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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


HOLMES'S Compendium.

LYCURGUS was a famous Law-giver to the Lacedemonians, once the most warlike People of Greece. Among many of whofe Laws one was, That it fhould be deemed Capital for any Boy to fight in the War, who was under Age. But fo it happened once, that the State being in imminent Danger, a Lad, not yet called to Arms by the Law, headed the Troops, and routed the Enemy. For which, by the aforefaid Law, being condemned to die, He thus defends himself.



E have now before you a Soldier, the most unhappy of any who ever proved victorious; but of them, whom Valour has made unfortunate, the most innocent. Never did I breathe freer Air, or was more Master of myself, than when I fought nor ever so miferably enflaved, as when I had conquered; having warred against my own Life, and overcame it. But, Gentlemen, I would not have you think that I am at all dejected or caft down at the Matter, unless I could perfuade myself that I'm to lofe a Life more dear to me than my Country; that Country, I fpeak boldly, and as it becomes a Soldier) which I fee you, by paffing fuch Sentences as these, are about utterly to overthrow. You bring against me Laws I dare not call in Queftion, and cite fuch Claufes as condemn my Childhood; as tho' the very fame Law had not commanded us first to close with that univerfal Prin


ciple of doing Good to the Commonwealth. It was in vain, when our Country was fiercely invaded on every Side by the thickest Troops, her Strength almost tired out and exhausted by the Tediousness of Battle, and the as it were at the laft Gafp-In fuch a Pofture of Affairs, I fay, 'twas in vain to confult the Slackness of the Laws, when ye yourfelves can't but allow that the Remedies ought to have been immediate. Neither is it much Matter, when a Soldier's hot in Fight, whether by the Law he's call'd to Arms or by his Enemies, if fo be he conquers. O dull, heavy, fenfelefs Law! to pronounce Death on a Warrior, who could not chufe but fight! and on a Conqueror, who fighting could not but overcome!-But that which vexes me moft, and cuts me even to the Heart is, that I'm ftill call'd a Boy: Afk my Enemies, I beg of you, (who I fuppofe did not fight with Rattles) how like a Man I behaved myself in the Battle, who fo often to their Coft did feel what this Arm can do. But if I must die because I am a Boy, and under Age; certainly the fame Law which condemns Boys, juftifies and commands the Valiant to be protected; and if you make any Queftion of my Fortitude, I'd have you only call to Mind my late Victory. Confider but the Numbers which were flain and taken Prisoners by this Hand of mine. I call many of you here prefent, who stood there fighting, at leaft with your Eyes and Wishes for your Country, to witness what great Things I alone did there for you. How deplorable is my Cafe! That I (by whom you live and ftill remain Judges) fhould endanger my own Life, to protect and preferve

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ferve thofe Mouths, who now in particular are about to pronounce me guilty, and worthy of Death!-However, if you still make me out a Boy, why am I not accounted guilty of Rashness and Inconfideracy in this Action, unless my speedy Victory has more than equall'd your deliberate Confultations? Tho' far be fuch a Reproach from the Lacedemonians, to ftile him a Boy, whofe Valour has equalled him to the best of your Warriors. But to come to the Point; O Spartans ! why are ye fo nice in prying into, and condemning me of a Crime, which ye yourselves are accessary to in fuffering it to be? Nevertheless, be that as it will, I'm willing the whole Dishonour of the Victory, if it be a Dishonour, should be laid on me alone. If you look upon it as a Crime for acting thus in my Minority, let me be flain, left if I live I fhould do fo again when the Enemy's Army returns, at which Time, perhaps, you'll have Need of a whole Regiment of fuch Boys. If I am condemn'd for fighting, fhew me no Favour, but let me fuffer; that fol may appear more gloriously valiant by being. found guilty, than by being acquitted. To conclude, if my returning victorious be a capital Crime, bring hither your Torments, the most sweet Rewards of a Conqueror; who think it my Duty, that I, who by my Velour have preferved the facred Larys and Ordinances of my Country from the destroying Hand of the Enemy, fhould, if they require it, even fatisfy them with my Blood.




NLY the wakeful Lark has left her Neft, and

is mounting on high to falute the opening Day. Elevated in Air, the feems to call the laborious Hufbandman to his Toil, and all her Fellow Songsters to their Notes. Earliest of Birds, Companion of the Dawn, may I always rife at thy Voice! Rife to offer the Matin-Song; and adore that beneficent Being, "who maketh the Outgoings of the Morning and Evening to rejoice." O how charming to rove abroad, at this fweet Hour of Prime! to enjoy the Calm of Nature; to tread the dewy Lawns; and taste the unrifled Freshness of the Air!

Sweet is the Breath of Morn, her rifing fweet, » With Charm of earliest Birds. MILTON.

What a Pleasure do the Sons of Sloth lofe? Little, ah! little is the Sluggard sensible how delicious an Entertainment he foregoes, for one of the pooreft of all animal Gratifications. Is it the Surmife

of Imagination, or do the Skies really redden with Shame; to fee fo many fupinely ftretch'd on their drowfy Pillows? Shall Man be loft in luxurious Eafe? Shall Man waste these precious Hours in idle Slumbers, while the vigorous Sun is up, and going on his Maker's Errand? While all the feather'd Choir are hymning the Creator, and paying their Homage in Harmony?-No.-Let him heighten the Melody of the tuneful Tribes, by adding the rational Strains of Devotion. Let him improve L 3


the fragrant Oblations of Nature; by mingling with the rifing Odours, the more refined Breath of Praife.


On the Worth of Time.

ISHOP Atterbury in his advanced Years thus speaks in a Letter to Mr. Pope :-I, who fquandered whole Days heretofore, now hufband Hours, when the Glass begins to run low, and care not to mifpend them on Trifles. At the End of the Lottery of Life, our laft Minutes, like Tickets left in the Wheel, rife in their Valuation. They are not of fo much Worth, perhaps, in themselves those which preceded, but we are apt to prize them more, and with Reason.

On the Improvement of Time.

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E that are vigorous in Health, and blooming in Years, improve the precious Opportunity. Improve your golden Hours to the noblest of all Purposes; fuch as may render you meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in Light; and afcertain your Title to a State of Immortal Youth, to a Crown of eternal Glory. Stand not all the Prime of your Day idle; trifle no longer with the Offers of this immenfe Felicity: But make Hafe and delay not the Time to keep GoD's Commandments. While you are loitering in a gay Infenfibility, Death may ( be bending his Bow, and marking you out for fpeedy Victims.--Not long ago, I happened to fpy a thoughtless Jay. The poor Bird was idly bu


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