SELECT LESSONS IN PROSE and VERSE, &c. ODE on the Glories of the Heavens. ADDISON. 1. T HE spacious Firmament on high, With all the blue ætherial Sky, Their great Original proclaim : The Work of an Almighty Hand. 2. Soon as the Evening Shades prevail, Confirm the Tidings as they roll, And spread the Truth from Pole to Pole. I. 3. What though, in folemn Silence, all DAVID's. Paftoral HYMN on PROVIDENCE. T ADDISON. HE LORD my Pasture shall prepare, His Presence shall my Wants supply, : 2. When in the fultry Glebe I faint, 3. Tho' in the Paths of Death I tread, 4. Th 4. Tho' in a bare and rugged Way, 1. HYMN on GRATITUDE. W ADDISON. HEN all thy Mercies, O my GOD! My rifing Soul furveys; Transported with the View, I'm loft In Wonder, Love, and Praise: 2. O how shall Words with equal Warmth That glows within my ravish'd Heart? 3. Thy Providence my Life sustain'd, 4. To all my weak Complaints and Cries, 5. Unnumber'd Comforts to my Soul. Thy tender Care bestow'd, Before my infant Heart conceiv'd From whom those Comforts flow'd. 6. When in the flipp'ry Paths of Youth And led me up to Man. 7. Through hidden Dangers, Toils, and Deaths, It gently clear'd my Way, 8. When worn with Sickness, oft haft thou 9. Thy bounteous Hand with worldly Bliss 10. Ten thousand thousand precious Gifts 11. Through every Period of my Life 12. When Nature fails, and Day and Night Divide thy Works no more, 13. Through |