| 1749 - 280 σελίδες
...filent whifp'rings.purer thoughts impart, . . . -i And turn from ill a frail and feeble -heart ; Lead Lead through the paths thy virtue trod before, Till blifs fhall join, ner death can part us moie. That awful form, which, fo ye heav'ns decree, Muft ftill be lov'd and ftill... | |
| 1750 - 434 σελίδες
...diftrefles, or when Pleafore charms, In filent Whifp'rings purer Thoughts impart, And turn from 111 a frail and feeble Heart ; Lead through the Paths thy Virtue trod before, Till Blifs {hall join, nor Death can part us more. That awful Form, which, fo ye Heav'ns decree, Muft ftill be... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 384 σελίδες
...warn poor mortals left behind, A talk well fuited to thy gentle mind ? Oh, if fometimes thy fpotlefs form defcend, To me thy aid, thou guardian genius,...death can part us more. That awful form (which, fo the heav'ns decree, Muft ftill be lov'd and ftill deplor'd by me) In nightly vifions feldom fails to... | |
| 1758 - 352 σελίδες
...? Oh, if fometimes thy fpotlc/s form defcend, To me thy aid, thou guardian genius, lend ! When age mifguides me, or when fear alarms, When pain diftrefles,...through the" paths thy virtue trod before, 'Till blifs (hall join, nor death can part us more. That aweful form (which, fo the heav'ns decree, Muft ftill... | |
| 1765 - 396 σελίδες
...Oh, if forrietimes thy fpotlefs form defcend, To me thy aid, thou guardian genius, lend ! When age mifguides me, or when fear alarms, When pain diftrefles,...through the paths thy virtue trod before, Till blifs mall join, nor death can part us more. That aweful form (which, fo the heav'ns decree, Muft ftill be... | |
| Robert Dodsley - 1765 - 392 σελίδες
...aid, thou guardian genius, lend ! When age mifguides me, or when fear alarms, When pain diftrefies, or when pleafure charms, In filent whifp'rings purer...through the paths thy virtue trod before, , 'Till blifs ihall join, nor death can part us more. That aweful form (which, fo the heav'ns decree, Muft ftill... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1765 - 380 σελίδες
...alarm*, When pain diftrefies, or when pleafure charms, In fifcnt whiip'rings purer thoughts Imp.irr, And turn from ill a frail and feeble heart) Lead through the paths thy virtue trod b^f'itf% Till bitls mail join, nor death can parti m M'ttr, That awful form (which, fo ye heav'n* 4e,... | |
| Collection - 1766 - 356 σελίδες
...? Oh, if fometimes thy fpotlefs form defcend, To me thy aid, thou guardian genius, lend ! When age mifguides me, or when fear alarms, When pain diftrefles,...through the paths thy virtue trod before, 'Till blifs ftiall join, nor death can part us more. That aweful form (which, fo the heav'ns decree, Muft ftill... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1765 - 380 σελίδες
...alarms, When pain diftrefles, or when pleafure charms, In filent whifp'rings purer thoughts import, And turn from ill a frail and feeble heart; Lead through the paths thy virtue trod before, 'Till blifs mall join, nor death can parts us more. That awful form (which, fo ye heav'ns decree, Muft ftill be... | |
| Joseph Addison - 1778 - 248 σελίδες
...gentle mind. Oh ! if fometimes thy fpotlefs form defeend, To me thy aid, thou guardian Genius! lend ; 60 When rage mifguides me, or when fear alarms, When...impart, And turn from ill a frail and feeble heart; Lead thro' the paths thy virtue trod before, 63 Till blifs (hall join, nor death can part us more. That... | |
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