Nor e'er was to the bowers of bliss convey'd In what new region, to the just affign'd, Or rous'd by fancy meets my waking eyes. If business calls, or crouded courts invite, I meet his foul which breathes in Cato there ; His shape o'ertakes me in the lonely grove: There taught us how to live; and (oh! ́ too high: Rear'd by bold chiefs of Warwick's noble race, Why, once fo lov'd, when-e'er thy bower appears,, How sweet the glooms beneath thy aged trees,, Thy walks and airy profpects charm no more.. Thy evening breezes, and thy noon-day shade. From other ills, however fortune frown'd, Some refuge in the mufe's art I found; Reluctant Reluctant now I touch the trembling ftring, The verfe, begun to one loft friend, prolong, Thefe works divine, which on his death-bed laid And close to his, hów foon! thy coffin lies. No chance could fever, nor the grave divide. THO. TICKELL THE An Account of the greatest English Poets. To Mr. Henry Lettera fcritta d'Italia al molto onorabile Carlo Conte Halifax, dal Signore Giuseppe Addison l'Anno 1701 In Verfi Inglefi. E tradotta in Verfi Toscani. 38 A Letter from Italy, to the Right Honourable Charles Lord Milton's Style imitated, in a tranflation of a story out 119 Pax Gulielmi Aufpiciis Europe reddita, 1697, page 111 122 Refurrectio delineata ad Altare Col. Magd. Oxon, 129 Sphærifterium, 134 Ad D. D. Hannes, infigniffimum Medicum et Poetam, 137 139 Machine Gesticulantes, Anglice A Puppet Show, 143 To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on bis Picture of the King, 146 Prologue to Phædra and Hippolitus, Spoken by Mr. Wilks, 150 Prologue to the Tender Husband. Spoken by Mr. Wilks, Phaeton's Sifters transformed into Trees, 165 180 •The Transformation of Cycnus into a Swan, 183 -The Story of Calisto, -The Story of Coronis and Birth of Efculapius, -Ocyrrhöe transform'd to a Mare, 185 192 197 199 -The Transformation of Battus to a Touchstone, The Story of Aglauros, transform'd into a Statue, 201 207 -Europa's Rape, Ovid's Metamorphofes. Book 3. The Story of Cadmus, 211 The Transformation of A&tæon into a Stag, 219 The |