boast, • Thai not in fancy's maze he wander'd long, Rut stoop'd to truth, aml moralized In • song.» He should have written « rose to truth. »...ethical poetry, as the highest of all earthly objects musl be moral truth. Religion does not make a part of my subject; it is something beyond human powers,... | |
| Robert Walsh - 1829 - 554 σελίδες
...species, against our fastidious editor. In his very able reply to Bowles, concerning Pope, he says : — "In my mind the highest of all poetry is ethical poetry,...highest of all earthly objects must be moral truth. If ethics made a philosopher (Socrates,) the first of men, and have not been disdained as an adjunct... | |
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