And Tirefias and Phineus Prophets old: Then feed on Thoughts, that voluntary move Harmonious Numbers; as the wakeful Bird Sings darkling, and in fhadieft Covert hid Tunes her nocturnal Note. Thus with the Year Seafons return, but not to me returns
Day, or the sweet Approach of Ev'n or Morn, Or Sight of vernal bloom, or Summer's Rose, Or Flocks, or Herds, or Human Face divine; But Cloud instead, and ever-during Dark Surrounds me! from the chearful Ways of Men Cut off, and for the Book of knowledge fair Prefented with a univerfal Blank
Of Nature's Works, to me expung'd and ras'd, And Wisdom at one Entrance quite shut out. So much the rather Thou, celeftial Light! Shine inward, and the Mind thro' all her Powers Irradiate, there plant Eyes all Mift from thence Purge and disperse, that I may fee and tell Of Things invifible to mortal Sight.
ITH folemn Adoration down they cast Their Crowns inwove with Amarant and Gold;
Then crown'd again, their golden Harps they took, Harps ever tun'd, that glittering by their Side Like Quivers hung, and with Preamble fweet Of charming Symphony they introduce Their facred Song, and waken Raptures high: No Voice exempt, no Voice but well could join Melodious Part, fuch Concord is in Heaven.
Thee, Father firft they fung Omnipotent, Immutable, Immortal, Infinite,
Eternal King; Thee Author of all Being, Fountain of Light, thyself invisible
Amidst the glorious Brightness where thou fit'ít Thron'd inacceffible, but when thou shad'it The full Blaze of thy Beams, and through a Cloud Drawn round about thee like a radiant Shrine, Dark with exceffive Bright thy Skirts appear, Yet dazzle Heav'n, that brighteft Seraphim Approach not, but with both Wings veil their Eyes. Thee next they fang, of all Creation first, Begotten Son, Divine Similitude,
In whofe confpicuous Countenance without Cloud Made vifible, th' Almighty Father fhines, Whom elfe no Creature can behold; on thee Imprefs'd th' Effulgence of his Glory abides, Transfus'd on thee his ample Spirit refts. Hail Son of GOD! Saviour of Men, thy Name Shall be the copious Matter of my Song Hence forth, and never fhall my Harp thy Praife Forget, nor from thy Father's Praife disjoin.
ADAM and EVE in Paradife. MILTON.
WO of far nobler Shape erect and tall, Godlike erect, with native Honour clad In naked Majefty feem'd Lords of all, And worthy feem'd; for in their Looks divine The Image of their glorious Maker fhone, Truth, Wisdom, Sanctitude fevere and pure, (Severe but in true filial Freedom plac'd) For Contemplation he and Valour form'd,
For Softnefs fhe and fweet attractive Grace: He for GOD only; the for GOD in him: His fair large Front and Eye fublime declar'd Abfolute Rule; and hyacinthin Locks Round from his parted Forelock manly hung Cluftering, but not beneath his Shoulders broad: She as a Veil down to her flender Waist Her unadorned golden Treffes wore Dishevel'd, but in wanton Ringlets wav’d. So pass'd they naked on, nor fhunn'd the Sight Of GoD or Angel, for they thought no Iil: So Hand in Hand they pass'd the loveliest Pair That ever fince in Love's Embraces met.
The CREATION finifh'd and furvey'd. MILTON.
ERE finish'd he, and all that he had made View'd, and behold all was entirely good; So Ev'n and Morn accomplish'd the fixth Day: Yet not till the Creator from his Work Defifting, though unwearied, up return'd, Up to the Heav'n of Heav'ns his high Abode, Thence to behold this new-created World, Th' Addition of his Empire, how it show'd In Profpect from his Throne, how good, how fair, Answering his great Idea, Up he rode Follow'd with Acclamation and the Sound Symphonious of ten thousand Harps that tun'd Angelic Harmonies; the Earth, the Air, Refounded, (thou remember'ft, for thou heard'ft). The Heav'ns and all the Constellations rung, The Planets in their Stations lift'ning stood, While the bright Pomp afcended jubilant.
Open, ye everlasting Gates, they fung, Open, ye Heav'ns, your everlafting Doors; let in The great Creator from his Work return'd Magnificent, his fix Days Work, a World.
Adam relates to the Angel Raphael his pleafing Amazement on the first Survey he took of himself.
OR Man to tell how human Life began Is hard; for who himself Beginning knew? Defire with thee ftill longer to converse Induc'd me. As new wak'd from foundest Sleep Soft on the flow'ry Herb I found me laid
In balmy Sweat; which with his Beams the Sun Soon dry'd, and on the reeking Moisture fed. Strait toward Heav'n my Wand'ring Eyes I turn'd, And gaz'd a-while the ample Sky, till rais'd By quick inftinctive Motion up I fprung, As thitherward endeavouring, and upright Stood on my Feet; about me round I faw
Hill, Dale, and shady Wood, and funny Plains, And liquid Lapse of murmuring Streams; by these, Creatures that liv'd, and mov'd, and walk'd, or flew, Birds on the Branches warbling; all Things fmil'd With Fragrance, and with Joy my Heart o'erflow'd, Myself I then perus'd, and Limb by Limb
Survey'd, and fometimes went, and fometimes ran With fupple Joints, as lively Vigor led: But who I was, or where, or from what Cause Knew not; to speak I try'd, and forthwith fpake; My Tongue obey'd, and readily could name Whate'er I faw. Thou Sun, faid I, fair Light,
And thou enlighten'd Earth, so fresh and gay, Ye Hills and Dales, ye Rivers, Woods, and Plains, And ye that live and move, fair Creatures, tell, Tell, if ye faw, how came I thus, how here? Not of myself; by fome great Maker then, In Goodness and in Pow'r præeminent ; Tell me, how may I know him, how adore, From whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I know. While thus I call'd, and stray'd I knew not whither. From where I first drew Air, and first beheld This happy Light, when Anfwer none return'd, On a green fhady Bank, profufe of Flow'rs, Penfive I fat me down; there gentle Sleep First found me, and with foft Oppreffion feiz'd My droufed Senfe, untroubl'd, though I thought I then was paffing to my former State Infenfible and forthwith to diffolve:
When fuddenly stood at my Head a Dream, Whofe inward Apparition gently mov'd My Fancy to believe I yet had Being,
And liv'd; One came, methought, of Shape divine, And faid, Thy Manfion wants thee, Adam, rife, Firft Man, of Men innumerable ordain'd, First Father, call'd by thee I come thy Guide To the Garden of Blifs, thy Seat prepar'd. So faying, by the Hand he took me rais'd, And over Fields and Waters, as in Air Smooth fliding without Step, laft led me up A woody Mountain; whofe high Top was plain, A Circuit wide, inclos'd, with goodliest Trees Planted, with Walks, and Bow'rs, that what I faw Of Earth before scarce pleasant feem'd. Each Tree
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