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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" ... day of June, which shall be in the year of our Lord, 1729, ask, receive, or take any money, or other reward, by way of gift, loan, or other device, or agree or contract for any money, gift, office, employment, or other reward whatsoever, to give his... "
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench: With ... - Σελίδα 298
των Great Britain. Court of King's Bench - 1823
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The General Laws of Estates: Or, Freeholder's Companion: Containing the Laws ...

Giles Jacob - 1740 - 454 σελίδες
...have a Right to vote in any fuch Election, fhall ask, receive or take any Money or other Reward, by of Gift, Loan, or other Device, or agree or contract for any Money, Gift, Office or Employment, &c. to give his Vote, or to refufe or forbear giving his Vote in any fuch Election ;...

The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons from the Restoration to ...

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1743 - 570 σελίδες
...Perjury. By another Claufe in the fame Aft, every Eleftor who fhall receive or take any Money or other Reward, by Way of Gift, Loan, or other Device, or agree or contract for any Money, Gift, Office, Imployment, or other Reward whatfoever, to give his Vote, or to forbear giving his Vote at any Eleftion...

The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: From the ..., Τόμος 13

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1743 - 546 σελίδες
...Perjury. By another Claufe in the fame Aft, every Eledlor who ftiall receive or take any Money or Other Reward, by Way of Gift, Loan, or other Device, or agree or contract fer any Money, Gift, Dice, Imployment, or other Reward whatfoever, to give his Vote, or to forbear...

The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons from the Restoration to ...

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1743 - 590 σελίδες
...Perjury. By another Claufe in the fame Aft, every Eleftor who mail receive or take any Money or other Reward, by Way of Gift, Loan, or other Device, or agree or contrail for any Money, Gift, Office, Imployment, or other Reward whatfoever, to give his Vote, or...

Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments: In Two Historical Discourses ..., Τόμος 2

Algernon Sidney - 1744 - 420 σελίδες
...June, 1729, ask, receive, or take any Money, or other Reward, by way of Gift, Loan, or other Devife, or agree, or contract for any Money, Gift, Office,...other Reward 'whatsoever, to give his Vote, or to refufe, or to forbear to give bis Vote in any fuch Election ; or if any Perfon by himfelf, or any Perfon...

Statutes at Large ...: (43 v.) ... From Magna charta to 1800

Great Britain - 1765 - 592 σελίδες
...year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty nine, ask, receive or take any money or other reward, by way of gift, loan or other device, or agree or contrad for any money, gift, office, employment or other reward whatsoever, to give his vote, or to...

The Statutes at Large: From Magna Charta to ... 1869 ...

Great Britain - 1765 - 608 σελίδες
...year of our Lord one thoufand feven hu dred and twenty nine, ask, receive or take any money or oth reward, by way of gift, loan or other device, or agree or со tract for any money, gift, office, employment or other rewa whatfoever, to give his vote, or to...

A Treatise on the Law of Elections, in All Its Branches

Sir John Simeon - 1789 - 342 σελίδες
...feven hundred and " twenty-nine, afk, receive, or take any money " or other reward, by way cfgift, loan, or other " device, or agree or contract for...money, " gift, office, employment, or other reward i< vfhatfoever, to give his vote, or to refufe or " forbear to give, his vote in any fuch eleccc tion;...

A Treatise on the Law of Elections, in All Its Branches

Sir John Simeon - 1795 - 410 σελίδες
..." our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and "twenty-nine, afk, receive, or take any money " or other reward, by way of gift, loan, or other "device, or...money, "gift, office, employment, or other reward " whatfoever, to give his vote, or to refufe or " forbear to give his vote in any fuch elec"tion; or...

The History of the Cases of Controverted Elections: Which Were Tried and ...

Sylvester Douglas Baron Glenbervie - 1802 - 394 σελίδες
...of our Lord one " thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine, afk, receive or " take any money or other reward, by way of gift, loan or " other device, or...money, gift, " office, employment, or other reward whatfoever, to give " his vote, or to refufe or forbear to give his vote in any " fuch election, or...

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