POR "ee with what Glorious Scorn the CheifeDifdains A Roman must not be a Romans Lord o Save his life and link his Country's Chaines 'ent up in Utica and Remote from home ato's a Roman tho' Excluded Rome his Soul all Servile Acts Abhor'd He's mafter of himself whilst mafter of his Swo His Sword was allways Drawn for Liberty Nor must be Sheath'd Untill Its Mafters free He Conquers Falling and Triumphing Dyes And Cesar Views his End with Envious Enter A TRAGEDY. As it is Acted at the THEATRE-ROYAL in Drury-Lane, BY Her MAJESTY's Servants. By Mr. ADDISON. Esce Spectaculum dignum, ad quod refpiciat, intentus operi fuo, Sen. de Divin. Prov. LONDON: Printed for J. TONSON, at Shakespear's Head over- PROLOGUE T By Mr. P O P E. Spoken by Mr. Wilks. wake the Soul by tender Strokes of Art, To raife the Genius, and to mend the Heart, For this the Tragic-Mufe first trod the Stage, He He bids your Breasts with Ancient Ardor rife, What Plato Thought, and God-like Cato Was: Britains attend: Be Worth like this approv'd, And show you have the Virtue to be mov’d. Our |