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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" I did not question came loaded with his crimes; but upon searching into his bundle I found that instead of throwing his guilt from him, he had only laid down his memory. "
The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison - Σελίδα 64
των Joseph Addison - 1804
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The Spectator, Τόμος 8

1717 - 336 σελίδες
...not queftion came loaden with his Crimes, but upon fearching into his Bundle, I found that inftead of throwing his Guilt from him, he had only laid down his Memory. He was follow'd by another worthlefs Rogue, who flung away his Modefty inftead of his Ignorance. WHEN the...

The Spectator, Τόμος 8

1729 - 320 σελίδες
...not queftion came loaden with his Crimes, but upon fearching into his Bundle, 1 found that inftead of throwing his Guilt from him, he had only laid down his Memory. He was followed by another worthlefs Rogue who flung away his Modefty inftead of his Ignorance. - WHEN the whole Race of Mankind...

The Spectator. ...

1789 - 428 σελίδες
...not queftion came loaded with his crimes : but upon fearching into his bundle I found that, inftead of throwing his guilt from him, he had only laid down his memory. He was followed by another worthlefs rogue, who flung away his modefty inftead of his ignorance. C $ Whea When the whole race...

Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen ..., Τόμος 8,Μέρος 1

Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1794 - 492 σελίδες
...queftion came loaden with his crîïnes; but upon feareh ing into his bundle, I found that irrftead of throwing his guilt from him , he had only laid down his memory. He was followed by a another worthlefs rogue who flung away his uiodefty infiead of his ignorance. » When the whole race...

The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Τόμος 14

British essayists - 1802 - 266 σελίδες
...profligate fellow, who I did not question came loaded with his crimes : but upon searching into his bundle I found, that instead of throwing his guilt...this occasion, seeing me an idle Spectator of what had passed, approached towards me. I grew uneasy at her presence, when of a sudden she held her magnifying...

NL orphan barcodes on file at ReCAP

1804 - 412 σελίδες
...profligate fellow, who I did not question came loaded with his crimes i but upon searching into his bundle I found that, instead of throwing his guilt from him, he had only I^ici down his memory. He was followed by another worthless rogue, who flung away his modesty instead...

The British Essayists, Τόμος 14

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 494 σελίδες
...profligate fellow, who I did not question came loaded with his crimes: but upon searching into his bundle I found, that instead of throwing his guilt...this occasion, seeing me an idle Spectator of what had passed, approached towards me. I grew uneasy at her presence, when of a sudden she held her magnifying...

The Spectator; in Miniature: Being a Collection of the Principal ..., Τόμος 1

1808 - 318 σελίδες
...profligate fellow, who I did not question came loaded wilh hii crimes; hut upon searching Into his hundle, I found that instead of throwing his guilt from him,...he had only laid down his memory. He was followed hy another worthless rogue, who flung away his modesty instead of his ignorance. When the whole race...

The Spectator, Τόμος 14

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 274 σελίδες
...profligate fellow, who I did not question came loaded with his crimes: but upon searching into his bundle I found, that instead of throwing his guilt...this occasion, seeing me an idle Spectator of what had passed, approached towards me. I grew uneasy at her presence, when of a sudden she held her magnifying...

Sequel to the English Reader, Or Elegant Selections in Prose and Poetry ...

Lindley Murray - 1816 - 300 σελίδες
...not queftion came loaded with his crimes: but upon fearching into his bundle, I found that, inftead of throwing his guilt from him, he had only laid down his memory. He was followed by another wonhlefs rogue, who flung away his modefty inftead of his ignorance. SECTION IV. The famt JubjeB continued....

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