| John Gilbert Cooper - 1755 - 168 σελίδες
...I ftretch, he ftretches his. '« His Eyes with pleafure on my Face he keeps, " He fmilei my Smiles, and when I weep he weeps. " Whene'er I fpeak, his...Lips appear " To utter fomething which I cannot hear J. Story of Narcif. Book iii. •J- Sed modo fonte fuo formofos perluit artus : Sxpe Citoriaco deducit... | |
| John Gilbert Cooper - 1757 - 420 σελίδες
...Eyes with Pleafure on my Face he keeps, " He fmiles my Smile?, and when I weep he weeps. " Whene'er 1 fpeak, his moving Lips appear " To utter fomething which I cannot hear f." Story ofNARCiss. Bode iii. * Sed modo fonte fuo formofos perluit artus : Saepe Citoriaco deducitpeftine... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1765 - 378 σελίδες
...pleafure on my face he keeps, " He fmiles my fmiles, and when I weep he weeps. " When-e'er I fpeak, hjs moving lips appear " To utter fomething, which I cannot...To find out all the long perplex'd deceit ; " It is myfclf I love, myfelf I fee; " The gay delufion is a part of me. " I kindle up the fires by which I... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1765 - 378 σελίδες
...arms I ftretch, he ftretches his. " His eye with pleafure on my face he keeps, " He fmilcs my fmiles, and when I weep he weeps. " When-e'er I fpeak, his...appear " To utter fomething, which I cannot hear. 't Ah wretched me ! I now begin too late *' To find out all the long perplex'd deceit; " It is myfelf... | |
| 1770 - 268 σελίδες
...arms I flrctch, he ftretches his. " His eyes with pleafure on my face he keeps, " He fmiles my fmile?, and when I weep he weeps. " Whene'er I fpeak, his moving lips appear " To utter fomethirg which I cannot hear, L 4 "Ah " Ah wretched me! I now begin too late " To find out all the... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1778 - 248 σελίδες
...he ftretehes his : " His eye with pleafure .n my face he keeps, }6o " He fmiles my fmiles, andwlcn I weep he weeps : " Whene'er I fpeak his moving lips...appear " To utter fomething which I cannot hear. " Ah, wretehed me]. I now begin too late " To find out all the long-perplex'd deceit ; }6i " It is myfelf... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 942 σελίδες
...ftretch, he ftretches his. " His eye with plcafure on my face he keeps, •* fle fmiles my iiniles, and when I weep he weeps. « When-e'er I fpeak, his...Ah wretched me ! I now begin too late " To find out ail the long perplex'd deceit } " It is myfelf I love, myfelf I fee ; " The gay delufion is a part... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 366 σελίδες
...ftretch, he ftretches his. *' His eye with pleafure on my face he keeps, "He fmiles my finiles, and when J weep he weeps. " When-e'er I fpeak, his moving lips...! I now begin too late * To find out all the long perplek'd deceit ; " It is myfelf I love, myfelf I fee ; " The gay delufion is a part of me. " I kindle... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 402 σελίδες
...eye with pleafure on my face he keeps, '• He fmiles my fmiles, and when I weep he weeps. " Wk* ' When-e'er I fpeak, his moving lips appear ' To utter...too late ' To find out all the long perplex'd deceit ; 1 It is myfelf I love, myfelf I fee ; ' The gay delufion is a part of me. 1 I kindle up the fires... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 368 σελίδες
...fmiles, and when I weep he weeps. I «' When-e'er I fpeak, his moving lips appear " To utter forrwthing, which I cannot hear. " Ah wretched me ! I now begin...late *' To find out all the long perplex'd deceit j " It is rayfelf I love, myfelf I fee ; " The gay delufion is a part of me. " I kindle up the fires... | |
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