New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science

Author House, 29 Ιαν 2007 - 484 σελίδες
The subject of human origins is a topic that not only feeds our curiosity; it also offers to be a topic that can bring us greater meaning to our lives. It has been assumed by many scientists and biblical scholars that the human race emerged from a single nucleus. Could this have been a wrong assumption? New evidence has come to light indicating that Adam and Eve’s descendants married into an existing race. Where did this existing race come from? When and where did these two races merge? This book provides a thesis which answers all these questions and, in so doing, harmonizes the teaching of the Bible and the true teachings of science.

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Σχετικά με τον συγγραφέα (2007)

Gary T. Mayer is a retired professional engineer and a Bible-believing Christian. He has a BS degree from Grove City College and an MDiv degree from Trinity International University. During his training while a member of the Wycliffe Bible Translators, he took an enlightening class in Greek discourse analysis and a number of other linguistics classes at the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks and the University of Texas at Arlington. At this writing, he teaches an adult Sunday school class. His intention is to hold seminars and other meetings to spread the knowledge of God.

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