| Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 σελίδες
...And Phineaf and Tyrefiaf, Prophets old : Then feed on Thoughts that voluntary move HarmoHarmonious Numbers, as the wakeful Bird Sings darkling, and in fhadieft Covert hid Tunes her nofturnal Note. Thus -with the Year Seafons return, but not to me returns Day, or the fweet Approach... | |
| Virgin muse - 1722 - 250 σελίδες
...were I equal'd with them in Renown, Blind Tbamyris and Blind Maomdes, •*} * And TirefiM and Pbineiu Prophets old* Then feed on Thoughts, that voluntary...Sings darkling, and in fhadieft Covert hid Tunes her nofturnal Note. Thus with the Year Seafons return, but not to me returns Day or the fweet approach... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 464 σελίδες
...equal'd with them in renown !) Blind THAMYRIS, and blind MJEONIDES : 35 And TIR F. si A s, and PHINE us, prophets old. Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...Sings darkling, and, in fhadieft covert hid, Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the year /,» Seafons return ; but not to me returns Day, or the fweet approach... | |
| John Milton - 1746 - 260 σελίδες
...I equal'd with them in renown ! ) Blind Tbanyris, and blind Maonida : 35 And Tlref:as, and Pbincus, Prophets old. Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...Sings darkling, and in fhadieft covert hid Tunes her noflurnal note. Thus with the year 40 Seafons return ; but not to me returns Day, or the fweet approach... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 674 σελίδες
...So were I equal'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris and blind Maeonides, And Tirefias and Phineus prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...numbers > as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in madiefl covert hid Tunes her no<£turnal note. Thus with the year Seafons return, but not to me returns... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 630 σελίδες
...were I equal'd with them in renown ! ) Blind Tbamyris, and blind Maonides : And Tirejtas and Pbineus, Prophets old. Then feed on Thoughts, that voluntary...Numbers ; as the wakeful Bird Sings darkling, and in Ihadicft Covert hid Seafons return ; but not to me returns Day, or the fweet approach of Ev'n or Mom,... | |
| John Milton - 1750 - 682 σελίδες
...compares his own making verfes in his blindticfs to the nightingale's finging in tue dark. III. 37Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary move Harmonious numbers ; as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in íhadicíl covert hid Tunes her nocturnal note. In that charming defcription of evening, IV. 598. nothing... | |
| John Milton - 1759 - 608 σελίδες
...were I equal' d with them in renown, Blind Thamyris^nd blind Maeonides, 35 And Tirefias^nd Phineus, prophets old: Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...Sings darkling? and in fhadieft covert hid Tunes her noclurnal note. Thus, with the year 40 Seafons return,- but not to me returns Day, or the fweet approach... | |
| John Milton - 1763 - 670 σελίδες
...were I equal'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris and blind Maeonides, 35 And Tirefias and Phineus prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...numbers -, as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in fhadiefl: covert hid Tunes her nodlurnal note. Thus with the year 40 Seafons return, but not to me... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 578 σελίδες
...Milton makes a happy ufe of this licence : witnefs the following examples from his Paradife Loft, — Thus with the year Seafons return, but not to me returns Day |j or the fweet approach of even or morn. Celeftial voices to the midnight-air Sole |j or refponfive... | |
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