Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

10. I will purfue, I'll overtake,
The cruel Foe prefumptuous spake;
The Spoil I will divide

Deep will I drench my Sword in Blood,
"Till, having dy'd the briny Flood,
My Luft is fatisfy'd.

11. Then didft thou make thy Wind to blow,
Command thy Floods their Place to know,
And fill the gaping Void:

Thy Foes o'erwhelm'd, like pond'rous Lead,
Down fank to Ocean's deepeft Bed,
In watry Death deftroy'd.'

12. What GOD of those who bear the Name, Can the loud Voice of boasting Fame

To equal Honours raife?

How glorious is thy Holiness!

What Tongue thy Wonders can express,
And fhew thy awful Praise.

13. Thy chofen Sons from Slav'ry freed,
Thine Arm of Power did fafely lead
In Paths cut through the Flood:
The Nations at thy Wonders gaz'd,
The Sons of Moab were amaz'd,

And Edom trembling food,

14. Thy Hand, O LORD, and fpecial Grace, Shall fafe conduct the fav'rite Race

To Canaan's promis'd Reft:


Jordan fhall backward roll his Tide,
And like th' Egyptian Sea divide,
To make thy Power confeft.

15. The Foes of Ifrael on their Shore,
Shall fee the Tribes, thy Tribes pafs o'er,
All filent as a Stone:

Well may their Hearts diffolve with Fear,
When Ifrael's mighty GoD is near,
The GOD by Vengeance known.

16. Thou shalt reward thy People's Toil,
Shalt plant them in a fruitful Soil; !
And high their Honours raise :
To Sion's Hill they shall repair,
Thy facred Dwelling fhall be there,
And thence shall found thy Praife.

17. Sing, Ifrael, fing, thou echoing Shore
Repeat proud Pharaoh is no more:

The LORD his Throne maintains:
The Chariots and the Horfe-Men too,
Our God in Triumph overthrew,
The LORD for ever reigns.


ITY the forrows of a poor



old man,

Whofe trembling limbs have borne him to your

Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span,
Oh! give relief, and Heaven will bless your store.


Thefe tatter'd cloaths my poverty bespeak,
Thefe hoary locks proclaim my lengthen'd years;
And many a furrow in my grief-worn cheek
Has been the channel to a flood of tears.

Yon house, erected on the rifing ground,
With tempting aspect drew me from my road;
For Plenty there a refidence has found,
And Grandeur a magnificent abode.

Hard is the fate of the infirm and poor!
Here, as I crav'd a morfel of their bread,
A pamper'd menial drove me from the door
To feek a fhelter in an humbler shed.

Oh! take me to your hofpitable dome;

Keen blows the wind, and piercing is the cold!
Short is my paffage to the friendly tomb,
For I am poor and miferably old.

Should I reveal the fources of my grief,
If foft humanity e'er touch'd your breast,
Your hands would not withold the kind relief,
And tears of Pity would not be represt.

Heaven fends misfortunes; why fhould we repine!
'Tis Heaven has brought me to the state you see;
And your condition may be foon like mine,
The child of Sorrow and of Mifery.

A little farm was my paternal lot,

Then like the lark I fprightly hail'd the morn;
But ah! oppreffion forc'd me from my cot,
My cattle dy'd, and blighted was my corn.


My daughter, once the comfort of my age,
Lur'd by a villain from her native home,
Is caft abandon'd on the world's wide stage,
And doom'd in fcanty poverty to roam.

My tender wife, sweet soother of my care!
Struck with fad anguish at the stern decree,
Fell, ling'ring fell, a victim to despair,
And left the world to wretchedness and me.

Pity the forrows of a poor old man,

Whofe trembling limbs have borne him to your door,
Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span,
Oh! give relief, and Heaven will bless your store.

Endeavour to please, and you can scarcely fail to




HE Means of pleafing vary according to time, place, and perfon; but the general rule is the trite one. Endeavour to please, and you will infallibly please to a certain Degree: conftantly fhew a defire to please, and you will engage People's felf-love in your Interest; a moft powerful Advocate. This, as indeed almost every Thing elfe, depends on Attention.

Be therefore attentive to the most trifling Thing that paffes where you are; have, as the vulgar Phrafe is, your Eyes and your Ears always about you. It is a very foolish, though a very common faying, "I really did not mind it," or, "I was **thinking of quite another thing at that time."

[blocks in formation]

The proper anfwer to fuch ingenious excuses, and which admits of no reply, is, Why did you not mind it? you was prefent when it was faid or done. Oh! but you may fay, you was thinking of quite another thing: if fo, why was you not in quite another place proper for that important other thing, which you say you was thinking of? But you will fay, perhaps, that the company was fo filly, that it did not deferve your attention: that, I am fure, is the saying of a filly man; for a man of sense knows that there is no company to filly, that fome ufe may not be made of it by attention.

Let your addrefs, when you firft come into company, be modest, but without the least bashfulness or fheepifhnefs; fteady, without impudence; and unembarraffed, as if you were in your own room. This is a difficult point to hit, and therefore deferves great attention; nothing but a long ufage in the World, and in the beft Company, can poffibly give it.

A young man, without knowledge of the world, when he first goes into a fashionable company, where most are his fuperiors, is commonly either annihilated by Bashfulness, or, if he roufes and lashes himself up to what he only thinks a modest affurance, he runs into impudence and abfurdity, and confequently offends, inftead of pleafing. Have always, as much as you can, that gentleness of manner, which never fails to make favourable impreffions, provided it be equally free from an infipid Smile, or a pert Smirk.


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